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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Police confirm active shooter at YouTube HQ in California (PHOTOS) — RT US News

Police confirm active shooter at YouTube HQ in California (PHOTOS) — RT US News

George F. Will: The nastiest political tactic this year - The Washington Post

George F. Will: The nastiest political tactic this year - The Washington Post

(20)MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network

(20)MeWe - The Next-Gen Social Network

Trash day Laundry day Not today for this old man

‎Tuesday, ‎3 ‎April 2018

                                     Tiptoe around idiots! An old man rants again on Trash

  Can't call them human let alone people. After all humans, as well as most people, have respect for elders especially when there barely able to walk and drive and not wanting to drive even for dinner or even breakfast.
  This morning around two AM between three Am, the damn wind came up as normally does on trash day around here. We seem to get wind and rain each and every morning very early then sunny and warm the rest of the day.  Weird weather for sure. The damn wind blew the trash can over and out blows all the loose trash and some just piled up where it fell.
  I was pissed as well anyone would be. Not because of the wind, after all, if the trash bags are tied up then very easy to throw the bags back into the trash can.
  No, that is the way to much work to tie the end of the bags before putting them in the trash can. so, with baby diapers, and wash rags and towels and napkins and drawing paper etc. making a mess while trying to clean up and hopefully preventing wind from blowing the can over again. Whop's there I go and takes me a while to get back to the fallen trash can to get myself up off the ground. Three hundred pounds and bad legs and ankles already are not easy for a big size guy like me to get around.
  Anyway picked up as much as possible after taking four spills to the road while wanting to pick up more after forth, I said fuck it, and left beer bottles and baby diapers and let over pizza and cake and whatever food I have seen out there. Well give trash guy five bucks to pick up the little bit I had left and the wind took a lot of it down the street plus into everyone's yards around here.
  The whole lock looks trashy as all hell. Tried to call someone in the family to give me a hand, at least to help me off the ground. No answer of course. After all out of sight is out of mind even if they did get the message and pictures of this messy neighborhood.
  Well, after all that, my clothes sure need washing now. Nope, not today as someone still left dryer full of baby crap so until they move the stuff out there nothing that I can do. Always have to wait a week or more for when she is in the mood to finish what she starts. Guess I'll have to either wait till I see both dryer and washer, not in use, as tired of having to finish others cap in order to do mine. May have to go to laundry mat as normally do when lazy people don't complete whatever work they start. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

If You Love Spending More on Gas, Trump Has Some Good News – Mother Jones

If You Love Spending More on Gas, Trump Has Some Good News – Mother Jones

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Bill Cosby judge won't step aside as lawyers target accuser

Bill Cosby judge won't step aside as lawyers target accuser

Monday, March 26, 2018

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16 EU states announce coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case — RT World News

16 EU states announce coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case — RT World News

16 EU states announce coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case — RT World News

16 EU states announce coordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case — RT World News

It Begins. Democrat Candidate for Sheriff Suggests Killing People to Take Their Guns - Tea Party News

It Begins. Democrat Candidate for Sheriff Suggests Killing People to Take Their Guns - Tea Party News

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Saturday, March 24, 2018

All servers being threatened with court, fines an closing

‎Saturday, ‎March ‎24, ‎2018

                           Of course, minor change isn't it!
                         Your under control already, best start fighting a lotmore coming to your taken to retraining camps or people my age will just be shot!

US Congress just passed HR 1865, "FOSTA", seeking to subject websites to criminal and civil liability when third parties (users) misuse online personals unlawfully.

Any tool or service can be misused. We can't take such risk without jeopardizing all our other services, so we are regretfully taking craigslist personals offline. Hopefully, we can bring them back someday.

To the millions of spouses, partners, and couples who met through Craigslist, we wish you every happiness!

   No longer allowed to use in Craig's list. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

At Least 12 Killed By Suicide Car Bomber At Afghan Wrestling Match

At Least 12 Killed By Suicide Car Bomber At Afghan Wrestling Match

Friday, March 23, 2018

Man, 72, arrested for trespassing at Sean Hannity’s home

Man, 72, arrested for trespassing at Sean Hannity’s home

FY 2018 Omnibus

FY 2018 Omnibus

Snowden All information is collected on anyone in USA.

