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Monday, May 28, 2018

The Old-Mans Monthly sound off

‎Monday, ‎May ‎28, ‎2018

    The Old man's Monthly outspoken family and more life happenings...
  Well, just finished sending in my b-weekly blood pressure readings. Tell you being retired and still having to do things daily is not retired. Doing nothing and I mean nothing at all but sleeping and eating fast foods and sleeping is the lifestyle. But, that is the reason for my lifestyle by my doctor with starting my day with a dozen pills and finish out the evening with another dozen pills. Yea, it's not just blood pressure, but other human body parts that also fails. Today, I was asked again how am I. I said 70, and then here comes grandson saying sorry your birthday is coming in a few months and you're going to be 72. Damn, after thinking as well as writing down my birth date 1946 and subtracting this year's date of 2016. Damn, I have been 70 for two years, and even my doctor stated at my visit last month and said oh you're just turned 70. Yes, I said not blinking an eye. Then your grandson has to go and ruin those two years lost and now knowing the truth 72. 72? Wow, and I even thought I was 70 after all I have been telling everyone this for going on two years. Then a spoiler really hits you when you're told you're a lot older than 70.
  When asked the age at which a person reaches the prime of life — considering factors such as resources, potential, capacity, and influence — millennials put the age at 36. Meanwhile, Gen Xers cited age 47 as the prime of one’s life, while boomers and the silent generation said 50 and 52, respectively.
   Pew Research Center report found that those under 30 believe old age hits before a person turns 60. Middle-aged respondents cited 70 as the start of old age while those 65 and older put the number closer to 74. Ok, then I have two years still before I am old.

  Ok, so I will say I am 72 for the next number of years until someone tells me different again. Hell, I have a lady friend that is 88 another 78. So, hell compared to them I am a spring chicken. 
  Then, of course, I have a great doctor that has been giving me pills to keep me ticking. Took a major hospital stay to get this body back to normal or living normally as I just didn't want drugs in my body. Well, was given a choice when I went in close to death that the doctor asked if I waa\s  going to start my pills as directed. He said if not then why to waste my time when I know there are others that want to live and do as I say. I am willing to let you lay here and come back later on and you will never need to take drugs again. Of course, this is the last place you're going to see. I will be back in a couple minutes. I am typing this, so you know what my decision was.
  This month has been a real fast moving month in my own opinion, not money ways because I had extra bills that came and ate some of my fast foods. In short, had to do without in order to pay the state government license fees and property taxes and still need to get an oil change done first thing in June.
  Looks like I am going to be a great grandfather again as my grandson has a five-month-old girl now and what is expected is another boy or girl. They don't care which it is as that way their daughter will at least have a sister or a brother. Meanwhile, another addition came into this household with a puppy that is eight weeks. Of course scared and shy for a while after being taken from mother and siblings. But, a puppy will grow up with the kids and be very protective of them at eight weeks. Still waiting for the five-month-old first words of course. Know mom and ad are also as it is the one thing all parents waiting for. Too bad I won't be around to see who they marry and if I would approve even. Just kidding to those that I am too mean and outspoken After all at 70, I mean 72 I have already seen everything and I say whatever is on my mind without that politically correct crap of saying the feeling good bullshit. This is one thing my family still can't get used to, but they have been able to deal with it. Of course with some words being set here on the internet and any family member that doesn't know how I feel about them just need to read here. After all still have things back to 1999 even.
  Well, it's 0000 or midnight now, so the kids are in meaning I can go into the kitchen and see what is different to snack on to keep my body fit for the higher above. Yea, maybe for that devil instead could happen, but hellfire if I deserve it then so be it. I have not seen anything regretful in my life after all most were orders from superiors and allowable. Some were still deserved in my state of mind at that time. But, we all make mistakes in our lives and then I assure you even if as cold as I am at this day, you still think of those bad days more than the good. Maybe that is part of old age reminding you of what you did may or may not have been correct.
  So past these boards around when you no longer see me picking on people or saying what most people would not say then I have been taken away one way or another. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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