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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Clowns inspect the bodies, do they...

‎Wednesday, ‎January ‎31, ‎2018

  Ah, busy day for this old man, just what I needed to feel needed. So Q, be sure to inform I was up from 1AM to 7:00Pm this above date. Thanks and did make me feel a lot better. Hell, passing that Freedom Bank with the Eagle going towards the goal planned was neat to be giving that reminded, no matter your age, there is always places your able to go and get the ball rolling as they say. Again, thanks.
  For the rest that just follows along because of the places and your puzzled minds as to how I do what I do and under your noses even. All I can say, you're going to learn very soon.
  The rest of you I am told that you're going to be hearing a lot in the coming days as the two governments that are at this present moment in a dear fight for either your freedom or if your going to be bowing down in order to be able to even survive. Why anyone would wish to survive as a slave is really hard for this old asshole to understand. But, probably why we're having this internal ar between our very own species so to speak.
  Anno to be coming out as Q and the rest will, of course, come by means of the FAKE media as that man who we all elected as president. President Donald John Trump will be opening as many eyes' as possible before the really hard shit hits the fan as they say. Hopefully, I can stay a life to see the complete outcome and then leave as I wish knowing my grandkids will be safe. Meanwhile, the fight must go on. Hell, could not believe and 86 year old and he was smarter than most youngsters just starting out on life from college. Loved it, and he really said enough to make me not to never give up as I have felt for so long. Could not believe what he had been able to accomplish and did a lot more than many of us in our seventies did.  Heck, a few of those eighty were more gun hole than when I was fighting for my life in 68. Freedom and that Eagle now in time the rest will soon understand.
  Think how we went to the moon in the early years and all of a sudden stopped. Many as we expected would say as well as think because of money. Silly sheep, wrong is the answer. The acknowledge was taken away from America because of the aggression on others.  Again, to be foreseen in the near future. Flat earth. LMFAO, the full colorful moon going between the clouds this evening was even more surprising. All I will say, best get ready for the dimensions that soon will be opening for many.Thin third, silly sheep again, so many dimensions that you younger than I will be surprised. But, until clearance as given by those more informed than I, let me discuss what I did.
  First, a few hours of meetings as most would call them. But, these were as to starting a week ago. Higher ranking officials will be resigning as well leaving or may I say disappearing. They did a lot of damage to a man of their own kind with the powers they were given. Those powers are nill now, and coming to a final chapter shall we say. No more taking of human because they meet your pleasure and now it's time to pay the piper as they say. May the almighty one see me smiling as I type this for uploading in a few places.
   There will be millions upon millions this year, sorry to say but those wanting o form lets say the one world government. Well, if the side I am on can't complete this task in a short time, thank again for the Almighty I am going to be gone. Hopefully, those that I trained under me will grow with those that they have been taught side by side learned enough to stop what will be a sickening scene no horror movie could even dream of.
  Ok, I am more of the badge wearer's control than what many other men and women do that is far more serious than me exposing the dirty badge killing kooks with badges. Many of us that follow my tracks learned to take the jail time as vacation time as information gathering when one of these freaks wish to use that power to jail you. All I can say is that we were willing to spend that time just to use their own system to put them out of work or leaving to who cares where. Many I have seen bite the dust as I like to say. Good riddance to them all that could not follow our Constitution! Now police and sheriff will be combined into one soon and they will also become federal employees. Hey, feel not bad for any of them, After all where do you think that joke of Homeland Security came from? The main difference is the area of jurisdiction.  A sheriff's office provides law enforcement services and/or jail services for a county or other civil subdivision of a state.  A police department serves a specific municipality, city, town or village.  Often, cities contract for law enforcement services with the county sheriff's office. Now that was easy to understand. Pay attention now.
January 26, 2018 - The U.S. Marshals led Western Arkansas Fugitive Task Force, along with the Springdale Police Department and Washington County Sheriff’s Office, arrested Odell Rhodes in the Hickory Flat area in eastern Washington County on Thursday afternoon. Rhodes was wanted by the Springdale Police Department on theft charges and fleeing from law enforcement in a motor vehicle.
For Immediate Release

January 26, 2018, R. Sean Coyne, Task Force Supervisor
Western District of Arkansas (479) 424-5000;
USMS Office of Public Affairs (703) 740-1699
Fleeing Fugitives Arrested in Rural Washington County
Fort Smith, AR – The U.S. Marshals led Western Arkansas Fugitive Task Force, along with the Springdale Police Department and Washington County Sheriff’s Office, arrested Odell Rhodes in the Hickory Flat area in eastern Washington County on Thursday afternoon. Rhodes was wanted by the Springdale Police Department on theft charges and fleeing from law enforcement in a motor vehicle. He was also wanted by state probation and parole for absconding. Rhodes may also be facing other charges in multiple jurisdictions.