‎Friday, ‎March ‎23, ‎2018

  Award-winning PBS documentary about NSA, data collection, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, Verizon, ATT, Snowden and much more. What we now know about the leaks from the Whistleblowers about privacy intrusion on all internet and phone users worldwide including the US citizens.  Part One  Part Two

  Reminder, in case you sheep are forgetful. Two-part series of how innocent people can be made out as criminals plus have a gun pointed at you if not discharged even. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Former Live Oak officer sentenced to 120 years on child porn charges

Former Live Oak officer sentenced to 120 years on child porn charges

No retrial for stepdad in Jahi Turner murder mistrial - The San Diego Union-Tribune

No retrial for stepdad in Jahi Turner murder mistrial - The San Diego Union-Tribune

President's grandson reels in a shark and we see it on Instagram

President's grandson reels in a shark and we see it on Instagram

Teacher who said military members are 'lowest of our low' fired

Teacher who said military members are 'lowest of our low' fired

Undercover camera exposes the hate taught to Muslim children. A Must Watch!! - YouTube

Undercover camera exposes the hate taught to Muslim children. A Must Watch!! - YouTube

Deputy’s vehicle hits boy in Bentonville

Deputy’s vehicle hits boy in Bentonville

Texas Bombing Suspect Dead After Blowing Himself Up - Sputnik International

Texas Bombing Suspect Dead After Blowing Himself Up - Sputnik International

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

44 Senators Made History by Voting to End Illegal US War in Yemen • Friends Committee on National Legislation

44 Senators Made History by Voting to End Illegal US War in Yemen • Friends Committee on National Legislation

Abortion Clinic Allegedly Caught Selling Box Of Aborted Babies From Car - GOV'T SLAVES

Abortion Clinic Allegedly Caught Selling Box Of Aborted Babies From Car - GOV'T SLAVES

Married? See something better, you just think so

‎Tuesday, ‎March ‎20, ‎2018
This is an interesting read…

I was married, had been with my wife for 15 years. Then I left her 2 months short of our 10 year wedding anniversary.

We were parents to two beautiful children, who are in their late teens now, but were only seven and nine years old when I walked out.

I traveled for work, stayed in a different hotel at least three nights a week. That’s how I met Eve*.

We got to know each other over time. We became Facebook friends. We sent messages to each other all day and night. She was also married, also had two kids. We had so much in common, we soon fell in love. I felt like she ‘got’ me.

This was all during a very trying time in my marriage. I wasn’t happy, I didn’t look forward to going home. My wife had put on weight, we hardly ever spoke, she always looked so miserable.

Little did I realize that I was the reason she was so down and depressed. I didn’t pay her any attention. I took her for granted. I was too busy wishing my life was more exciting, being romanced online, spending all of my free time thinking how I could get out.

I believed she didn’t love me. I convinced myself she never cared about me or my needs and wants and wishes, that all I was was a paycheck.

She spent her free time taking care of us – our kids, making our suppers, doing out washing, making lunches, doing homework, projects, shuttling kids to sport, taking care of the pets they loved so much, their friends, and had a job of her own on top of it all.

Every time she spoke to me, all I heard was nagging and whining. But she was actually begging for my attention: a weekend away, a date night, a movie – everything I ended up doing with Eve behind her back and after I left my family.

We argued and fought because we felt unheard by the other. And yet that was all we actually had to do - LISTEN - to each other!

I moved to another province with Eve. My now ex-wife got custody of our kids. I saw them every second weekend, the usual ‘Dad’ set up.

New beginnings

Life was sweet!

Eve and I had an amazing sex life. A connection I believed I never had with my ex. We had a large circle of friends. My family loved her. My kids liked her.

But my ex could never bring herself to meet Eve - she felt betrayed. I hated her even more! She was childish. She was mean. She never cared about me or my happiness. I didn’t care about my ex’s feelings when I posted photos of us on Facebook… I had Eve and a whole new life and it was fantastic!

We were together for about six or seven years but never married - we believed marriage was not our thing.

