June 30, 2018
Granddaughters wow really that pissed/upset are you. She's 20, a kid, a dumb kid, but a kid!
Five-page explosive letter. No, that was a good one, as you knew I would have loved to paste it for others to read. But, since you probably had it disappear after a couple hours, I still had a chance to pass it on to many other families and friendly friends of mine as well. They all know you and never knew you could be so explosive. At 72 Misty, I am not a secret keeper and have never been except for when it involves my great-grandchildren and now one grandchild that is only five now, which I must add, never expected how well adjusted and outspoken he has become. Just like my Great grandkids, or your boys. The only good being with three boys, she really came out strong and really going to be just fine as she grows older. At least there all been taught well to say what is on their minds and bring the problems of a devil wanting to be a prison guard and depend on your girl to do as told as I am an adult. I never knew what or for that matter ever know what goes on in the house of Corey's as I do not get involved with no one as you well know.
Your jealously as I did take it when Corey offered me a great life with less stress was something that I had to think about for a long time. He could have told you as well as your dad could have stated the same thing. I really did not want to let it happen, but then other things came up as to be a watchful eye over his expensive things while he was out of town. That alone made things go and take up Corey's offer. Around this time Billy was just cremated and things were getting to the point that I was taking in a whole family and supporting them as well on my thousand a month which after bills like car payment of $275.00, House insurance monthly $175.00, Car insurance full coverage plus being a sports car $145.00 a month, I also pay $50.00 Termix monthly of $50.00 on my house just in case I have to find a place to live. At the beginning your dad and brother almost had me convinced to sell and save all that extra money so I could eat much better, After all my bills did not end just there as I have co-pays every month to pay close to a hundred a month for all medical stuff I need, and that sometimes climbs to a bit more. Just what is mentioned, subtract the bills I pay and you'll see what I have left for gas and oil even tires when needed. I also have property taxes of close to three hundred a month with other self-taxes called improvement. Improvement with a leaking roof, electrical sockets blowing and two trash companies wanting to bill me for the same pick up so I started to take the trash myself and paying for it at the dump myself. Since then it has piled up in the back shed of the property which is in process of being cleaned up after close to two years come this October. $35.00 monthly for trash service finally started, but will be many months before two years worth is finally cleaned up there.
I still even yesterday was gone taking care of doctor business, and came home and notice that the cable is off again. Left it that way as able to watch everything on the computer and besides that everyone complains that the tv is too loud, when there or your brothers wife is the biggest mouth here and I bring that to my grandsons attention, but like he said she can do what she wants as I married her because I love her. Be honest it looks like she is gold digging and especially when they had another kid on the way. You know how I am with animals especially dogs as I was raised as well as raised chow chows even. You made sure that they were going to a good home, and I even checked on them for the first months to see that the pups were being treated right.
I do get angry with anyone that does not give protection to pups as they would or should as there the first baby. If someone can't care for a pup, then may the Almighty be inserted into this one's young life till she is older and able to say what is wrong and not just being spoiled and wanting her way in mom or dads arms all the time.
The first pup you gave to your brother's wife was no way ever going to be trained locked up in the spare room with papers all over the carpet. Never getting out of that room ever unless you came over with great-grandkids and they were able to play with it. But, never shown any attention ever. I was told that you had paid the dog security deposit, by your brother, as I questioned that myself. Then when they came home with this black puppy, I said I would help as much as possible as well house train him. I did sit outside for hours to watch him and correct him to never go pass certain boundaries of the yard so he would not have to be tired up. Then one day I was sitting out there and your brother's wife wanted to help him climb up a step to get on the porch where the bbq is. I told her no now I see what you have been doing and assisting him. You can't train him if you allow him which was named Bear to train you. She said he is too little to get up by himself. I said no he isn't as he was doing fine when I taught him. That I think may have started the problem as I would let him out of that cage that he was kept in most of the day and nights. I would let him run out and do his mother natural thing. He learned to paw at the back door when he wanted in or out. Then I seen him locked up so much I asked her why is he still locked up at noon and when she was doing nothing. After all, he was trained not to go into the house, so he should have been able to run around. A few days later, I have seen him on a long rope leash and sleeping out on the porch when it was really hot. I asked Corey why he did that when it's so hot. How would he like to be out there on the hottest day? Smart words, of course, came back. I was told to no longer let Bear out at any time of the nights or days I was in there to see him. I was also told that they would let him out when we get up so he knows to hold it till we get up. Thinking to myself, yea 24 hours a day. Cruel in my personal opinion and not showing any real love or even care for a puppy, but just another toy for them to play with if they wanted to. This toy would not be kept on a shelf or in a box until they locked him in the box.
