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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Old-Man's belief on Sheriff/Police

    ‎Thursday, ‎31 ‎May 2018

                             Police Do Not Serve or Protect

  "There is no evidence that having a minority police officer changes arrest or use of force," she said. "The better evidence suggests that black police officers tend to arrest everyone at higher rates across races. I interpret this as black professionals having to over-perform in any number of professions to get to comparable ranking....."
That is one reason: Here is another: perhaps those that are lifted up to be included into a system that has underlying systemic racism at its core.....become socialized to the underlying "group think". It is especially difficult when the belief system one is working in offers prestige, power and pays the bills.
For instance, it is to be wondered: what is the difference between Scalia and Thomas ideology. Both believe in Originalism, such an authentic sounding name. Perhaps we should consider the fact that originally our system, whose ideology is based on our Bill of Rights and supported by our Constitution, were in practice written by a few rich, male, property owners.....who happened to be white...for the purpose of sustaining their economic well being. We, the people that these idealistic dreams were taught to, had to fight to stretch our Constitution to include unions, civil rights, blacks, and women. As I see it, it is not our goal to return to the original acceptable core interpretation.
Systemic racism has been used all over the world to sustain the status quo or to build a new one that will allow those in control to keep those out of control... in their place..... At this time in our history.......when human beings need to organize to sustain life on earth and move the arc of justice.......defining "white" "liberal" or even "conservative" as the problem drives a wedge between all the different fragmented groups of society..making it difficult for us to sustain the very rights we fought for.
It may indeed be true that teaching not to hate.....and tolerance is not sufficient to put an end to the need to find a victim to blame for the hardship perpetrated on the many by the few for their own personal benefit, It is to be remembered that the few use their money to sustain and grow the power that blaming the victim and hatred brings them. However is there another way for the many to once again become strong enough to talk up to power in a way that will make change possible?.
" Bill of Rights and supported by our Constitution, were in practice written by a few rich, male, property owners.....who happened to be white...for the purpose of sustaining their economic well being." I do not doubt promoting self-interest was within their goals but I just found this in my local newspaper and thought it was interesting.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? 5 were captured by the British and tortured before they died. 12 had their homes ransacked and burned. 2 lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had 2 sons captured. 9 out of 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revo. War. (Wow back in the days when the elites actually put themselves and their offspring up for valor, to actually stand for something other than the pay from taxes and lobbyist bribes, talk about welfare Queens the biggest is getting $175k ^ annually) Carter Braxton of Virginia, wealthy planter-trader lost his ships to British Navy,sold his home and properties to pay debts and died in rags. Thomas McKean was hounded by the British forces to move his family constantly, served in Congress without pay (NOW THAT IS A TRUE PUBLIC SERVANT) and his possessions were seized and he was impoverished.
Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillary,Hall,Clymer,Walalton, Guinett,Heyward,Ruttledge and Middleton.
Thomas Nelson Jr at the battle of Yorktown had his home taken over by British to use as headquarters and Nelson requested General George Washington to open fire destroying his home and Nelson died bankrupt.
Americans didn't fight just the British. We were British subjects at the time and fought our own government as well.
  The police state I think has become a tool for keeping society down. The real goal is for the rich to be able to dominate society. The police are just a tool in that regard.

For the African American community, sadly enough, the prison system has managed to replace the Jim Crow laws of old. So too is the War on Drugs. The barriers are economic today in allowing for racial integration, more than anything else. If anything, everyone is getting screwed by the very rich.

The issue is that capitalism has led to an effective feudal system. US Social mobility is poor compared to say, Canada or the Nordic nations, contrary to the constant screams of "land of opportunity".

The police brutality I think is just a matter of the rich wanting to keep it and use them as a shield to enforce their brutal society on the rest of us. That's the real problem here.
  This is the world we get when profit is the highest and essentially the only consideration in all aspects of life. In such a world EVERYTHING gets monetized. Nobody does anything for fun or enlightenment. All actions are performed based on their monetary return. The POlice in Missouri charging their serfs $26 a shot for tazing is a good example. This extra income helps to pay for all those military toys so they can look like Robocop walking the streets to "protect and serve"...oh wait, they don't give a shit about that antiquated notion anymore.