I believed that after 15 years with my ex, we’d given it all we could and our time together was up, there was nothing we could do to salvage our relationship or marriage. Eve was my future, Eve was who I should have been with all along.

Eventually, no matter how well we got along in the beginning; no matter how well I thought she “got” me; no matter how good the sex was; the “honeymoon” came to an end.

Eve and I started snapping at each other. Little fights here and there. I had a moment of pure realization one night, at about 2 am.

I realized that I missed the woman who created my first home and family. I realized that if I’d treated my ex-wife the way I’d treated Eve, used the hours I spend woo-ing Eve on my ex, she’d have bloomed.

If I’d stopped being negative about her and our relationship with my family and friends they wouldn’t have been so negative to her and she wouldn’t have pulled into herself and shied away.

She became someone I convinced myself I no longer knew or got along with because I never gave her the time and affection and attention she craved and deserved.

I thought I had, but when I got down and really thought about it I never really did. I never really let her in. I had ended my marriage years before with the simple decision that she was no longer who or what I wanted. And I’m convinced my family and friends the same - that she was no good for me!

Regret sets in

But I was wrong. I missed the best years of my kid’s lives. Missed being a family with them. I let their mother battle with raising them alone. Yes, I helped financially, but a man living outside his family has no real idea what the costs are on the single mother. While Eve and I ate steaks on the weekends, my ex-wife was living on egg and toast.

And do you know that she never complained? She never demanded more money out of me. She never stopped me from seeing the kids. Never said no if I changed plans for her at the last minute. She gave up her weekends so that my mother could spend time with her grandchildren. She left me to get on with my life with Eve, even though it must have killed her.

Like any relationship, it had started out good - great in fact - but when it goes bad I decided to leave… I walked out and divorced a woman who - and I can only see this now - would have done anything for me. But I’d told myself she wouldn’t or couldn’t.

My ex-wife stayed single for 8 years. She dated but never got involved. Her being single was also a kind of affirmation for me - that no one wanted her - that everything I’d decided she lacked, so did other men… She actually stayed single to focus on our children.

Too late

And then came the day she met Craig. I never thought it would bug me in any way if she got a boyfriend. I thought it would be great! But I was very wrong. I felt hurt. I felt jealous. I even felt angry and maybe betrayed.

She moved in with Craig, along with my kids. She set up a new home. A new family, with my kids… it was a very bitter pill to swallow.

I finally understood how she’d felt all these years. And it felt rotten.

I watched via Facebook and through conversations with our old mutual friends how Craig spoiled her and the kids. Their weekends were spent on the beach - he surfed with my son. They went hiking in the Burg. They went to Mauritius where he proposed on a kayak and she said yes – they got married.

My daughter was a bridesmaid. My son was a groomsman. Craig’s parents and brother welcomed my ex-wife and children into their family. They told everyone how blessed they were to be gaining them as family.

She glowed with happiness. She radiated love and none of it was for me! My heart felt like it had been ripped out.

It should have been me.

Don’t be me. You think you will never be happy when you are in a rut. It is when you are there at your darkest that you need to grip down and try your hardest.

Today I live alone and still only see my kids occasionally. They are big now and harbor anger towards me for leaving them and their mother. Who can blame them?

Of all the things Eve was, she was never the mother of my children - my original true love."

“HOPE this helps a few marriages, Love and appreciate a Good woman”.

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

15 Wars Happening Right Now That No One Talks About

15 Wars Happening Right Now That No One Talks About

Great Mills High School shooting: Maryland high school placed on lockdown after shooting - live updates - CBS News

Great Mills High School shooting: Maryland high school placed on lockdown after shooting - live updates - CBS News

Hurricane Maria 6 months later: My Puerto Rico is still a disaster

Hurricane Maria 6 months later: My Puerto Rico is still a disaster

Monday, March 19, 2018

Trump spending spree may speed up the Fed - Mar. 18, 2018

Trump spending spree may speed up the Fed - Mar. 18, 2018

Sunday, March 18, 2018

In Texas, Another Explosion Injures 2 Men In Austin : The Two-Way : NPR

In Texas, Another Explosion Injures 2 Men In Austin : The Two-Way : NPR

Explosion in Austin injures 2 men, authorities say; fourth incident this month - ABC News

Explosion in Austin injures 2 men, authorities say; fourth incident this month - ABC News

Explosion in Austin injures 2 men, authorities say; fourth incident this month - ABC News

Explosion in Austin injures 2 men, authorities say; fourth incident this month - ABC News

As of today were 21 Trillion in debt...

