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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Our Cartoon President | Series Premiere | Full Episode (TV14) - YouTube

Our Cartoon President | Series Premiere | Full Episode (TV14) - YouTube

Our Cartoon President | Series Premiere | Full Episode (TV14) - YouTube

Our Cartoon President | Series Premiere | Full Episode (TV14) - YouTube

Centerton and Bentonville police both investigated the incident and sent a report to Special Prosecutor Jack McQuary.

Government abuses to civilians discovered

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

                             Secrets that the U.S. government has tried to keep from its citizens.

  CIA Mind-Control Experiments

Could drugs and hypnosis be used to control people’s minds and turn them into unwitting assassins for the CIA? That’s what the agency attempted to discover in the 50s, with a top-secret research program called Project MK-ULTRA. Turns out, LSD just makes people want to listen to 45-minute guitar solos.

The Plot to Kill Castro (with a Seashell

There were a lot of crazy attempts to assassinate Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during the 70s, from booby-trapped cigars to poison milkshakes, but none quite so nutty as the exploding seashell. The CIA knew that Castro was a big fan of scuba-diving, so they plotted to plant a brightly colored conch shell in one of his favorite dive spots, triggered to explode when he touched it. They never followed through on it, although the CIA director did purchase two books on Caribbean mollusks.
President’s Secret Underground Train
President Franklin D. Roosevelt didn’t want the public to see him using a wheelchair, so to keep that secret during his visits to New York, his train didn’t stop directly at Grand Central Station, but rather a secret station called Track 61 that was never listed on any trail map. Although it’s now abandoned, the station was used by wealthy travelers and high-profile politicians who wanted to come and go to New York without being noticed.


No, this isn’t a joke. The CIA seriously spent millions in the late 60s investigating whether domesticated cats could be trained to spy on the Soviet Union. The project was named Acoustic Kitty because of course, it was. It didn’t work out, much to the surprise of nobody, but we still have this memorandum, published by the National Security Archive, to prove those spy kitties was almost a real thing.

  Sunshine: Stealing Corpses

Listen, if you need to test what happens to human bodies during radioactive fallout and you need around 900 human cadavers to do so, you can’t be expected to “ask” all the deceased’s families for their permission. Or at least that’s what researchers for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission thought during the 50s. Decades later, in the mid-90s, President Bill Clinton formed an advisory committee to investigate and learned the whole staggering truth.

Nukes on the Moon

Long before we landed on the moon in 1969, the U.S. Air Force had other plans for the lunar surface. They proposed a “Lunar Based Earth Bombardment System” in 1959, which apparently involved blowing up a nuclear weapon on the moon. Why? According to physicist Leonard Reiffel, who was involved in the project, the whole point was to “impress the world with the prowess of the United States.” Personally, we’re glad they went with the “one small step for man” plan instead.

 Let’s Hire Some Nazi Scientists

No one could have accused the U.S. government of having discriminatory hiring practices in 1945. Well, at least not if you were a Nazi. Post-World War II, President Harry Truman approved the hiring of thousands of German scientists and engineers, including Walter Schreiber, a medical military officer for the Nazis who found a second job at the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas.

Blame Cuba

It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the CIA actually did propose committing acts of terrorism against American citizens and then blaming it on Cuba. A memo from March 13, 1962, delivered to the president by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and dubbed Operation Northwoods, suggested ways to justify a military conflict with the Castro’s communist regime, including “Sink (a) ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims” and “…blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.” President Kennedy rejected the proposal.

Controlled Flying Saucers

Project 1794, a program created by the U.S. Air Force in the 50s, attempted to do what every science fiction-loving kid dreamed about: Create a flying saucer. Their saucer-shaped aircraft, which they never got around to completing, would have been capable of shooting down enemy bombers and flying at ridiculously fast speeds. If you feel up to the task of making your own saucer, check out the declassified blueprints.

My Lai Massacre

Hundreds of unarmed civilians—anywhere from 347 to 504, including women and children—in the South Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai, were murdered by a platoon of American soldiers during March of 1968. High-ranking army officers tried to cover up the massacre for years before it was revealed by U.S. reporters, but even then only one commanding officer was found guilty and served just a few years under house arrest.

 Missing Hydrogen Bomb

When a U.S. B-52 bomber carrying four hydrogen bombs crashed in Greenland in 1968, the government acted fast to make sure all the radioactive material was recovered. They got everything, or so they claimed. But in 2008, a BBC investigation revealed that one of the nukes was maaaaaaaybe still in Greenland somewhere.