I look like the Capitalists and Oligarchs want to bring back their beloved indentured servitude. Or did it ever really go away? Of course not!
                           Now, in conclusion, Most have to agree
The corporate structure is just a tool of capitalism and therein lies my one quibble with Hedges article. It is a mistake often made even among the most trenchant of observers- the need to attach an adjective to capitalism which seems to soften the criticism where that is unnecessary and suggests that reform of capitalism is desirable or even possible. The suggestion is that it is only this certain form of capitalism that is the disease.

There is no need to attach an adjective to the word "Capitalism", as in, "Corporate Capitalism", "Crony Capitalism", "Financial Capitalism", "Disaster Capitalism", "Shock Capitalism", "Unregulated Capitalism", "Private-Equity Capitalism" or that old standby, "Greedy Capitalism". It is Capitalism, pure and simple, and there can be no confusion. What we see is what it is.

Perhaps there was slightly more justification for this jive two decades ago. Today, there is no possibility of a debate. The End of Ideology has itself ended. Instead of bringing "stability" to the world, capitalism has brought depression and fragmentation. Instead of bringing democracy and prosperity to the world, it has wrecked local societies where they hung on by a fingernail. No extended criticism is needed because criticism itself - social, political, and economics - has become a criticism of capitalism.

It has been this way for a long time. In the 19th century, capitalism was that which ripped smallholders from the land, chained children to machinery, and pushed entire populations, on a threat of extinction, across the surface of the earth. In the first part of the 20th century, Capitalism was synonymous with War and Fascism. Imperialism? Colonialism? Famine? Genocide? All the faces of Capitalism...

They told you that Capitalism changed? They lied.

And liberalism- what is its role in the capitalists' system? Liberalism is first and foremost an economic ideology- third-way capitalism.

Liberalism: the hard and soft sides of the coinage of social control

Explaining liberalism to North Americans is a thankless and possibly futile task, but it is one that must be attempted for clarity's sake.

Liberalism is a theory of political economy that arose in Great Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries. Its principal inspirations were Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and John Locke (1632-1704). It emphasizes individualism, human avarice, the "virtue" of competition and the "justice" of the marketplace. It opposed feudalism and mercantilism. It sought to replace the traditional landowners with the rising commercial and manufacturing classes.

It sought to liberate capital, not people (and especially not women, slaves and propertyless males).

Liberalism is the foundational ideology of the United States. American Conservatives (aka Tories or Loyalists) were expelled to Canada, the Caribbean or sent back to England. The USA (a few southerners excepted - until the Civil War) began and remains a homogenously liberal society.

What, exactly, is liberalism?

Here's what classical liberal economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) said:

"Whenever there is a great property, there is great inequality. For one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the rich supposes the indigence of the many, who are often driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. ... Civil government so far as it is instituted for the security of property is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all."

Liberal utilitarian Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) added this:

"In the highest state of social prosperity, the great mass of citizens will have no resource except their daily industry; and consequently will always be near indigence ... human beings are the most powerful instruments of production, and therefore everyone becomes anxious to employ the services of his fellows in multiplying his own comforts. Hence the intense and universal thirst for power; the equally prevalent hatred of subjugation. ... When security and conflict are in conflict, it will not do to hesitate a moment. Equality must yield."

This means that, in liberal societies, the rich are pitted against the poor, gaining their wealth by appropriating the work of others; and it means that government is in "business" to protect the ruling class.

Today, of course, there are two kinds of liberals. Soft-hearted liberals live mainly in the Democratic party. They sometimes toss crumbs to working and middle-class people. In a pinch, they will do bad things reluctantly, but they will do bad things nonetheless, to protect the ruling class.

Hard-hearted liberals live mainly in the Republican party. They do bad things gleefully, and never toss crumbs. They try to get racists and religious fundamentalists worked into a frenzy to oppose soft-hearted liberals, to protect the ruling class.

They are the good cops and the bad cops, the soft and hard sides of the coinage of social control. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People, Not ‘Serve and Protect’

The Police Were Created to Control Working Class and Poor People, Not ‘Serve and Protect’

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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

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Suspect In Shooting Of Rogers Officer Later Kills Himself, Police Say | Fort Smith/Fayetteville News | 5newsonline KFSM 5NEWS

0115 door bell rings..