‎Sunday, ‎March ‎18, ‎2018

                                Default? The debt is not raised until March 2019, But...

  If a deal cannot be reached before August 2nd the Treasury says it will be forced to default. It has not specified on what: it could choose to stop paying pensioners and soldiers before it stopped paying interest on its debt. But outright default cannot be entirely ruled out. What happens if the world's most trustworthy borrower reneges on its debt?
  The debt limit is currently set at $20.456 trillion. Rather than raise that limit by a specific dollar amount -- which would require publicly acknowledging the country's costs going forward -- lawmakers chose to suspend the limit through March 1, 2019.
  A suspension lets the U.S. Treasury borrow as needed to satisfy the country's legal obligations in full and on time. Those obligations include everything from veteran benefits and military paychecks to contractor fees and bills incurred by all federal programs.

Once the suspension ends, the amount borrowed during the suspension period will be added to the legal debt limit.

"Politically, it's easier to pass a suspension, In this case, more than a trillion dollars easier.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that by March 2019, the new debt limit could be reset as high as $22 trillion, or $1.5 trillion higher than where it is today.
  Given that the country regularly runs deficits, the Treasury must borrow to make up the difference between the revenue it takes in and the money it must pay out.

None of this should surprise anyone on Capitol Hill. After all, every time lawmakers have chosen to increase spending or cut taxes, they effectively require the country to borrow more in future years. And that makes it necessary to raise the debt limit periodically.

That's why fiscal experts stress that increasing the debt ceiling is not giving anyone license to spend more, despite what some politicians claim. It simply authorizes the Treasury to borrow what's needed to pay the country's commitments created by previous legislation.

"That the decision is made separately from the actual budget decisions is a bigger problem,

That reflects both the borrowing needs to pay the country's bills during the suspension period plus the costs of the special accounting measures that Treasury has been using since December 8, when the last suspension ended.

Since 2013, Congress has passed 5 debt limit suspensions.
National Debt Hits $21 Trillion

MAR 18, 2018

  Just three months into the delay? You know we're headed now, this is the best that I can do is show everyone that there is going to be some real changes forthcoming if not sooner. Were a Trillion over our limit to pass on March in 2019 then we still have the same amount plus more as we always pay. But, I suspect a default meaning pensions, 401K's, savings all retirements plus social security to be stopped! Between now and then maybe a true World War Three so everything is restarted. After all, China and all others can stop sending anything on credit as it is now to the United States, and they will still have enough trade to continue without the USA assistance. But, what do I know, too old to think as fast any longer? Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Saturday, March 17, 2018

How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers – GOV'T SLAVES

How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used to Create Novel Flavor Enhancers – GOV'T SLAVES

How the Stars Celebrated St. Patrick's Day |

How the Stars Celebrated St. Patrick's Day |

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Harassment on Facebooks part continues...

‎Thursday, ‎March ‎15, ‎2018

                                              How silly these people are?

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Facebook wants verbal? Yea, good luck with face even

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎14, ‎2018

  Oh, gee's I am too call who? These people on Facebook are really stupid democrats with liberal brains of mush! Since I deactivated my accounts with all their bullshit. I must have a reason for a voice to voice. Sorry, I have nothing to say to idiota, as for calling you. I call whoever and whenever I decide or wish to. You should know that by now. Oh, wait you do. Sorry, Using a police car as if that is supposed to mean something to me. Read up on me, after all, I deal with hundreds of badges wearers across this USA of America. They don't speak even to me unless I wish to. Facebook, as with all your crap will be seen by thousands. Fuck off Facebook, as a way to many times with your crap! John Lewis Sr. Following with daily picture as shown.

