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Saturday, June 16, 2018

EMF Attacks. Silly sheep, die die die

‎Friday, ‎June ‎15, ‎2018
World Health Organization findingsThe World Health Organization (WHO) completed a review of the potential health implications of extremely low frequency (ELF) EMF, which includes power-frequency fields.

 Their conclusions and recommendations were presented in June 2007 in a report known as the Extremely Low Frequency Fields, Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No. 238.The WHO report concluded that evidence for a link between ELF magnetic fields and childhood leukemia “is not strong enough to be considered causal but sufficiently strong to remain a concern.” “Virtually all of the laboratory evidence and the mechanistic evidence fail to support” this reported association. For all other diseases, there is inadequate or no evidence of health effects at low exposure levels.The report emphasized that, given the weakness of the evidence for health effects, the health benefits of exposure reduction are unclear and adopting policies based on arbitrary low exposure limits is not warranted. In light of this situation, WHO made these and other recommendations:• National authorities should implement communication programswith all stakeholders to enable informed decision-making, includinghow individuals can reduce their own exposure.• Policy makers and community planners should implement verylow-cost measures to reduce exposures when constructing newfacilities and designing new equipment, including appliances.• Policy makers should establish guidelines for ELF field exposurefor both the general public and workers. The best source ofguidance for both exposure levels and the principles of scientificreview are the international guidelines.• Government and industry should promote research to reducethe uncertainty of the scientific evidence on the health effects ofELF field exposure. Several recommended research projects arealready under way through the Electric Power Research Institute,of which Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is a member.To view the full report and a fact sheet summary, to 80 milligauss under the line1 to 300 milligauss edge of right-of-wayMagnetic Fields Outside(Maximum values may be lower for some California utilities)
What you can doIn a situation of scientific uncertainty and public concern, WHO recommended that utilities explore “very low-cost” ways to reduce EMF exposure from new or upgraded facilities. PG&E and other California public utilities have been pursuing no-cost and low-cost measures to reduce EMF levels from new utility transmission lines and substation projects. You, too, may want to take no-cost and low-cost measures to reduce your EMF exposure at home and at work.Human studies have not produced a consensus about any health benefits from changing the way people use electric appliances. But, if you feel reducing your EMF exposure would be beneficial, you can increase your distance from electric appliances and/or limit the amount of time you use appliances at home or at work.For instance, you can place phone answering machines and electric clocks away from the head of your bed. Increasing your distance from these and other appliances, such as televisions, computer monitors and microwave ovens, can reduce your EMF exposure.You can also reduce your EMF exposure by limiting the time you spend using personal appliances, such as hair dryers, electric razors, heating pads and electric blankets. You may also want to limit the time you spend using electric cooking appliances.You can locate the sources of EMF in your work environment, and spend break time in lower-field areas. It is not known whether such actions will have any impact on your health.1.2" away 12" away 36" away750 to 2,000 40 to 80 3 to 88 to 400 2 to 30 0.1 to 260 to 2,000 4 to 40 0.1 to 10 to 32.8 0 to 0.1 060 to 20,000 1 to 70 0.1 to 31.1 to 73.6 0 to 2.5 0 to 2.2MicrowaveOvenClothesWasherElectricRangeCompactFluorescent BulbHairDryerLCD/Plasma TVSource: Adapted from Gauger 1985 & EPRI Appliance Measurement Study 2010.Magnetic Fields at Home(Measurements are in milligauss)
Printed on recycled paper.            Printed with soy-based ink. 12.17  CCE-1217-8980For more informationCall PG&E for a free information package or home or business measurements at 1-800-743-5000.Additional information is also available at these links:World Health Organization International EMF Project:Visit EMF information, including fact sheets, research completed and scientific journal articles.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences:Visit click on Brochures & Fact Sheets, then select the Electric and Magnetic Fields booklet in English or the Campos Eléctricos y Magnéticos booklet in Spanish. California Department of Health Services:Visit information.California Public Utilities Commission:Visit by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
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