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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Police ruining young children's lives!

‎Tuesday, ‎May ‎15, ‎2018

  These brave men with badges, Just look at the bravery taken out on kids for silly things over the years.
 ●  A 10-year-old Pennsylvania boy was suspended from school for making an imaginary bow out of his pencil, pulling back an imaginary string and shooting an imaginary arrow in 2013.
● Police officers arrested David Sims, a 12-year-old autistic boy from Texas after he reportedly pretended to play with an imaginary rifle at school.

Adding insult to injury, officers also reportedly handcuffed the young boy and dragged him out of the school — through the front entrance — in front of his peers.
●  In 2013, a 7-year-old Colorado boy was suspended from school after playing “Rescue the World” during recess because he threw a pretend grenade.

●  Another school in 2013 suspended a 7-year-old boy for “making gun noises” with a pencil. He was just pretending to be a Marine, like his dad.

●  An 8-year-old Florida boy was suspended from school after playing a game of “Cops & Robbers” with a friend in 2013. His “crime?” Making a gun shape with fingers. Which seems kind of necessary if you’re going to play “Cops & Robbers.”

●  A 7-year-old boy was suspended after accidentally forming a school breakfast pastry into a gun shape in 2013.

●  A 10-year-old Massachusetts boy was suspended for two days after making laser sounds at one of his peers in 2014.

●  In 2017, a 5-year-old North Carolina girl was suspended for playing with a stick that looked like a gun.

●  In March, a 13-year-old student faced a two-day suspension after simply sketching a gun. To be fair, he also sketched a terrifying Ninja Turtle, a devious magician, and an imposing castle. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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