Found something different to watch

‎Wednesday, ‎May ‎30, ‎2018

                                0115 in the morning
  This old guy just eating slices of bread and watching some dumb ass movie of human-like robots shooting one another. Going to change a little bit as to how I post things since this is also owned by Facebook. Going to link long stories to another site where I talk about anything and everything including family friends all people. Only because I discovered the majority of society hates that. Here as humans, we do it all the time. Some more honest than others is all. But, my family really complains a lot! Tell one person and it is known by all from Arkansas to California.
  That's what a 72-year-old guy does. Damn not use to gaining those two years back. Yup, damn blood pressure really climbed over thinking of how fast I aged in one day.
  Yea, have to take left and right arms. Always different. The reason is wanting to get medication to stable. Was doing this twice a day, finally after two months I said hell once a day good enough to do it when and if I feel like it. Besides adding two years to my life in a single day is stressful as all hell. lol Just so use to saying 70 when people ask it was never questioned. At that age who would care. you find that out fast enough. Don't think even my doctor thinks anything about it. As he does ask me every time. I just said 70 and then we went on. Wonder if he even knows? He will when I say 72 at next visit.
  I get up early if even go to bed and sleep which is seldom. Doorbell rings at 0115 am. what the hell, who is calling on me at 0115 am. Almost didn't answer the door as I never do during the day. Just don't like to talk to people. Anyway had Bear, the eight-month-old puppy that joined this household a few days ago. Let him out of his confined small little space and let him run the house or living room and kitchen. Never comes into anyone's room. Just to much space at this time for him, I think. He was crying so felt he wanted to go outside. Nope, just wanted out of the cage
is all. My grandsons' wife at door and I said how dod Bear get out as she rang the doorbell. I took him out when I got up to pix a warmed baby bottle. Oh ok, in short, she locked herself out the back door. Once in I asked did he do anything. Said he did, so picked him up and locked back into the cage. Went back to my room and eating bread and drinking coke zero. I also buy Pepsi zero now as well. They taste close to the same but ones cheaper every so often so stack up on at least twenty 2 liter bottles a month.
  Sounds like rain outside again this morning at 0217 Am. Yea, I am slow this early, bit just same speed if any time of day. Back to finding something on tv.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

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Monday, May 28, 2018

The Old-Mans Monthly sound off

‎Monday, ‎May ‎28, ‎2018

    The Old man's Monthly outspoken family and more life happenings...
  Well, just finished sending in my b-weekly blood pressure readings. Tell you being retired and still having to do things daily is not retired. Doing nothing and I mean nothing at all but sleeping and eating fast foods and sleeping is the lifestyle. But, that is the reason for my lifestyle by my doctor with starting my day with a dozen pills and finish out the evening with another dozen pills. Yea, it's not just blood pressure, but other human body parts that also fails. Today, I was asked again how am I. I said 70, and then here comes grandson saying sorry your birthday is coming in a few months and you're going to be 72. Damn, after thinking as well as writing down my birth date 1946 and subtracting this year's date of 2016. Damn, I have been 70 for two years, and even my doctor stated at my visit last month and said oh you're just turned 70. Yes, I said not blinking an eye. Then your grandson has to go and ruin those two years lost and now knowing the truth 72. 72? Wow, and I even thought I was 70 after all I have been telling everyone this for going on two years. Then a spoiler really hits you when you're told you're a lot older than 70.
  When asked the age at which a person reaches the prime of life — considering factors such as resources, potential, capacity, and influence — millennials put the age at 36. Meanwhile, Gen Xers cited age 47 as the prime of one’s life, while boomers and the silent generation said 50 and 52, respectively.
   Pew Research Center report found that those under 30 believe old age hits before a person turns 60. Middle-aged respondents cited 70 as the start of old age while those 65 and older put the number closer to 74. Ok, then I have two years still before I am old.