wow, they really make live calls, wonder how many people get that? Please let me know from those of you that have been showing facebook, they can't keep you out if they wanted to. Anyone's system can be entered, Could care less how great your security is, there is no way of preventing anything that is machine language! Reminds me back in the billions of dollars on Regan's star wars program. The dumb ass government hired hundreds of programmers that wrote in different languages and thought that once each programmer would join the others program. Never came to pass did it? LMFAO


  Call me by the three names, Hey I used ten when I posted. Anyways, your message has been read, as well as being placed up on other sites. John Lewis Sr. (note: my true name) At my age, I hide from no one, I refuse to meet on their time. My time needs to be paid for in advance at bottom of this notice. All payments gladly accepted. Smallest to date accep[ted is a quarter. Didn't know PayPal did that even.  Try a new type of Facebook without the restrictions of censorship.

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Stadium-Size Asteroid 2017 VR12 Just Zipped By Earth (Video)

The Stadium-Size Asteroid 2017 VR12 Just Zipped By Earth (Video)

The Genocide the U.S. Didn’t See Coming - POLITICO Magazine

The Genocide the U.S. Didn’t See Coming - POLITICO Magazine

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Top 1,283 Reviews and Complaints about Facebook

Top 1,283 Reviews and Complaints about Facebook

Facebook Complaints

‎Saturday, ‎March ‎10, ‎2018

                        Facebook complaints

15 August 2016 at 06:18
This article is BS, many people have had blocks on their accounts for literally nothing!! I've been blocked twice for thirty days, once nothing and second time for calling someone a "creep" really!!!??


Percy Malone
22 April 2017 at 06:51
I called a guy HOMOSEXUAL because he was a homosexual ... and they blocked me... I don't play politically correctness, I'm wiser than that I call things by their name I don't sugar coat my words, I guess I won't last in Facebook so Be it, I don't need that crap I will do a website or blog... Facebook take a walk.

27 October 2017 at 09:07

9 December 2017 at 11:33
I highly discourage contacting facebook admin I've done it twice and first time the damn foreigner hacked my mom's laptop and ruined it completely ( I should sue them) and just tonight a foreigner on facebook admin told me 699 dollars to unlock my profile because they possessed technological help no-one else did. Bunch of horseshit I would just encourage making a new account with an EXTRA SECURE PASSWORD this time


9 October 2016 at 09:18
Facebook blocks some people permanently even though those people never spam or hack. I'm highly suspicious that Facebook blocks people based on which political candidates they support, at least in the US.


Ms Pearl
19 February 2017 at 08:51
I believe there is favoritism .I think a free speech site will overtake face book/Bulies never stop and face Book is bullying people.More and more peolr are getting fe

Ghetto Scum
21 February 2017 at 05:49
This is the TRUTH, I know someone who was blocked for posting the photo of the American Flag!

Cinnamon Roll
12 July 2017 at 17:39
Its definitely a democratic group who blocks people. I was blocked for 30 days for saying muslims were terrorists......which they are.

9 August 2017 at 21:54
I did the same, blocked because I argued with a young female, who accused people for being 'fake' like a 'plastic doll' is. This while the acted as a bitch towards others, she herself had a profile photo where she looked as 'fake' like a 'plastic doll''. (it takes one, to know one)
She was so freaked out by this photo of her, posted on a post of a famous page. That she reported my comment with her photo, where she was actually 'the fake' person.
Nevertheless, the FB Support Team took that as a 'issue' and blocked me after having the photo removed for 3 days.
If this sort of reports happens a lot, you can't say anything anymore...
So far, "freedom of speech" - but now I found a way, to not be reported and blocked anymore....

25 August 2017 at 20:53
Oh no, you can't call out muslims on Facebook! No way, that's hate speech! Mark Zuckerberger doesn't like that! If you're going to use hate speech on a religious group, you have to do it to Christians! If you hate on Christians, that's ok. Anything or anyone who is pro-America, you can't be on their side on Facebook. You have to hate America on Facebook, or you will be blocked!

Donald Wolverton
9 October 2017 at 08:43
I just did and they do..

21 February 2018 at 20:58
We are moving closer to living in a dictatorship than a free world....

28 February 2018 at 20:48
If you call all Muslims terrorists, then not only should you be banned from all social media, but I will personally report you myself.


