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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Facebook jail for hundreds. Don't you love it?

‎Saturday, ‎March ‎3, ‎2018

Facebook, Google, and Twitter: Stop censoring our posts!

Conservative views will be squeezed out of online spaces if tech companies are not challenged, The Internet will be Berkeley if they're allowed by judges to continue what they're doing.
Germany will begin enforcing its new, harsher rules regarding hate speech and fake news posted online. Social media sites will have 24 hours to determine whether or not the reported material merits being taken down. In the United States, the controversy over fake news online takes a different dimension, as many are concerned over President Donald Trump's liberal use of the term to discredit unflattering media reports regarding his administration. Media organizations have, however, been guilty of pushing unconfirmed reports in recent months, particularly in relation to alleged collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government.
If a gov't can restrict your speech based upon subjective standards such as 'hate speech', you don't have freedom of speech. If you don't have freedom of speech, you are not free.
If U.S.-based social networks expand this policy of shutting down individuals simply because Washington considers them toxic, journalists will have few reasons to applaud.
It will be nearly impossible to fully silence someone in the age of social media. But the platforms themselves lose their meaning in such a world. They make far more sense when literally anyone can say whatever they want. If there's going to be author and message selection, why not just use traditional media, where the writing is better and professional journalists have already combed the different raw information channels? We're definitely allowed to quote the AfD messages that Twitter and Facebook feel they must remove, and even U.S. media can publish untruths.
As a media industry worker, I resent the unfairness of competing with social media. They seized the advertising market by making questionable promises about their audience size and by reusing and recycling our content without paying for it. I welcome any development that levels the playing field. But while censorship makes life harder for them and thus helps professional media, there are far better kinds of regulation.
There's a growing body of research that shows the internet platforms' business models are conducive to the spread of fake news, as well as hate speech. Regulators should resist the urge to waste time on individual cases. strike at the fundamentals of the problem: anonymity. Without it, the Facebooks of the world would have a far more difficult time inflating user numbers, avoiding legal responsibility for the published content, and continuing to make money off content they don't help create. The limitations of selective censorship and the ability of paid trolls and dedicated activists to bypass it will become obvious this year -- and so will the need for better ways to make sure the social media companies join the ranks of responsible media.
I didn't start making hundreds of pages, after being kicked off, or placed in Facebook jail as we call it. Now, if wish to keep from being fined for dishonest news or fake news or nasty cartoons then best be sure each and everyone has one account and not hundreds as I do. I felt my information was the truth, and even check it. Bt, because it offends someone else for being honest, I am jailed. Now, Facebook and youtube and google are really busy sorting out what will offend and costs will be in the billions before it's all done. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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