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Thursday, July 5, 2018

Facebook friends I can not add you!

‎Thursday, ‎July ‎5, ‎2018

                            My friends wanted to join My Facebook page?

  All facebook user's please be advised that I am seldom on Facebook, as soon as I get out of their Facebook jail, I post one thing and back to jail I go. All of you asking to join as my friend on Facebook, I can not reply to you and I can not add you as I am stopped from posting to anyone at all for another 27 days now. As I said even then I will be right back as soon as I am allowed to be free. Join my world page at
If OUR Founding Fathers could see what the United States has turned out to be, I would guess they would add a lot more provisions restricting Government in the US Constitution. Our Government is not for the people but hijacked by parasites and warmongers who violate every article of the constitution. Congress declares war, not AIPAC nor the MIC Mafia / CIA / or MSM. Those turds need to be defanged then hanged for TREASON. Dept of Justice is the Dept of Fraud.
Leftists still control the mainstream narrative. They would love nothing more than to declare the entire Constitution to be null and void, a dead letter, written by dead White men.

And, they are working towards that end. They now promote a Mexican socialist, as the “future of the democratic party”.

White people who think President Trump will save America are fools. The Marxists see Trump as a temporary obstacle and the fact that White people want to remain asleep, as something useful.
 It’s up to armed patriots to save this land. No one else will.
The problem is that once these cockroaches are elected to office they become impervious to anything. Look at HRC! Members of the political class can lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, subvert, rape and pillage with impunity.

If you or I did HALF of what HRC did, we would have had our home broken into at three in the morning, our family dog would have been shot and killed, we would have been handcuffed and perp-walked out of our home in our pajamas, arrested, booked and thrown in jail! In short order, we would then be tried and convicted and tossed in jail for about 20 years!

That’s EXACTLY what was done to U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier. He was lucky President Trump pardoned him. He figured if HRC was apparently innocent this guy should be treated the same way.

In actuality, HRC committed numerous felonies; the kind of felonies that used to get you the death penalty. No more. You see, the “Swamp” is so bastardized and intermingled with the left and the right…republicans and democrats that if we were to actually prosecute someone like HRC, she would no doubt take down several others as well. So it’s the old saying…”Everybody else is doing it too!” As a result, they all cover for one another.

Meanwhile, a poor bastard like Kristian Saucier, who has actually made a difference and served his country and actually sacrificed is thrown to the wolves and quite simply told, “The law is the law!” They just left out the last part that says: unless you’re a politician!

There is no doubt that OUR system is the best in the world. Unfortunately, it was created to rely on what the Founders called an “Enlightened and virtuous citizenry who worship God and God’s Law.” That simply no longer exists. Such politicians are few and far between. The norm has become a representative who is elected and previously earns an average living. Maybe a decade later that same politician leave Congress a multi-millionaire on a salary that can not possibly make him one. How does that happen? We all know.

It’s time to have a revolution and start from scratch. Get rid of every politician and civil servant. Update the Constitution with term limits, no lifetime appointments for anyone, no civil service jobs forever that have created the Deep State. Further in no way shape or form should government workers be unionized. The government should be drastically smaller with numerous agencies and departments chopped. This would be a damned good start! Just sayin’.
There’s no doubt the U.S. has a two-lane system of justice, one for “the elite”; quite another for “the plebes”. This must stop.
If we could just get our elected representatives to work half as hard as President Trump it would be a start.
And we absolutely MUST get to the bottom of the crimes of Clinton and associates. They must be indicted and tried in a court of law.
The just-announced DOJ decision that cleared Awan needs to be set aside. This dude probably knows too much but that’s not a reason to let him go scot-free.
I have read through the grandkid’s history books. What passes as history for grade school children is unrecognizable as history to older people. Thank heavens that my son fills in the gaps which are major.

For example, in the R3volutionary W@r, there were numerous non-white, non-male (and every other kind of -ism) people touted as playing major roles. I’d never heard of any of them. It was the same for other pivotal events in the shaping of this country.

