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Sunday, April 15, 2018

Troops (US) heading into Syria to finish the job?

‎Sunday, ‎April ‎15, ‎2018

                     Russia you have been warned--Prepare!

  Putin is anything, but stupid. He knows a nuclear conflict with the USA would mean nothing less than mutual destruction and he is not going to go there. Unless he has totally gone nuts and there is no indication of this. The President gave Russia fair warning of what was to come and gave him time to move Russian assets and this he did. So, if anything he now understands he is no longer dealing with a pansy like Obama whom he could control and manipulate at will. If the President had not acted he would have lost credibility and that could have cost him precious leverage when dealing with Iran, China, North Korea, Syria, and of course Russia. Ally, Russia? That will never happen. The only way Russia aligns itself with the US is when and if they are themselves threatened, say by maybe China. Putin is a threat to many more of our allies like Poland, Ukraine, Georgia and the list goes on and on. Russia will never be an ally or trusted. I'll never forget what President Reagan said about working with the Russians, "trust but verify." The President was put in a situation where he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Had he backed down it would have been seen as weakness and he would never have regained any sense of strength.
  Russia chose not to fire on them, instead only attempting to shoot down some of the cruise missiles. That suggests that despite Russia’s warnings of dire consequences, it appears Russian commanders are being extremely careful not to respond in a way that could escalate tensions with the US into a shooting war.
  Russia keep sleeping as if you allow the United States make the first attack as they stated they would on Syria, believe it that Trump will take that first attack to your country as well. We are planning to be masters of the world and there is nothing that can be done about it. We learned from the Roman days, and that mistake is never going to happen again. Awaken you idiot Russian people sleeping more than Americans.
  President Donald Trump immediately said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would pay a “big price” and blamed both Russia and Iran for supporting the Assad regime.
  What line of communication do you not understand Russia? Oh, don't want to use Nuclear weapons, sorry, we will and that is not a question to even ask. We want control of the world and were taking it even if we then have to use a bigger stick and stone to maintain what rulers we have left! We will never give up until we have complete control over your country and every other country on the map!
  Iran also issued strong statements early Saturday condemning the strikes. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweeted that the leaders of the US, UK, and France “committed a major crime” with the strikes and proceeded to blame the US for helping to create ISIS and unleashing it on Iraq and Syria.
14 Apr
Replying to @khamenei_ir
In his speech a few hours ago, the US president said we managed to defeat ISIS in #Syria--a blatant, obvious lie!
 The U.S. played a major role in creating #ISIS, they entered where ISIS was trapped to save them. They raised the wicked creatures [ISIS] with Saudi money, turning them [ISIS] lose on Iraqi and Syrian nations; but, resistance against the US and their agents saved these countries.

3:45 AM - Apr 14, 2018
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Russian President Vladimir Putin also called for an immediate emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the “aggressive actions” of the US, UK, and France.

At the council meeting Saturday morning, Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said that the bombing “makes an already catastrophic humanitarian situation in Syria even worse.”

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley responded, saying she’d spoken with Trump hours earlier and he’d told her, “If the Syrian regime uses this poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded.”

Russia defends Assad but avoids direct confrontation with the US
Experts and lawmakers warned before the strikes that although the chance is small, bombing Syria could increase the odds of a war between Russia and the US.

“The possibility of an open conflict with Russia is not zero, and any time it’s not zero we need to be careful,” Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) told me on Thursday.

Russia continues to back Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, providing military equipment — including air-defense systems — and has sent Russian troops and paid Russian mercenaries to Syria. But Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a statement on Saturday accusing the US of making “the already catastrophic humanitarian situation in Syria even worse and bring[ing] suffering to civilians” with its strikes. Yet he made no mention of a possible Russian military response.
Putin also denied that the Assad regime used chemical weapons in Douma, saying that Russian military experts had tested the area and found nothing. US officials have said they have blood tests from civilians in Douma that prove the Assad regime used chemical weapons.
  Iran, we know were able to beat you, we already have one, so your not any more of a problem that Syria is or I should say was. Were now sending troops into Syria and were going to replace that guy Russia wishes to keep in power because of what is owed by Syria. Well, Russia, you stated your pulling out, so the US has decided to move in.
  Didn't shoot any American planes showed what a coward of a country Russia is. Now, we're going to send in over 5,000 American troops that have been based in Jordan for over a month now and waiting. The wait is over, so Russia was waiting after we have finished with Syria your next then little Iran. China? I think China prefers America over Russia as China has watched how your afraid to back up your word as Trump will back up his words, he's just a bit slow as he wants to be sure before taking on any more bullshit flowing from all these liberal democratic countries as he is full of it America China will go against you and so will the others Germany and the others.
  The Syrian conflict thus became more than just a civil war: It became a proxy fight between Iran and America’s Gulf allies, whose outcome was of vital significance for both sides.

It also quickly became a proxy standoff between Washington and Moscow.

Russia’s ties to Syria go all the way back to the Cold War: According to one scholar, the Soviets "essentially built" the modern Syrian military in the 1960s. Continued support for the Assad government gave the USSR its most reliable ally and proxy in the Middle East.

Today, Syria remains one of Russia's few reliable allies outside of the former Soviet republics, a vestige of Moscow's former superpower status and a final military toehold in the Middle East. Russia maintains a valuable naval base today at Tartus, on Syria's Mediterranean coast, and has sold a number of surplus weapons to Assad. Between 2006 and 2010, 48 percent of Syrian arms imports came from Russia. Assad’s defeat, then, would have been a major strategic blow to Vladimir Putin’s regime — which has ambitions of restoring Russia’s Cold War status as a great power with global influence.
  So the thousands of missions flown by American warplanes, and hundreds of US special forces deployed to Syria, were supposed to accomplish two things: cut ISIS’s supply lines between Syria and Iraq, and back Kurdish forces in their fight against ISIS.

On this metric, they’ve more or less succeeded. American airstrikes helped break the siege of Kobane and allowed Kurdish forces to launch a counteroffensive that swept over ISIS’s holdings in north-central Syria. Today, a joint Kurdish-Arab military group called the Syrian Democratic Forces is camped out within miles of ISIS’s capital city, Raqqa — and are preparing to attack the city itself, with major backing from US troops.
  This made crystal clear to both the Russians and the Syrians that the United States had no interest in intervening in their war on the rebels. They developed a sense of impunity — enabling atrocities like Saturday’s chemical attack.
  Assad had not used a nerve agent prohibited by the Chemical Weapons Convention (though he has used chlorine gas, a chemical weapon that isn’t explicitly banned).
  Waiting for Russia's reply in response to bombing the Capital of Syria, when we stated we would not. But, were locked and loaded for the next chemical attack should it happen. troops will now go into overthrow Assad. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
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