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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Old Man's Blood pressure falling Poor Pup!

‎Wednesday, ‎June ‎27, ‎2018

The response added Thursday, June 28, 2018

                     Last, of month Old Man's story-Blood Pressure out or off the chart!

                              Another pet is given up on Again;

  It's so sad people want a pet and when it comes to taking care of them is a problem. I look at animals as kids, if not able to handle a kid, then wait before having one or more. Hell, I was in my late twenties before having kids. Now of course at 72, it was no easy task, but my wife and I had a pleasure fighting over whose turn it was to get up at all sorts of weird hours. Of course, we both did, after all, we both brought the kid into the world. Yes, we even had pets. Not just one dog but a couple and chickens as well as rabbits and mice and rats even snakes. Now that is what you call keeping busy. Today kids are so strange wanting this and that and yes I can do it and take care of it, no problem. I started out training that puppy by housebreaking it, the was told please don't let the dog out of it's sleeping cage. Which I would be up, so I would let the poor puppy go outside and finally had it trained to want to go outside and never went into the house with me at all. If it did with the married couple then I have no idea. After all being 72 years old you try not to get underfoot or make it look like your taking control. When you're a grandparent it is no easy walk when you see things that you don't agree with. So, after so much of it, you say something and of course get people pissed off. But, as I said I let it go for a very long time before doing or saying anything. I wanted to continue training that cute puppy and once you're told not to let him out when you get up. We want him to learn to go outside when we get up. What difference does it make how many times you let a dog out of its cage. Hell. when they get up they just tired it to a rope and left it outside until bedtime and right back in the cage. Yes, I had to say something about tieing that poor puppy up on a rope as well and was told we want to do it differently and it is easier when we have a baby to take care of. What the hell was I even offered for in the first time they brought it home from someone wanting to find a home for it. Sad, very sad is all I can say, and know I am sure they're not going to get another animal until the kids are at least able to dress themselves. Then just maybe the kids will get a live pet. I felt after seeing how they did the first puppy that was freely given to them that there was no way that it was going to work. They had it locked up in a room by itself and papers covered the whole floor in case it went to the bathroom. Nope, not training that what at all. Had nothing to do or even seen it except when they left the door open. But, house training if they were not even trying. Never seen it even ever go outside one time. Maybe they were going to toilet train it but didn't even attempt to do that even.

  I use to sit outside with this new one for hours just watching it run around free. Correcting it if it went too far to try and let it know not to go past a certain line. Then mom would come out and sit with it and say I can go inside. I said ok, fine. Not wanting to, but hey there dog. But, tried to start and even said I would help and seems that if I did they got upset because it was not the times they wanted. Weird and stupid as I did tell my grandson. When he said not to let the dog outside as it won't get used to our time. Our time? What time? They have no time. Last week they have stayed up till 2am. Hell, mom was doing her hair and this is no joke for a day in a half. Stayed up all night placing her hair in some sort of bangs or knows or something. Women never know what they're up to when it comes to their hair. Just say nice and move on I learned over the years. Then we have another girl of twelve come up to visit and a smart one at that. Complains my tv is too loud after there up yelling all night in the kitchen playing cards and go to bed two am and then mon stayed up till 1-2 am next few days. No idea why, as I get up any time from midnight to two for my pills and heck most nights I don't even sleep always doing something on the computer or talking to others also confined as I am in there house. Always check within others as to refresh my brain when they raised kids if they cried for hours and of course never as I was told by medical people I worked with and an ex also that even said she had to pinch her two to see if they could cry one time even. Between us, we raised nine kids. Things made so simple nowadays that it would have been a breeze for us if we had to throw away diapers bottles food and so on. Damn throw away diapers? We had to clean ours out by hand washing before placing in the washer even. Yup, we had lots of cloth diapers and they worked out great. She has another one due in a few weeks, yea just had one and not even a year old another on its way. I asked grandson how why so stupid. The protection didn't work. Yea, I am really dumb after all the protection just fell out or whatever the story was starting to go. Said I don't want to hear it. Told you when she is still bleeding than when will become PG again. Going to be fun watching this. Now wondering how she is going to drag two kids when she wants to go shopping to buy things. Hard enough for taking one baby but two. Going to be fun as know it will give me some great stories for sure. Can't wait till this little girl can talk. Then I have a five-year-old grandson and his brother is my older grandsons brother and never knew my own kid was just as a dump and had another kid in his forties. Yea, he is a pistol and glad I see him for a few minutes a day then lock myself in my room and when leaving I am right there waving hurry back. lol, Other great grandkids I don't see as much as Corey's sister also has a life and doing something all the time as well having to take care of dogs and some other strange animal that I think is a weasel. Those take a lot of care and attention or they get really wild if not careful. Yea, my kids had one of those even an owl and so many wild animals that we save from who knows what.

