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Friday, February 11, 2022

Can you help us?

 Can you help us? That is the question when I reply to anyone. It may be a friendship it may be my family you hungry. We have no place to live and no money and the shelters are full.

 That is the question when I reply to anyone. It may be a friendship it may be my family you hungry. We have no place to live and no money and the shelters are full.

And today after spending hundreds of dollars on getting a room repaired because of the trashy people I had in there. Supposedly this company black something black electric or whoever came over at 10:30 this morning. They were going to help me seal all the cold spots in the house. After checking out the water heater in my bedroom which is located in the closet. I was told I have mold here and did I know it? No I did not know that but I’ve sold him ever go into that closet as it’s hard for me to get around. Well he went on says until that mold is cleaned and the other spots around the house repaired we cannot see any way of helping you out. I didn’t think you could after all I don’t have no money I’m 75 years old living on Social Security  and saw that I can do it to pay the bill should I do to inherit because of filthy cockroaches people that live here and never took care of anything and my trusting that they would. Of course he gave me that sad story until you did something more repair work there’s nothing we can do.  I told him I didn’t think so and have a good day. I still have a lot of things I have to get taken care of but I’m getting to the point to throwing my hands up in the air and saying fuck this world and all the money grubbing freeloader Russian scammers  and start living off my Social Security and small pension and just traveling traveling travel. Won’t be much travel since I get sick so much and had a bad spell last night to where I almost didn’t make it to bed before I was getting ready to fall on my face again . Think I may have had a small stroke because I could not even read my fat ass up high enough to get in the middle of the bed. Furring that I would slip off the side of the bed it would’ve been hell trying to get me up off the floor . I could not feel my toes both of my legs seem to give out finally after 1530 minutes I was able to move my legs and stood up and sat back down so I guess my circulation was starting to get enough oxygen or blood or whatever. I have no idea what it is  but have not checked my blood pressure in a few days and I never do that until the nurse or the doctor tells me to take them again for a week and then send them in. Even then I don’t feel like doing that half the time. In fact I have to take my pills since I’m just thinking about it of course I’m a few hours behind . Then I get all the emails from people saying don’t you care my family starving I need help please please and all that other crap. Oh finally I just sent them a notice no I’m 75 years old I no longer work for a living it’s all that I can do to be living even . The money I get from the government and my small pension from my last job does not last long when you have property to take care of that has not been taken care of for years by people that you trusted and needed a place to stay not to mention paying them 700+ dollars a month . Finally have it in decent enough shape. But can’t do too much more till I get paid again March 3, 2022. Tasmania you know I write these blogs to blow off a lot of steam so that I won’t go out and hurt someone. Hurt someone?  Yeah right. I think I better go in and take my blood pressure medication because I’ve been sitting out here in my car for a few hours now just looking at the sky and wondering what the hell this country is coming to not to mention award be starting very soon  war I mean. Since this is voice activated it’s no telling the description so used in my speech of how I feel today. Oh this is enough for today. I think I will start going to old bloggers from now on getting tired feeling sorry for everyone including myself  when knowing there’s other people out there worse off than I ever have been. If you liked my blogs which I checked already I have over 7000 of them under different names different subjects and I’ve already explain how you can find them. They deep back to 2011 and they’re mostly crime and dishonest cops and sheriffs department government corruption  and people taking advantage of everybody else.

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