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Friday, March 2, 2018

North Korea v America=World judgement coming soon

 ‎Friday, ‎March ‎2, ‎2018

     My views on North Korea, As many Viet Nam vets hold.
 I recently acquired a very real North Korea propaganda book, authored by three state-sanctioned North Korean academics. Titled The US Imperialists Started the Korean War, the book is a sweeping indictment of American aggression, arguing that the US provoked the Korean War in the 1950s as part of a much broader strategy of post-WWII global domination.
  That war pitted communist North Korea, backed by the Soviet Union and later China, against South Korea, backed by the United States. It started when the North invaded the South on June 25, 1950. It was a bloody war that ultimately killed some five million soldiers and civilians. At the war’s end in 1953, the two countries became separated by a demilitarized zone, or DMZ, and remain so to this day.
  Much of it is false, some of it is true, and deciding which is which is not as easy as you might expect.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
The US imperialists were absorbed in searching for a way to occupy Korea without shedding blood, and intended to seize by any means even part of the Korean peninsula, if not all, and to use it as a springboard for their future continental aggression. From this crafty design of the US ruling circles sprang the plan for the “bloodless occupation” of Korea.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
They considered that in order to occupy one part of Korea without the least bloodshed they should check the communists’ advance into Korea at a definite point and provide a guarantee for this by a certain international agreement.
On this calculation, they adopted a criminal plan, that is, to divide Korea into north and south and prevent her people from liberating their country through their own efforts.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
From the first day of their occupation of South Korea, the US imperialists followed colonial enslavement and military base policies. In fact, all the policies adopted by US imperialism were, without exception, related to its aggressive design to convert South Korea into a colonial military base and use it as a stepping-stone for the conquest of the whole of Korea.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
In pursuing the policy of aggression on Korea under their postwar “strategy of mass reprisal” based on the “policy of strength,” the US imperialists laid stress on their permanent occupation of South Korea while hampering Korea’s reunification, fortified South Korea as their military strategic base by extensively reinforcing the puppet armed forces, and at the same time lined up the South Korean puppets with the Japanese militarists and sped up preparations for a new war for the occupation of the whole of Korea.
  If the US imperialists, oblivious of the lessons of history, are tenacious enough to provoke a new war of aggression in Korea, turning a deaf ear to the just demand of the Korean people and going against the current of the times, they will eventually perish in the flames of war once and for all, suffering a still greater, miserable defeat than they suffered in the past Korean war. What Putin’s scary-sounding nuclear weapons announcement really means.

  The eye's of March is on all of us at this moment. Will it be the beginning of the end? Will the US allow North Korea to become a nuclear power, if it isn't already? Will North Korea stop developing any further nuclear weapons? The USA, states no talks unless North Korea agrees beforehand that they are willing to stop development of nuclear missiles. North Korea, refuses to stop development of nuclear weapons because of self-protection against the United States. Now how will these talks start? Well, as of now over a half million soldiers have been lined along border waiting to see what takes place. Does this mean China is going to take control of North Korea? Does it mean China is there to protect North Korea?
  We have American ships surrounding Russia at this minute with thousands of troops and equipment waiting for further orders. What will these orders be from Washington? They can't stay in those ships forever and do nothing. Russia has already feared the worst and stated that there prepared to protect Russia at all costs. What is your opinion? Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

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