  Well, I sure feel bad for that puppy but whoever gets it this next time hopefully has someone that really wants to have a pet animal and able to show attention and raise it correctly. Like to hear what you think on this as well. After all being 72, you're always wrong as you know from the thousands of letters posted here.

                               FIRST RESPONSE TO HOMELESS PUP

I must think about this one awhile. Above all, I hope the pup gets a good forever home.  Someone who will appreciate who and what he is. It doesn't take much to learn to give and take on both sides of the fence. A dog doesn't ask but for a little food, water, and a place to call their own.  We can provide this with little trouble if they provide us what we need. Some who is glad when we come home, if we take them for a ride, to lay at our feet,to absorb our rantings and ravings without talking back, to act as a sponge to our tears and our hurts.  But most of all for our egos when all is well.  They know. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, pay attention.  Bev's dog was a rescue dog 12-5 teen years ago/  Bev cared but didn't care.  This little lady, I mean that, a little lady.  BUT she did with what she had, Jeff brought her over here, to nice of a dog to put down.  Sharri and Rissa trimmed 10 years of matted hair, long hair with burrs and People say "sores from her.  She was cold the first couple of nights, had to learn how to get along with Howard, Sharris big red dog, and now she listens to everything!  Even gets a bounce and excited if she is going somewhere. Next time, suggest they get a little older dog from the shelters or the SPCA.  Pups and little children don't mix. Respect goes both ways,  they both need to know enough to understand. people think " oh Ill get the kids a pup" That's wrong thinking in my book.  An older dog would be good for you- to talk to and care about. Hell I was like a pup, let out of my cage, tried to do my best in showing everyone I could work hard, cared about people, just wanted food, a bed, someone to pat me on the head, but no one wanted a bitch with a litter of pups. Not sure just what went wrong or how I caused it, sure wanted to be wanted, up till a couple of years ago. Its strange how I thought those last couple of sentences out.... No one I know had throw away diapers, wash them, sometimes in the tub, stomping like grapes, kept my feet clean!I even took pride in hanging my wash correctly. Thank goodness yours were pretty good kids, like mine , till they got older.  We should have put them all together when we brought yours home. But then again....there were reasons. And my John, your ex.?  I have a paper that says......
signed by you.  Whats one of my good songs?  Life is just a bowl of cherries, sure had some good ones this year!  Tonight a friend gave some nectarines, small but delicious.  Jeff Harmon brought over a homemade cake for Rissas birthday. Went down to S.S.and over to the welfare office to get a medical card.  When I got home I came in an sat.  Couldn't hardly see the comp and I sure as hell could not read my book. I thought my eyes had not adjusted from bright to dark, closed my eyes for a few but they were the same when I opened them,  Thought. man I am having a problem... took my glasses off, crap, they were my dark glasses. Stupid.  The big box on top of the pole across the street just blew, sounded like a cannon, scared me a lot, dogs ran out back, our big protectors!  Someone just said a bird did it, feathers all over. Well my John, I have probably talked your eyes sore and your rear sore from sitting, Always with cares and thoughts   Me List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

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