If they played the Daniel Boone TV show on a children’s channel, they’d wonder who it was.
Well, Mark Zuckerberg is a piece of shit so what does anyone expect?
Yep we hated King George and his Redcoat thugs. They have hated so much They where ambushed and the patriots killed the heck out of them. And they did much the same. The Declaration of Independence. It was a Declaration of War. Nothing less Nothing more. And the Patriots eventually won. Thanks to the Backwoods Rabble who won the Battle at Kings Mountian. So how did General Washington reward them? He unfairly taxed their Whiskey. And that was called the Whiskey Rebellion. And the Federal Government has usurped its authority by leaps and bounds ever since.
It The Declaration Of Independence is “Hate Speech” Then I’m a hater. and I hate all that call it to hate speech. They can all go straight to HELL!
It is very important to pay attention to this.
Our younger generation is using the computer to learn. Almost all college courses rely on computers. Paper is being eliminated. Though we still have access to paper books, they are becoming more expensive. Some older copies of books are sold for hard to believe prices. This outpricing of an item is a hidden form of censorship.

“Indian ‘Savages’” might have tripped the sensor algorithm.

Almost anything with the word “Jew” can set off the censorship algorithm.
Criticism of Jews is hate speech.

Pointing out that Jews are over-represented in Academia is hate speech. Pointing out that virtually all the people running the Federal Reserve are Jews is hate speech. Pointing out that the Slave Trade was a Jew enterprise is hate speech. Pointing out that the “Melting Pot” was a Jew play, and that “diversity” is a Jew agenda is hate speech. Reminding people that Jews have “opened borders” throughout history is hate speech. Identifying Jews as the primary force behind pornography is hate speech. Pointing out the part played by Jews in the degeneracy of art is hate speech.

Jews own virtually all the forms of communication: Publishing is almost completely in the hands of Jews, and this is hate speech.
Facebook I now rename as HATEBook because it HATES liberty, it HATES autonomy, it HATES free speech, it HATES the Constitution and all Constitutionally protected rights, it HATES dissent, it HATES dialogue, it HATES autonomy, it HATES allowing FREE people to think for THEMSELVES!

Matter of fact, it HATES all of YOU reading this because NONE of your posts would SURVIVE on HATEbook!

Make no mistake, people, its algorithms are HUMAN-inserted, HUMAN-created.

Censorship is Censorship.

The GOOD news is that more and more young people are seeing HATEbook for what it is: a bastion of control, a threat to genuine liberty, and the Public Censor that Orwell warned about.

So HATEbook needs an EXORCISM!

Outside of the real thing, though, the second-best exorcism I can think of is more and more Americans DELETING Hatebook from their lives. I never had it, and never will.

Newsflash: I don’t need Mark Zuckerberg or his HATEbook to tell me WHAT to think, HOW to think, nor to CENSOR what I think!

This is called DEMOCRACY, Mr. Zuckerberg. Take a Civics class, better yet, study your American History. You don’t care about it ANY of that, though, for if you did, your Winklevoss-stolen Facebook idea would be Democracy Book.

You, sir, know nothing about democracy. Your answer to your masters daily.

The good news? All the darkness your HATEbook promulgates cannot overwhelm the light of one small candle, and that candle, sir, is the TRUTH!


Your HATEbook is so DE-evolutionary. It’s actually repulsive.

So we will continue, to TELL the truth, Mr. Zuckerberg, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

SECOND Newsflash: When throughout history arrogant people attempt to MUZZLE the human spirit, human liberty, and human freedom, God’s children FIGHT BACK with both spoken and written words, and when their lives literally become threatened, with bullets.

Patriots understand well the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”, meaning they will not lay down and cooperate with their lives being extinguished by evildoers because that would mean they would be permitting their own deaths and cooperate with that evil, thus violating that Commandment.

This is why the evil people (among other things) exploit the tragedies of school shootings in an attempt to make us believe that a gunless nation is a safe nation. Anyone who has studied Adolph Hitler will know that is bull manure.

Yet the evil people care nothing at all about the fact that 450,000 people a year die from another type of bullet: the cigarette bullet!

Conclusion: they don’t REALLY care about our youth, our students. They ONLY care about them insofar as they will USE them to accomplish their AGENDA: to rid the United States of America of its Constitution and its Bill of Rights, two incredible documents that encapsulate all of our God-given rights. List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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