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Monday, February 14, 2022

Drunken Bitch using her own kids.

 ‎Monday, ‎February ‎14, ‎2022

                                       Children paying mom's rent?



When a disabled person who was receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) dies, the money that they were receiving can go to his or her dependents, including a spouse, children, and even elderly dependent parents. (SSDI is a monthly disability payment that is provided to individuals who have sufficient work history; see our overview of SSDI. These benefits, known as survivors benefits, are not available to the dependent relatives of SSI recipients.)

  Hershel and James Kemp/Johnson ,paid their mother's rent. Hershel paid $150.00 and James paid $200.00. Find and good, no problem after all I could care less who pays for their rental room. I just get pissed when I am told stories from both kids.

  Story from Hershel is my mom no longer has any money to pay for her rent so whe has some place to live I Hershel and my brother James will be making the payments as described above. 

  I did not say a word, but this goes to show you what type of person this mother is, when I know she gets exactly the same checks every month that her husband gets. Making it hard on James her oldest boy in his thirty's working and also has to pay fines and shooling fee's as well as rent and his own food and bills monthly. Having to give $250.00 a month towards his mothers rent, and she gets to drink hers daily! 

  I could have corrected this lie right then and their that Hershel stated it's hard on us and he even had to pay $75.00 for his dad's ashes and even making payments on his dad's goodby to heaven price in thousands of dollars as he calls it. Ok, whatever. He does not work and has not held a job for six months let alone a year in his adult life. Lives off his married shack up women with benefits from his old lady and two kids. Sure his old lady takes care of her husbands Hershel's story and gives him money.

  Now, James does the same, but at least lives in FortSmith Wy from the leechers of his family. With a little investergation both kids can see his mother will continue her life drinking daily, nightly until her death as well. States she is seeking work and needs rides to another town thirty minutes away instead of getting job locally to cause hardships on her kids transportation. Mother won't do that of course.

  When she gets on her drunken bitch arugements with anyone and anything she is a freak if just not mentally unstable or even probably crazy bitch.

  Last night I heard her go off as normally she does that John (me) owes me pot ware and kitchen ware because he threw all my away. No idea whet the hell she is saying, but ever since I had this place cleaned up of eight years of junk now all her stuff just today came up messing, and this old man did it.

  Took thousands of dollars to clean up eight years of filth from  this person and now she is settled with income to continue living her stupid living if drinking is living. Ricky another renter feeds her stories that I (John) threw all her stuff in the trash. If she didn't clean up after herself then I cleaned up by placing everything in to the trash. Two drunks really together makes a crazy nest or is that one flew over the coocoo's nest? 

    Hopefully her kids will learn soon that she has a credit card or SSI card to drink daily from her dead husbands SSI checks. Not to mention everything paid by state as well as SSI. She really thinks I am stupid, wish she would find another place as soon she is going to pound and yell at my closed door one time to many and will be sent to jail to dry out before coming home to start he drunken bullshit. Just a warning and thousands of people read this blog as it is great storie so I am told.

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