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Friday, March 9, 2018

You swear an oath before God, the status of being 'Married'.

‎Friday, ‎March ‎9, ‎2018

  The following is almost like, like a story I wrote before, that gave me Facebooks jailhouse. I say what is on my mind, from experience as well as watching the life of others. Since I am a free man by means of my creator, then no living man/woman has control over what I say or do. No man/woman made laws control me.Laws are for suckers that wish to be told what and when to do because of their cowards and afraid to express living a truly free life!

                                     Traditional Marriage (USA)

_ The problem with marriage today is that when you look at a 60-70% percent divorce rate, it becomes terribly obvious that at least one of those involved in treating the Life Oath of marriage like a complete joke. Someone ends up loyal to the House, committed to the Name, and someone is just married for the status of being 'Married'.

_ You swear an oath before God, country, and family, to stand together through all hardship, poverty, and illness, to live as two autonomous adults investing in one another to build up the family as a whole, to let no social pressure rupture the marriage - and you find out years later that somebody was crossing their fingers behind their back.

_ No, that other person *is not* going to tell the judgmental in-laws to piss off, or stay with you through a crisis.
_ No, they're not going to weather the financial flat-spots, or push you around in a wheelchair and help change your chemo bag.
_ No, they're not going to help around the house, they're not going to help run accounting, payroll, and taxes in the family business, they won't give up their sexy time or their spending habit to see you get through college under the best circumstances.
_ They want to open this 'Boyfriend' or 'Girlfriend' box and see Affection, Sex, and Fun comes flying out at them, and they take it for themselves forgetting that it's a shared box.
_ They want to open this 'Marriage' box and see all of this Love, Devotion, and Commitment come flying out at them, and they have no intention of putting anything back into the box.
_ When they want something, you're a team, when you need something, you're on your own. If you don't do something, it doesn't get done. It takes years falling off the calendar to realize that this other person who legally owns half your life is along for the ride, and they're going to leave you standing in the cold rain *over* and *over*.

_ Love is not an emotion, it is a duty - to sacrifice, to endure, to act by any means necessary to ensure the survival, security, and basic comforts and liberties of the people in your care. We expect parents to make extraordinary sacrifices for a child - working three jobs, throwing a child like a sack of rice from a crosswalk to the curb to take the oncoming car full-force and save the kid - it can be an epic pilgrimage to find a grown adult that will do that for another adult.

_ Just because you rush into something doesn't mean you can rush out. It can take years to finalize a divorce, and you're still legally bound to that person for the rest of your life, with kids or not, no matter how hard one of you tries to pretend the other literally doesn't exist. You can't just quarantine your offspring, your friends, your credit rating, or leave a significant person out of your life story as you talk about yourself, and eventually, you have to face the reality of starting *all over* with someone entirely new.

_ Saving Traditional Marriage may or may not have anything to do with what color or orientation anyone is, but it has *everything* to do with enforcing the idea that two people should be together as one identity without passive-aggressively tormenting each other, remaining as One whether you're rolling Cadillacs and McMansions or rubbing hands over a burning trashcan under a bride planning your comeback. If my daughters come home with a white guy or a black transgender girl or some form of intelligent machine, I'm going to give them this same speech. Someone *has* to put that foundation of civilization back together.

_ We're not supposed to get divorced, but even the Bible makes an exception - we're not supposed to be trapped in faithless marriages. The word 'faithless' is often interpreted in the context of adultery, but living with someone who treats you like everything that comes out of your mouth is just the dumbest thing they've ever heard, gets a big kick out of insulting you in front of friends and family for a cheap high-five, and acts like your every entrepreneurial endeavor is a disaster waiting to happen, can be a lot more damaging than coming home and smelling an unfamiliar perfume or seeing a jacket nobody owns. Coming home to a dirty house again and again for years, seeing unfinished projects and missed milestones pile-up, are harder to tolerate than being tied to a chair and beaten. At least with the beating you might die on the outside. Marriage isn't supposed to follow us out and consume us, the people we end up with are supposed to be a relief from our bad days, not an outlet or the cause.

_ We must get back to building Houses and strong Names. Neighborhoods must be built on alliances in business and a cooperation of hobbyist skills. There must be a generation of Americans who take it upon themselves to set aside their pleasures and build a baseline of inheritable wealth so that the next generation isn't forced to start *all over* when they reach working age. We must hold our children at birth and understand that we only have so long to prepare for them to enter daycare, enroll in school, to learn the skills of our better generations and pass them along, to have a decent car waiting for them, ready to pay the tuition to get them the training to prepare them for skilled work and pass along the wisdom to inherit what we leave behind, to keep and maintain what we build for them, and understand that what we do now may not be sufficient to achieve that end. Ideally, we must be self-employed, producing and growing for ourselves. Above all, we must be willing to fix what seems broken rather than replace it.

_ There are a whole pile of men out there pissing away their 20's smoking dope and playing video games every waking hour of their lives right up until the last second they have to leave for work, coming home and drinking their paycheck, and there are just as many women out there who love only themselves, only respect other women, are married to their mothers, and are loyal only to their circumstances.