17 December 2016 at 20:56
I'm Mrsmfjudge what kind of restrictions I have on me


Scott Davis
22 December 2016 at 11:20
I was blocked today. It's ridiculous. I've never called people names or have been rude. But I was turned in by a Jon Noel whom was mad because I wanted to know why he was calling people names he did not know. Of course, in a nice way, I made him look stupid by his comments but did not call him stupid. He turned me in and I get blocked! How is that right when he was attacking me along with other people? Is Facebook not fair about how they do this? I was able to turn him in after and I assume he's also been blocked. I don't get this. I hate Facebook it seems many people are just nasty to others and if they don't get their way they get you blocked.


7 January 2017 at 18:03
And whats the whole deal with having to send a photo of your driver's license or passport to Facebook for "verification" reasons. Its bull.


20 June 2017 at 04:28
Someone reported you for using a fake name, so you have to prove your identity. Facebook requires you use your real identity


14 January 2017 at 19:01
I am now blocked and the reason why is ridiculous. One cannot participate in a civilized debate on Facebook. I do not use vulgar language or post nude photos. I am good at winning political debates and I can only assume someone who was made to look foolish by not being able to counter my argument, was offended and turned me in. Facebook, considers conservative, who is turned in as guilty and inflicts their version of punishment by blocking people for a period of time.


Cinnamon Roll
12 July 2017 at 17:41
Yes Facebook is very one sided on blocking. I guess if I start posting Im gay and liberal I will never get blocked again. I literally got block for the same reason you did.


17 January 2017 at 16:07
I have got blocked twice within a 3 month period but everything I post or share comes from other ppl pages can I find out who reporting my page


Pat Crowley
24 January 2017 at 17:16
My account is allowing me access etc but when posting in a selling group it is not showing as an active sales post but the items are showing on the site itself .This seems to of been since the latest update I installed a couple days ago


Robert Glenson
13 June 2017 at 20:33
I am having the same experience right now. Seems I am in some sort of Facebook jail. I can see them in my feed, but no one else can. I found out that I can post as a "discussion" and it will circumvent the problem, but I'm sure it's a matter of time until that's blocked too. They sure are making it difficult for sellers.


8 February 2017 at 09:01
I have also been blocked! I have no idea why or by whom, can you tell me why and how can I access my initial account? I have a business attached to my account and a game I enjoy playing. This is really ridiculous I don't post anything demeaning or negative. Can you give me some insite?


Cinnamon Roll
12 July 2017 at 17:43
If you find anything out please let me know. I was block for 30 days for saying I didn't like muslims and I was in the middle of trying to make a $350 sale and have plenty of offers but I will lose them all because facebook has liberals blocking all the conservatives.


Ghetto Scum
21 February 2017 at 05:46
You get put in Facebook jail when people just don't like when you post the truth and they report you, this is the same garbage they do on Craigs list in the "Rants & Raves" someone doesn't like what you posted, report it, and you are blocked!


10 April 2017 at 08:29


3 March 2017 at 18:07
I was blocked and keep messaging them asking why. Every time I message them through their appeal system, they extend my jail time. The first time by 3 hours. The second time by 7 hours. WTH? Both times I tried to contact them all I asked was WHY I was restricted...what did I post so I don't do it again. No response, just an extension of my jail time. I am angry!!!


8 April 2017 at 01:28
I just got blocked and I am.pretty sure i know why, and by whom ( i dont know her personally).
Nevermind she attacked me first over my last name.


10 April 2017 at 08:27
Facebook blocking LOST me for sure....I was banned, for THREE DAYS and SILENCED after a psycho person used RACIAL slurs against me and I called her a fat obese bitch who needs to spend more time at the GYM. She attacked me first and was totally ABOUT my feelings??

This is the LOWEST of the LOW facebook has ever gone....I will remember this forever....I won't spend $1 to benefit FACEBOOK EVER again. I also was a very active commentator as an expert in various subjects and usually had huge liked and followings, now that they tried to do this childish 'punishment' w me, in such an unjustified manner, I have already unfollowed every single news channel and have moved all of my commenting activities to Reddit, Quora and Yourtube...FACEBOOK can get F***ED. I definitely wasn't some average person and my comments and responses generated lots of traffic to their stupid news articles in all sorts of topics.