When my granddaughters (great) were here, I still remained in my room and never came out except when I had to. I did say ah it's girls night so I will bid you, women, a good night. Never knew what was happening as each time I came out I seen nothing but all of them talking but stopped when I came out then started the conversation again when they knew I was back in my room. Didn't care as you know I can stand kids for a few minutes and then take them to whatever as I can wait till next visit. Not being mean, just that kids now days are wild as I say. Like Michael, a smart kid and bright for his age, but so are your kids very grown for their age. But, they are great with one another when I see them except for Michael that is. As for how your boys can take his punches are really great as I know they did hurt.
As for the driving that may have been my fault after all you took her for the tests so if you took your brothers wife for a driving test when I felt she had to know how to drive. In fact, I even told her myself she probably won't get a license here in Missouri as this state still doesn't like blacks. I told her to tell them that they know she can drive and they're not letting her have a license because she is black. Then read where you stated she really doesn't know how to drive. Well, I know of all the dents in her man's car from shopping carts and one from hitting the wall in the garage. Your first statement, she doesn't know how to drive was a surprise to me. Now, here I even said to Corey if he felt she did ok, and you're allowing her to use the car then I just took it she knew how to drive. Remember when I taught your brother and failed the written more times than ever. But, passed the driving skill on first attempt. I even walked to the car when he pulled into the lot and asked the examiner how did he do. The guy said he passed. Great and that was the end of it. But, no I will not take her anyplace with me no matter where it is. I offered to let her drive my car and she called Corey and he said hell no, she doesn't have a license yet. Lng story short, he finally let her use his car instead because I would not ride with her. Doesn't mean I will be seen in public with her as I was raised a bit different and still have feelings back when my house was broken into or my parents when I was little by niggers. Would say blacks but these were niggers as my parents lost a lot because those black coons were bitten by the Chow and had very big hospital bills. Now I was only ten or eleven then. I have or had blacks I had to work with all my life. We tolerate one another and some even were friends but just at work never at each other's homes. It was a surprise when I heard your brother ran into his love and could not believe it. But, it's his life the same as anyone welcome to live there lives as sees fit. Doesn't mean I need to conform to that lifestyle. I do my very best not to use nigger, but at times especially when sending letters like this very hard not to when I read all that you said here.
As for she has been wanting me out of her house since day one, then that was not just a surprise but I wondered why and said ah it's because I write my remarks to the world as well as strangers. Words for some reason really have an impact when I use them as I do at times. But, at my age, I have no other way to fight for how I feel and believe except with word, as it not only makes me feel better as thousands of people like reading about my life. But, also lowers my blood pressure, but when I have seen the dog cage go out the door and then the puppy on the rope being taken to a car, I said what the hell. All because I let the poor thing out when I got up at night.
I then started to think like the first time was because the baby was hard enough and she could not handle all the dog and baby also. Said nothing except what I said already wanted to train as best as I could so they had a great animal for the kid or kids in the future. I was asked to help even then told not to interfere we will do it ourselves. I said fine and back to my room and doing as I always do. Causing problems by telling the truth as to how I see it. I am really concerned for the second kid as it was hard enough for one. In fact, since I wrote that letter of her baby should not be crying like it does, and others also said the same thing. Ask a doctor what seems to be the problem. You know since My ex-Pat also wrote something she even got in and defended me as well as many others to tell the damn doctor. Well, I guess she did, as the baby seems to have calmed really way down to being normal like most babies. What really is normal anyways. Having raised so many kids as well as changing poop shitty diapers, I even at my age still remember. None of mine ever cried like that.
