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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Trash day Laundry day Not today for this old man

‎Tuesday, ‎3 ‎April 2018

                                     Tiptoe around idiots! An old man rants again on Trash

  Can't call them human let alone people. After all humans, as well as most people, have respect for elders especially when there barely able to walk and drive and not wanting to drive even for dinner or even breakfast.
  This morning around two AM between three Am, the damn wind came up as normally does on trash day around here. We seem to get wind and rain each and every morning very early then sunny and warm the rest of the day.  Weird weather for sure. The damn wind blew the trash can over and out blows all the loose trash and some just piled up where it fell.
  I was pissed as well anyone would be. Not because of the wind, after all, if the trash bags are tied up then very easy to throw the bags back into the trash can.
  No, that is the way to much work to tie the end of the bags before putting them in the trash can. so, with baby diapers, and wash rags and towels and napkins and drawing paper etc. making a mess while trying to clean up and hopefully preventing wind from blowing the can over again. Whop's there I go and takes me a while to get back to the fallen trash can to get myself up off the ground. Three hundred pounds and bad legs and ankles already are not easy for a big size guy like me to get around.
  Anyway picked up as much as possible after taking four spills to the road while wanting to pick up more after forth, I said fuck it, and left beer bottles and baby diapers and let over pizza and cake and whatever food I have seen out there. Well give trash guy five bucks to pick up the little bit I had left and the wind took a lot of it down the street plus into everyone's yards around here.
  The whole lock looks trashy as all hell. Tried to call someone in the family to give me a hand, at least to help me off the ground. No answer of course. After all out of sight is out of mind even if they did get the message and pictures of this messy neighborhood.
  Well, after all that, my clothes sure need washing now. Nope, not today as someone still left dryer full of baby crap so until they move the stuff out there nothing that I can do. Always have to wait a week or more for when she is in the mood to finish what she starts. Guess I'll have to either wait till I see both dryer and washer, not in use, as tired of having to finish others cap in order to do mine. May have to go to laundry mat as normally do when lazy people don't complete whatever work they start. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

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