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Monday, April 23, 2018

What will WWIII be like?

‎Monday, ‎23 ‎April 2018

                                   Nuke or Without Nukes WWIII
Most people expect that WWIII will have nukes flying in all directions and WWIV would be fought with sticks and stones…

That would imply that the USA, Russia, and China would start a war with one another. Those nations are technically big enough to start worldwide conflicts but then again, they’re already involved in various worldwide conflicts and so far, no nukes. That’s because these nations are unwilling to face one another.

Israel is another nation with nukes which they could use against Iran and other Arab nations, in case Israel is overrun by their enemies. But this would not be World War, just a localized conflict that becomes nuclear. The same would apply to India and Pakistan, who have been hostile for a long time. That too could escalate but still not result in a World War.

Maybe North Korea could start one, as they are supported by China while South Korea is supported by the USA and Japan. If NK is crazy enough to start the fighting again and perhaps even use a few nukes then the USA and Japan will have to retaliate in a similar fashion. But if NK is the aggressor then China is likely to invade NK by themselves or joined by the US soldiers. China can’t allow NK to attack someone they consider to be an ally.

And yes, while the USA, Russia, and China might seem hostile, they’re actually long-time allies. During WWII the USA supported both China and the Soviets with weapons, technology, funding and more. They are important trade partners for one another and any hostility between them is not in their best interest!

So, for the next World War, you would need to consider whom the major players will be. If the USA, Russia and China stay allies then no force would actually be big enough to escalate it all to a World level. Well, ISIS/Daesh is trying but they’re not very successful at this. A revolt by Muslim Extremists on a World-Wide level is something that might be considered WWIII but as long as they don’t get control over any nukes, it’s not going to be very serious. Besides, right now it’s mostly Extremists killing other Muslims who aren’t extreme enough. Their violence seems oriented mostly towards themselves with occasionally an attack on other “non-believers”. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
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