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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Trump bemoaned a decision not to investigate Hillary Clinton

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

This should break the libtards minds --- Just imagine!

If you can just imagine for one half of a minute the overall response if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had said anything even close to these words in public:

"President Donald Trump bemoaned a decision not to investigate Hillary Clinton after the 2016 presidential election, decrying a "rigged system" that still doesn't have the "right people" in place to fix it, during a freewheeling speech to Republican donors in Florida on Saturday.

In the closed-door remarks, a recording of which was obtained by CNN, Trump also praised China's President Xi Jinping for recently consolidating power and extending his potential tenure, musing he wouldn't mind making such a maneuver himself.

"He's now president for life. President for life. And he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll give that a shot someday."

The remarks, delivered inside the ballroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate during a lunch and fundraiser, were upbeat, lengthy, and peppered with jokes and laughter. But Trump's words reflected his deeply felt resentment that his actions during the 2016 campaign remain under scrutiny while those of his former rival, Hillary Clinton, do not.

"I'm telling you, it's a rigged system folk," Trump said. "I've been saying that for a long time. It's a rigged system. And we don't have the right people in there yet. We have a lot of great people, but certain things, we don't have the right people."

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

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