  Ok, so I will say I am 72 for the next number of years until someone tells me different again. Hell, I have a lady friend that is 88 another 78. So, hell compared to them I am a spring chicken. 
  Then, of course, I have a great doctor that has been giving me pills to keep me ticking. Took a major hospital stay to get this body back to normal or living normally as I just didn't want drugs in my body. Well, was given a choice when I went in close to death that the doctor asked if I waa\s  going to start my pills as directed. He said if not then why to waste my time when I know there are others that want to live and do as I say. I am willing to let you lay here and come back later on and you will never need to take drugs again. Of course, this is the last place you're going to see. I will be back in a couple minutes. I am typing this, so you know what my decision was.
  This month has been a real fast moving month in my own opinion, not money ways because I had extra bills that came and ate some of my fast foods. In short, had to do without in order to pay the state government license fees and property taxes and still need to get an oil change done first thing in June.
  Looks like I am going to be a great grandfather again as my grandson has a five-month-old girl now and what is expected is another boy or girl. They don't care which it is as that way their daughter will at least have a sister or a brother. Meanwhile, another addition came into this household with a puppy that is eight weeks. Of course scared and shy for a while after being taken from mother and siblings. But, a puppy will grow up with the kids and be very protective of them at eight weeks. Still waiting for the five-month-old first words of course. Know mom and ad are also as it is the one thing all parents waiting for. Too bad I won't be around to see who they marry and if I would approve even. Just kidding to those that I am too mean and outspoken After all at 70, I mean 72 I have already seen everything and I say whatever is on my mind without that politically correct crap of saying the feeling good bullshit. This is one thing my family still can't get used to, but they have been able to deal with it. Of course with some words being set here on the internet and any family member that doesn't know how I feel about them just need to read here. After all still have things back to 1999 even.
  Well, it's 0000 or midnight now, so the kids are in meaning I can go into the kitchen and see what is different to snack on to keep my body fit for the higher above. Yea, maybe for that devil instead could happen, but hellfire if I deserve it then so be it. I have not seen anything regretful in my life after all most were orders from superiors and allowable. Some were still deserved in my state of mind at that time. But, we all make mistakes in our lives and then I assure you even if as cold as I am at this day, you still think of those bad days more than the good. Maybe that is part of old age reminding you of what you did may or may not have been correct.
  So past these boards around when you no longer see me picking on people or saying what most people would not say then I have been taken away one way or another. Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Northwest Arkansas Restaurant Inspections

Northwest Arkansas Restaurant Inspections

Sunday, May 27, 2018

42 Shocking Police Brutality Statistics |

42 Shocking Police Brutality Statistics |

Police: Woman held captive slips note to employee at veterinary office | Chicago Sun-Times

Police: Woman held captive slips note to employee at veterinary office | Chicago Sun-Times

Danica Patrick's racing career ends with Indy 500 crash

Danica Patrick's racing career ends with Indy 500 crash

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Meeting Draws People Angry Over Fatal Police Shooting | Virginia News | US News

Meeting Draws People Angry Over Fatal Police Shooting | Virginia News | US News

2018 Disasters

The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018 


Natural disasters around the world are occurring at an alarming rate in 2018. Every few weeks, we're witnessing earthquakes that demolish whole cities, wildfires that burn thousands of acres, and cyclones that cause mass flooding and property damage. In the wake of these disasters, people grieve the losses of loved ones and destroyed property while anticipating the long road back to personal and communal recovery. 
Whether they're raging wildfires, deluges of violent rain, or forceful movements in the earth's crusts, the impact of natural disasters is merciless and immeasurable. High death tolls and property damage leave civilians devastated. And it's not only families and cities who suffer in the aftermath. The scope of these events inevitably causes political, social, and economic turmoil, amplifying the tragedy and creating a vulnerable climate. 
Historically, some natural disasters have almost ended the world. This is why it's so important to keep an eye on the worst natural disasters of 2018 and consider the important environmental issues affecting the world. Ensuring we have a positive impact on the environment can help create a better future.

Mount Kilauea Eruption

Mount Kilauea Eruption is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: May 3
Areas affected: Hawaii 
Cause: Three days before the eruption, a volcanic crater collapsed which caused lava to pour down the volcano's slopes. This set off a chain of small fissures and earthquakes, which eventually caused a massive eruption. The governor of Hawaii quickly declared a state of emergency. 
Damages: More than 1,700 evacuations 
Deaths: 0
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India Dust Storms

India Dust Storms is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: May 2
Areas affected: Western and Northern India 
Cause: Abnormally high temperatures may have contributed to the storms, but meteorologists have also called it a freak accident. 
Damages: High winds and lightning generated by the storms destroyed houses and livestock, as well as uprooting trees and shutting down electricity for many.  
Deaths: More than 125 