_ Ladies - that unmotivated drag-ass dead puppy you're with is not going to have some grand epiphany and straighten up. You're going to rent forever, you're never going to see Paris or the Cayman Islands, you're never gonna have a car that *just works*. What you *will* do is let years fall off the calendar repeatedly allowing Bad to become Normal waiting for the next Big Reason to leave.

A man is defined by his responsibilities and his willingness to carry them. A man needs a task with a clear goal and the freedom of movement to achieve that goal, and it doesn't hurt if he can cover the basic necessities while-and-if he's chasing some Big Dream. A man who hits one obstacle and stops all effort at one task or another, or can't balance a need to pursue his hobbies with the duty to uphold the relationship doesn't care. It's that simple - he doesn't care. It'll rip him to pieces and take him completely by surprise if you leave but you're gonna turn into a bitter shell of a woman if you don't.

_ Fellas - her out-of-control shopping habit is not going away. The tantrums are not going away. If she has to consult her mother on *everything*, that's her 'real' relationship - you're just the wallet and the car. If she's leaving the house to go to a party with her friends three nights and week and you coming along never comes up, you don't matter. If you're with someone who needs a constant stream of gifts and gadgets to be temporarily kind to you and turns into a tantrum-throwing brat the second you let up, you're with someone who can't tell the difference between her wants and her needs, and you clearly are not the thing she's looking for. If her family and her friends are well-off, but you keep getting stalled waiting for her royal permission to leave the house and execute the steps it takes to get there yourself, you're going to be stuck in an endless cycle of looking like a failure because you aren't allowed to do anything and the job you get stuck with just barely covers the cost of you working while the responsibilities pile up and you look like an even *bigger* loser.

Female psychology is not in anyone's favor. For hundreds of thousands of years, one tribe invaded another, killed the men and took the women, and the women were given a hard choice - 'Marry the man who just killed your husband right in front of you four days ago, get busy cranking out his kids, or get skewered from lady-bits to brain and put on display for the rest of the women to see'. The women with the integrity to stand up to the conquering tribe got killed off, the women who took the deal went on to have daughters who also took the deal when a new tribe came in.
For a lot of women out there, 'falling in line with consensus' is exactly equal to 'survival'. Most women don't like that part of themselves if they're even aware of it, but they've got 50,000 years of instinct telling them to look healthy, wealthy, and strong, and ally themselves accordingly. You either deal with the fact that you have to maintain the appearance of being a member of the strongest 'tribe', able to provide the best resources and comfort or protection at all times, or you keep looking for that integrity with the wisdom to understand that it might take a while. For a lot of women, 'True Love' isn't a will to walk through fire, it's timing - whomsoever shows up with a saucer of warm milk gets the p*ssy. If she hoists a glass and says 'I want this water cold', you can fan and blow with all your might trying to cool that water, but you might lose to the man who shows up with a bag of ice.

Nice Guy and Good Listener are a C- in boyfriend material. The Minimum System Requirements to play the game. An Alpha can dominate a hunting ground, a battlefield, or a boardroom with the same mannerisms. They look like 'assholes', tormenting waitresses and pushing friends to serve their own interests, but they look to women like guys who get things done. Women don't want to get stuck with the pushy/whiny Alpha male, but they have an instinct. Very few women can use martial force or rely on physical endurance to get what they want, they have to manipulate and test limits to ensure their survival, security, and comfort. That instinct tells them to gather resources through the efforts of others, gain control of those resources through coercion and bargaining, and demonstrate her excess of resources to other women to recruit to a stronger tribe. No one is more critical of a woman's social and physical appearance than other women, the instinct is to warn that woman that she's backing the wrong horse. 'Consensus is survival'. She's not trying to be evil, but she should respect the fact that Life is hard, and running away isn't the solution to everything. She should have the self-awareness to know when she becomes the biggest obstacle to her own happiness.

_ Ladies *and* Gentlemen - you have to take care of yourselves. Don't force the other guy to watch you eat yourself to death. There's nothing healthy about setting something on fire and deliberately inhaling the fumes. Watch your money, slay the Debt Beast with every brass farthing you have, minimum payments be damned; count your debts before you go telling yourself how much you have to spend. Some designer jeans and some video games are going to have to wait. Stop trading the paid-off car for a brand new one putting yourself another $30,000 in debt if you're two months behind on the mortgage.
Your freedom from life's grind will cost you about $1,500,000. If you snicker at that number thinking you can live off much less, you're on the right track, but haven't been sick or watched your house burn down yet. Hardships are coming. It seems like the most shallow thing in the world, but focus on money. I've tried to advise people on how to stop ice-skating uphill many times, but there's always a long list of things people aren't willing to do to improve their situation. They won't go back to school and learn a new skill, they won't travel, they won't work outdoors, etc. You decide how long it takes, and your life situation is in bad shape because you like it that way, and don't dislike it enough to make the change. You eat an elephant one bite at a time - get off the couch, turn the PlayStation off, and *move*.

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

  Please, a few dollars really help an old guy out. I put a lot of work in these stories and even give free information.

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