This will backfire! The more people like me they piss off, the more they'llcreate a pasturised PC braindead media full of yes mams and average idiots and this is exactly what FASCISTS hope to accomplish.

Congratulations FACEBOOK.



Abey Cardenas
1 May 2017 at 01:38
My account has been placed on disabled. Someone reported me as spam. My account has been locked for 2 weeks. When will I get my account back


18 October 2017 at 18:03
Hi there

Just wondering if you ever got your account back?

sonya ellis
2 November 2017 at 21:29
I'm having same issue. Did u get yours back


Randy Carpenter
29 May 2017 at 22:56
I was blocked for posting the words "she needs to be shot" talking about killary Clinton and I have a temporary block for three days I can use the like , share, or comments I will find a different social media to be in


20 June 2017 at 04:31
You posted death threats and are wondering why you were blocked??

Cinnamon Roll
12 July 2017 at 17:45
And yet people can say they are about to kill Trumnp ( the president) and nothing happens to them.


6 June 2017 at 21:49
Sounds like you deserved it, Randy. Grow up.


29 June 2017 at 01:42
So I'm a rep for a health and wellness Company and o didn't know u could be blocked for repeat messaging ppl. Like I copy and pasted and started sending it to all my friends on Facebook and now I can't unless I've been friends for then for awhile. How long will I be in Facebook jail..never did this and I'ma mom just trying to make a living for my 3 kids. I didn't know it was bad to copy and paste so now I know and just curious as to how long I'll be blocked from messages?


29 June 2017 at 01:42
I asked about messanger block. Didnt


29 June 2017 at 01:44
I was copy and pasting in Messabger cause I'm a rep for a health and wellness company and I didn't know u could get in trouble for copy and pasting. So just curious it's my 1st offense and wondering how long I'll be in fb jail for? Thanks


4 July 2017 at 10:42
I want to know is it a guy in facebook security that's reads the offensive post or a bot or a friends who reported me ?


Cinnamon Roll
12 July 2017 at 17:48
I was blocked for 30 days when I said I didn't like muslims.......I was in the middle of a $350 sale and will lose all the whole sale. I made a new account with same picture but different last name and had to make a new email so I can go back on my post and tell everyone that I got banned ect. Facebook is definitely has a bunch of liberals blocking all the conservatives. I have had Liberals tell me they are going to kill me and freaking post my home address on there.....I report them and facebook is like " oh it doesn't violate out community standards" like wtf


18 July 2017 at 08:27
What is the appeal process for a 30 day jail sentence for a #GoatsLivesMatter meme that was "reshared" 3 years ago?


Rudy Pena
22 August 2017 at 19:40
Having been sentenced by the Facebook prosecution and justice team is what an unexplained arrest and incarceration must be like in a communist or socialist country.


25 August 2017 at 21:18
Mark Zuckerberger, who owns Facebook is a communist, pure and simple! He apparently sent out a memo, which I didn't get that said any hate speech would be removed and you would be blocked. The hate speech he was referring to was, if you're for keeping the Civil War statues around, that is hate speech and if you post that you're on that side, you're considered a White supremacist racist, even if you're not. If you are a Christian, you're considered a hater, and can be blocked for that. Liberals are trying to shut down free speech in America, as well as destroying statues! They're trying to turn America into AmeriKa, a soviet style nation. That's their goal. Anyone who tries to stop them will be punished, as on Facebook you will be blocked for hate speech! Anyone on Facebook who is a liberal can say whatever they want, even threaten others and get away with it, as long as they know you're a liberal on their side. If you're a Patriotic American Conservative who is a Christian, you're an enemy and anything you say is considered hate speech, because they feel threatened by you, and they have to silence their opposition! They are also the ones who scream tolerance, but definitely NOT interested in being tolerant themselves, if they disagree with you! And what is this Facebook jail thing? I have never heard of anysite other than Facebook telling you that you can't post for 30 days, because you wrote something they disagreed with! What is this, kindergarten? Elementary school? You get grounded for 30 days because you wrote something that was truthful, but the snowflake liberals couldn't take it, and they decided to silence you like a little kid because it hurt their feelings?? Facebook should be called Fascist Book!