Cyclone Josie

Cyclone Josie is listed (or ranked) 3 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018
Photo:  kim quang/YouTube
Date: March 31, 2018
Areas affected: Fiji
Cause: Natural weather patterns resulted in the tropical storm that led to the cyclone, which caused flooding damage across Fiji. 
Damages: Property damage caused by 1,873 evacuations and 74 roads were closed. 
Deaths: 4

New England Bomb Cyclone

New England Bomb Cyclone is listed (or ranked) 4 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: March 2
Areas affected: Areas between Massachusettes and DC were the most heavily affected by the severe weather, but states within New England (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Connecticut) were affected as well. 
Cause: Natural weather patterns cause bomb cyclones. 
Damages: Massive flooding caused damage to an unknown number of structures, more than 2 million lost power in the days surrounding the disaster, and over 4,000 flights were canceled 
Deaths: 9

Papua New Guinea Earthquake

Papua New Guinea Earthquake is listed (or ranked) 5 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: February 26
Magnitude: 7.5 magnitude earthquake with a 6.5 magnitude aftershock 
Areas affected: Hela, Southern Highlands, and Western and Enga Provinces in Papua New Guinea
Cause: The Papua New Guinea Earthquake was caused by naturally occurring environmental processes. 
Damages: Thousands were affected by the aftershock, leaving people homeless or without access to food and water. In total, the quake caused the region over $61 million in damages
Deaths: The total remains unclear. Roughly 160 casualties occurred during the initial quake, but the subsequent aftershock and building collapse claimed further victims.

Oaxaca Earthquake

Oaxaca Earthquake is listed (or ranked) 6 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: February 16
Magnitude: 7.2  
Areas affected: Mexico's Southern Pacific coast and Mexico City 
Damages: 1,000 damaged homes and hundreds of damages to businesses and schools 
Cause: The Oaxaca Earthquake was caused by natural occurring environmental processes. 
Deaths: While no deaths were reported from the earthquake itself, 13 people were killed when a military helicopter lost control and crashed into civilians while taking the interior minister and the governor to visit victims. 

Hualien Earthquake

Hualien Earthquake is listed (or ranked) 7 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: February 6
Magnitude: 6.4 
Areas affected: Taiwan, especially coastline
Cause: The Hualien Earthquake was caused by natural occurring environmental processes. 
Damages: Over 40,000 homes were left without running water and collapsed and damaged buildings led to over $21 million in damage. 
Deaths: 17

Windstorm Friederike

Windstorm Friederike is listed (or ranked) 8 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: January 17-19
The area affected: Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, with mild storm weather hitting parts of the UK
Cause: The windstorm was caused by naturally occurring weather patterns. 
Damages: Due to the widespread damages, the precise number of damaged buildings is unknown. Strong winds uprooted trees and tore down structures, affecting roads and travel for days. Many people were left with damaged roofs and homes. Trains and planes were delayed in Germany and surrounding areas due to the potential of falling objects.
Deaths: More than 13 (additional deaths related to overlapping windstorms)

Montecito Mudslides

Montecito Mudslides is listed (or ranked) 9 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: January 9
Areas Affected: Southern California 
Cause: Mudslides were a direct result of the Santa Barbara Thomas Fires. When heavy rain follows a serious fire, destroyed foliage and weakened topsoil makes land more vulnerable to mudslides. After emergency response workers contained the Thomas Fire, unusually high rainfall raised the risk of mudslides and eventually caused the disaster in Montecito. 
Damages: 129 homes destroyed and 307 damaged  
Deaths: 21

Santa Barbara Thomas Fire

Santa Barbara Thomas Fire is listed (or ranked) 10 on the list The Worst Natural Disasters of 2018

Date: December 2017 - January 8, 2018
Areas Affected: Southern California 
Cause: Unknown. A massive victims' lawsuits allege the electricity supply company, Southern California Edison, is responsible. According to the suit, Edison was working on a project in Santa Paula near a Comcast satellite and engaged in various activities that caused dry vegetation to ignite, leading to the massive fire. However, the fire is under investigation and the claims remain unverified. 
Damages: 281,893 acres burned 
Deaths: 2