July 2,
When your ready just let me know! Since you have to work and can't get the u-haul or however you wish to move my belongings. I will pack as much as possible, which I did a lot of the bedroom and bathroom little things. But, way too much for me to lift any of it and you know damn good and well that I can't lift a damn thing for years now. Maybe if you live to 72, you'll learn this, and I know you will.
Meanwhile, I will go pick up James or Ricky or even Hershel depending on which one is not high or drunk and have them pack the car and unpack my car. As that is all I can do is drive them back and forth. Of course, maybe one trip a day as that is all I can handle, so bed and big stuff can't go till your ready. But, I will start as soon as someone calls from my house.
No, I am not moving to your dad's either, as not going to put up with this crap that you just want to screw with the lives of people especially your own grandfather. I do remember when your dad moved all your sisters in and your dad and I never got along and you know why. But, I sure as hell never had to make up a story or even wanted to ever kick your kids or your dad out of any of my houses. But, just thinking if I would have sold as you wanted me to so bad, you would have really fucked me over good. But, I have been fucked over so much by niggers all my life, so I already knew what would happen. Again stop using the reason is that I call your wife a nigger. Never have I called it to her face or even wrote it until I was told that she was going to make you make up your mind either her or grandpa. Shit, that stuff is pink inside anyways, so it was straight I would have done the same. No, wait no I would not have as never did with any of your dad's kids or even your uncle's kids, they all had a safe place when little.
Besides that, I was tired of having to tippy toe around this place because the baby is sleeping or kitchen cupboard dirty. Then if even help was told not to because I know she told you to tell me on many things and you know that as well. Your grandpa is 72, nigger lover kid, and I didn't even say that until now but never think I never thought it all the time especially after her mother heard. They both not only sound like yelling cows, they also look like fucking cows. But, guess something did get you hooked and if pussy and making kids for future life as that is where you're headed. Best get used to living that way as you did while growing up. You're going to head back into that direction for treating your sister and dad as such. Misty may be mad just like you get as well. But, your sister has never lied to me and I would have been living in a lie ever since your cow moved in. Not being man enough or even cow enough to tell me herself that she didn't like me. Hell, I knew that as soon as we met. Hell, her mother and I were even the same and two cows at once, let me tell you it sure as hell was hard for me to smile and say yes or bowing down to these cows. I was sick after seeing both of them that it was nice to have room to hide in those days even.
But, feels so great that I can say exactly how I feel now about the cows or niggers that I am sure you're going to disown me as well. Really could care less after all a white man with a nigger. No way is what all my friends and you already know how other members of the family feel. After all, you have let everyone know they accept your nigger over the other members of the family or I am gone. Well, you say that now a grandson, but I still love you. But, that is only because your so fucken dumb as most Democrats and liberals are. You're going to collect from your government and probably even make a couple more 1/2 & 1/2 kids for that extra income. After all, there is no way that you're going to be able to make it with three niggers as I am sure nigger mom is calling for her daughter to come back and you also and live there. Then, of course, you will be screwed for life when you do that. But, New York does pay more than any state.
But, always remember your dad has an extra room, so if things get bad which they will, he is your dad and he will always welcome you home no matter how dumb you get. hell, even your grandpa has space still in his house and you know that. Maybe let you have one of the outside rooms assure your nigger wife will wish to stay far away from me. Which should be easy after all how far have I really gone in the year in a half here at your apartment? Not far at all.
Just hate the idea of having to rebuy a small refrigerator and microwave for my room. As never leave that room as everything is already there. Sure have done that here then never had to see your pets even.
At least won't have to hear that damn fire alarm or suffer from the burned fish now. Really a lot of good things coming around to think about it. Just your bullshit I have to work. You also worked when you moved me last time if you think about it, and did it all in a day and had your sister wipe off my stuff before taking it into the house. Noticed that dust as well on the computer table, but going to take the dusk back after all need dusk to feel at home when I finally get there.
When ready to move my bed then just let me know no matter what day or night as I am up most of the time thinking of what to do next. Maybe start on closet tonight. Medical will have to be done when the bed is ready. Part of my medical is that bed. lol
Damn running out of words so will think of more as I hear from people. No more lie's your not as good at it as niggers, they are trained from chimps to lie and steal and blame society on their failing to learn to work hard like white people. Even Mexicans work better than white people and were wanting to throw out the hard workers and keep the lazy black bunch. Now, many see how America was destroyed by that nigger Obumma, and he wants to still be in charge to finish off America even. White and honest people just don't have a change. Hell, look at you with another kid already and the first one not even a year old. Yup, I see it all and the future looks really bad. You were doing so damn good and blow because of being taught to become stupid from a monkey.
Never fear even when I am dead all this crap will always be here to look back on. Just enter my handles and words like nigger or Corey or idiots scum and all those stories will show up. a lot I have not written as am thinking how to make you understand. Hell facebook took just one nigger before placing me back in their jail for thirty days. But, with threats of banned is really scary, but at 72, very little can scare this old asshole. You already know that. Just really feel bad to see how you decided to treat your dad telling him to side with you or your sister. That is nigger talk, and boy you sure are being trained well as most liberals and Democrats are. That is why we can never let Democrats ever take control again. Obumma close and if that Hillary hick got in this country would not be here now. Hell, you would not be in the mess that you're even in. wow, how close we came to destroying America. You already destroying the family. White ball in the table with all those colored balls. Yea, you're going to find it is not going to be easy with your cow and two calves. Love grandpa
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