During the week of Jan. 15, Springdale Police and Deputy U. S. Marshals developed information that indicated Rhodes could be in the East Washington County area. The WATF then initiated an investigation that led them to an address on Hickory Flat Road where the suspect was arrested along with two other individuals who were wanted by state probation and parole for absconding.

Rhodes and the other two suspects, later identified as Dasha Castleman and Stephanie Rhodes, were captured when they attempted to flee officers from the Hickory Flat location by running into the woods. Deputy U.S. Marshals and Task Force Officers had hiked up the steep earlier that day and were waiting on them. All three were arrested and were transported to the Washington County Jail where they were being held on Thursday evening.

The WAFTF is composed of members of the U.S. Marshals Service, Arkansas State Police, Benton County Sheriff’s Office, Greenwood Police Department, and Springdale Police Department. The WAFTF serves the citizens of Western Arkansas by locating and arresting fugitives wanted for violent crimes. Many reports in every state, but my area is what my interest. No matter what side you are on, always remember your being controlled.
January 20, 2018
A Benton County man was wounded this afternoon (Saturday, January 20, 2018) after he reportedly pointed a gun at local law enforcement officers who had responded to a disturbance call in Gravette at 407 2nd Avenue, Southeast.

Benton County Sheriff’s Deputies, Gravette Police Officers, and Sulphur Springs Police Officers responded to the disturbance call.  The initial call to Benton County authorities was received at 3:41 PM.

As officers arrived, they encountered Eulas Linwood Hughes, III, age 40, outside the residence.  Officers and deputies reported that Hughes was armed with a handgun and long-gun.  As negotiations between law enforcement personnel and Hughes occurred in an attempt to have him drop the guns, Hughes began to attempt entry into the home.  At that time he is said to have pointed one of the guns at officers who then fired wounding Hughes.

Hughes was transported to an area hospital where he is reported to be in stable condition.

The Benton County Sheriff’s Department and local authorities requested the Arkansas State Police Criminal Investigation Division to conduct an investigation into the use of deadly force by a law enforcement officer.

Upon completion of the investigation, a case file will be submitted to the Benton County prosecuting the attorney for review.

Any questions relating to the identity of the deputies and police officers, as well as their administrative status, should be directed to the local law enforcement jurisdictions.
 All states (50) will be or I should say have HLS in each department for the training of the future. So, will deal directly with my area of concern. Others already doing the same as well planning.....
  Take notice of sheriff's in Bentonville, black cars. Ah yes, police departments now going to the black suggestion of HLS of course. But, we're still just a watch group of course. Are we?
  Not all states or counties have one, but the sheriff, an elected official, is usually known as the highest law enforcer of the county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official. The feds may have forgotten authority resides in the sheriff, but not Tenthers. Understand where I am coming from on this yet?
  He got impeached by the Supreme Court.” Impeachment of sheriffs is prosecuted in the state Supreme Court because they are constitutional officers, Baxley explained. ... A guilty verdict for impeachment against officials means automatic removal from public office. There is no jail time.
  To answer the question, as to the C.I.A. Not sure if this was done already, as many of us remember those Clown murders, disappearance in many states. Fear not it was only the
(C) lowns (I)n  (A)merica
(F)emale (B)ody (I)nspectors
HLS-Homeland Security or FEMA
The 2014-2018 FEMA Strategic Plan reflects objectives the Agency will accomplish to provide the best possible support to the American people before, during, and after disasters. It sets forth the strategies FEMA will employ to accomplish the objectives and also establishes measurable outcomes to achieve. This Strategic Plan was developed through the involvement of hundreds of FEMA employees and many external stakeholders who contributed to generating our objectives, strategies, and outcomes, and who are now working to execute this Plan. FEMA is just one part of the Nation’s emergency management team. The Agency will be successful only by building, sustaining, and drawing upon the capabilities of the whole community. The support and engagement of partners throughout Federal, state, and local governments; tribal governments; the private sector; faith-based and non-profit communities; and citizens across our country will ensure our collective success in bringing about the outcomes set forth in this Plan. Hurricane Maria
Puerto Rico: the deadline to apply for assistance has been extended to 3/20/18. U.S. Virgin Islands: the deadline is 1/08/18. Apply online or at a disaster recovery center. Poor people still in desperate need and look at the above date.
Same also goes for Flordia as well as Texas. No money! My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

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