26 August 2017 at 19:26
My FB account will not come up. It's a blank, white screen. Does that mean I'm blocked. Or does FB give you a notice why you're blocked & the reason? Wanda


Christin Kuck
26 August 2017 at 19:58
Apparently I've been blocked. Don't know what I did that is any different than the past 8 years. No warning. I just can't post anything to my page or respond to other's posts. I didn't call anyone a name. I just stated my point of view. I can like posts and exchange private messages. That's about it.


james snow
1 September 2017 at 01:50
Facebook does not care about people , nor their family's and their community service rules are bias and opinionated. WE the people are at fault for gibing them that much power. There i one thing that they do care about and that is what this world only cares about and that is the paper with a pic of a dead president on it. But let there be know and this is a fkn fact. The wages if sin and greed u will pay for with your life. Every one gets their punishment one way or another either by a god or whatever they and we all pay.n If face book was a person that lived down the street I would kill them if they had done to me what fb has allowed and done to me. You want to hurt Facebook and stop their pos power? . remove your account and never go back. Its the only way you can hurt them.


4 September 2017 at 19:15
I was blocked yesterday for 3 days. I appealed it. I needed to sign on to my scvount again... thinking they took the block off. I tried posting a comment and recieved a pop up telling me if I continue to try to post, the longer the block. How do you know when you're "unblocked?" Do they message you?


5 October 2017 at 06:58
I am in jail for posting a picture of Jesus banging another Jesus on a religious page. Lol


tanya brown
20 October 2017 at 03:12
Been blocked for seven days from facebook live and facebook won't give me a time frame but the message says:user cannot create live video, what does it mean?


22 October 2017 at 00:31
I got 7 days for posting a joke which was "Anyone wanna buy some marijuana? press the hash key…”


24 October 2017 at 04:36
I got blocked for posting that some muslims are getting more government money per month than veterans, and I referred to it as "refugee privilege". For that I'm blocked.


Iyad Qumseya
21 February 2018 at 13:11
You are absolutely right and I was blocked for criticizing Hijab and another time for quoting the Bible!


sonya ellis
2 November 2017 at 21:22
I'm not able to log in. It keeps saying my identity needs to be verified n the codes they send my phone don't work.does anyone know if this as suspension is temporary or permanent.


1 December 2017 at 18:46


21 February 2018 at 07:58
He is the most Corrupt lowlife Anti Christian Pervert ever existed! Mark Zuckerberg is the Chinese Tyrant that History will rank I am sure #1 I was blocked from my business pages for quoting the Bible..when I started criticizing him much less than this post he deleted my profile completely (GESTAPO) like he will probably delete this but if it escaped his filthy claws it was beyond Nightmarish as everything since 2009 was deleted even the likes and comments on other pages..this is scary stuff that we shouldn't allow to continue!


4 March 2018 at 02:37
Facebook blocked my accounts (two) and my group. I always considered Facebook to be pure entertainment and didn't take it seriously. Yes, people do argue their viewpoints on it and so what? I think people should be allowed to voice their opinions and debate all they want. Freedom of speech means they can at least voice their opinions, right? If the admin of a group doesn't like what a member says, they have the power to remove the member, but Facebook should not intervene. The banning of Facebook members seems to have gotten out of hand. Facebook is a great place for social media and it should just let people be people -- especially if the people are just being funny. Facebook needs to give members some leeway. I think Facebook has a great chance to make itself a paying membership. I know I'd pay ten bucks a month to run my group there. Why not? We pay Netflix for movie entertainment. But Facebook has to be nicer to members and stop blocking and banning for silly reasons. I can understand if someone posts they are going to kill someone, but really, other than that, let the members knock themselves out making fools of themselves and entertaining others. There's no harm in it right? And politics and religion is a joke to most people. Even if they say something negative, they don't mean it. They're not going to give their lives for it. I say Facebook should cool it and think about all the money they can make by charging a small fee to use the service. Millions of people are addicted to Facebook, we love it. So how about not being so harsh on members? Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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Friday, March 9, 2018