I have heard nothing as of this letter in reply to yours as to be out by the end of the month. Which is not a problem what so ever. But, having to smile daily and give good morning good afternoon or good night and she felt this way since day one? I never speak or even go into the house or kitchen until there in bed asleep and normally once a day for ice if need it. But, I don't eat till 1-5 am even then go out and get something if I really need something to eat. But, I don't use nothing that so ever of there's and if I do like a pan for boiling water for macaroni. Best I ever used of there's and washed the same day as used and put back away even before they're out of bed.
I don't complain except to your brother for her setting the fire smoke alarm off because she's burning all her food all the time. All she needs to do is turn in the ceiling fan o remove the smoke, but by that time she has both doors open wanting to stop the smoke alarms. She cooks full meals as does your brother, Majority I never eat unless it's Corey's tacos. Then I even think about how they were cooked. But, they eat out a lot and never do I go as just won't as told your brother I am not interested and know people too well. I know your brother does love her as she can get him to do anything. I mean anything too! But, if she is going to go for the big dollars and doesn't have that same love as your brother then your brother best be brave enough not to ever give her a divorce no matter what. He willnever make it, but he can still keep that love as he wishes and just needs to be a little stronger and not blame family all the time. As I said I have never said a cross or bad word and always gave her the benfit that she was being mistreated because she is a nigger or black African or whatever there called today.
Hopefully this will npt cause your brother to forsake is job no matter what. He needs to do what he feels is best nd grow up and also take control and teach a twenty year old kid that she can't waste like that especially with another kid on the way.I pay your brother $30.00 a onth as that is what he wanted for the phone he got me for my birthday. Didn't want it, but he wanted to and fianlly I asked what he pays. I never paid more than $30..0 every three months for my last phone even. But, this one does have a lot more than my last one. I also pay him $40.00 a month for the internet service since were all on the y-5. Well, was until I arrived home and just going to leave the tv go until your brother gets home. She had to shut it down for what reason no idea, and don't care as able to watch same on computer anyways.
I am ready to move anytime of the day that your brother is ready to load up all my tuff and take me back to my home. He made a call last night then stopped and think he was going to talk, but seems he is going to also just wait and see what the hell is happening. He can't keep taking stress like this when he is working as he will ruin his life is allows whatever is happening to keep going on. You saying she is going to get that old man out of here one way or another and not a single word from her as to that being her feeling. I know she is like any kid and wants all that is hers as any woman would.
But, just so you know I am glad you let me know as I had no idea till I came home and see the tv went out again. My computer was still up and running so the reason I know it was done on purpose. The rest of your letter as to visitor T resa and your daughter was strange as your daughter did act a bit strange for the first time when I said hi and did he brother come and she acted like she wasn't supposed to talk to me. Felt bad, but what the hell maybe it's just old age. Never think for a minute I don't love you granddaughter or your kids my great grandkids. You know better than that. You already know how I live after all you lived with me even up here.
If I missed something that you wish for me to clear up then say so, as I will. But, no my letters are not set to self-destruct. When I say something I normally think it out before saying anything. Besides only the truth is best no matter what.
Rumors run rampant here in Monett. Received exploring letter five pages, but the only pic. half left behind. when received I was an hour drive away or would have saved it. But, as shown in public as knew something like that would happen, but never use the phone for such things as those people will discover will get them into real problems with the changes in the laws. But, computers are a fair game still. Grandson just popped in, seen I was here and popped right back out? Hmm, wonder what that was all about. . Long letter for only people that really know me and what was stated earlier, will understand. By the way, Corey stated you Misty had already paid the dog deposit on the other dog has thrown away? That didn't make sense, as I asked him about that even. Take it you did not? No this is not posted, but here. See cable is shut off as well. No problem only pay forty for internet and thirty for the phone. I figured the gals were having fun and didn't hear a lot about this. Heck, the two girls stayed up all night even doing her hair with Anita. Guess I will find out Monday is the word now. Nope, still said nothing or even let on that I know what you told me Misty. But, was surprised. Oh well, not going to let that bother me as I said I stay always to myself, plus never will help in any way after seeing as well as reading and hearing of the knife aimed in my back and I do nothing but say what's what on this computer. John
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