The mystery of the USS Jimmy Carter

This U.S. Navy attack submarine—the third and last Seawolf-class submarine in existence, whose primary mission is finding and destroying enemy vessels—has been up to something recently, but nobody is entirely sure what. In September of this year, it was spotted flying the Jolly Roger, the skull and crossbones pirate flag normally displayed after a successful mission. But what exactly was that mission? The Navy isn’t telling.

Congress Bunker

You’d never guess by looking at the Greenbriar Hotel in West Virginia that there’s a 112,544-square-foot bunker hidden underneath the resort, with enough bedrooms to accommodate over a thousand Congressmen. The shelter was built in the 60s specifically for members of Congress, just in case Russia bombed us and a nuclear winter made the country uninhabitable.
 CIA Torture Files

They called it “enhanced interrogation techniques,” but according to a Senate Report released in 2014, the CIA has possibly been engaged in wrongful torture of suspected criminals for years.

CIA Shark Expert

You probably know Julia Child as a famous American chef and TV host. But according to files released by the U.S. National Archives in 2008, she was also one of our secret weapons during World War II, when she worked for the Office of Strategic Services (which would become the CIA) and personally developed shark repellent to protect Navy men in shark-infested waters. That’s right, her first recipe was shark repellent.

Spying on reporters

Think journalists have it hard today? They had nothing on reporters in 1963, some of whom were spied on by CIA agents as part of Operation Mockingbird. In documents declassified in 2007, there were reports of several journalists having their home and office telephones wiretapped, solely because they had contacts with “senators, members of Congress, and other well-placed individuals.”

 Secret Basement Under Grand Central

You won’t find it on any city map, but 13 stories below Grand Central Terminal in New York is a secret basement known only as M42, which housed the rotary power converters that kept the railroads running during the Second World War. Adolf Hitler wanted to sabotage the converters, which apparently would be as easy as pouring sand into them. Armed guards protected the room, with orders to shoot anyone who tried to enter carrying a bag or bucket of sand. At least one attempt was made, by four saboteurs working for Hitler, but they were stopped before they ever found the secret basement.


Here’s what we know about the U.S. Air Force’s X-37B space plane. It’s been in orbit around the Earth (off and on) since 2010, it’s only 29 feet long, and nobody has any idea what it’s doing up there. Well, the Air Force does, obviously, but they’re not telling. Some have speculated that it’s a battleship of some kind, capable of shooting down or capturing enemy satellites.

Area 51

Probably the most famous secret military base in the country, Area 51 is located in the middle of the Nevada desert, 83 miles outside Las Vegas, and is used for… something. There have been wild rumors of extraterrestrials and crashed alien spacecraft being stored somewhere in the facility. The CIA didn’t even acknowledge that Area 51 existed until 2013, and all they’ll admit to is that the base has been used to test spy planes.

Bohemian Grove

Every July, the rich and powerful and politically connected gather together at a 2,700-acre campground in northern California for their own version of Burning Man. What really goes on there is anybody’s guess, but the guest list has included U.S. presidents and oil barons, and activities have included everything from druid worship to planning for the Manhattan Project. This isn’t some conspiracy theory, this is where guys like Rumsfeld, Kissinger, and Rockefeller go to vacation and do things they don’t want the rest of us to see.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf illegally warned that immigration

‎Thursday, ‎March ‎8, ‎2018

Well, well, another Clinton pal may be going to prison.

A federal immigration official says over 800 people living illegally in Northern California avoided justice because Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf illegally warned that immigration raids were upcoming -- and it could mean this close political ally of the Clintons -- is heading to jail for a long, long time.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief Thomas Homan told "Fox and Friends" Wednesday that Schaaf's action was "no better than a gang lookout yelling 'police' when a police cruiser comes in the neighborhood."

When you're an elected official and you warn people about a flu epidemic, a wildfire approaching the city or a water main break, you're responsibly protecting your residents. When you warn a criminal that law enforcement is coming for them you're engaged in something known as 'harboring.' (Specifically, to clandestinely shelter, succor, and protect improperly admitted Aliens.).

The Department of Justice outlines the law very clearly in Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses: Harboring -- Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iii) makes it an offense for any person who -- knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation.

The basic statutory maximum term of imprisonment is 5 years unless the offense was committed for commercial advantage or private financial gain, in which case the maximum term of imprisonment is 10 years. In addition, significantly enhanced penalties are provided for in violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1) involving serious bodily injury or placing life in jeopardy.

Schaaf has previously declared that she was willing to go to jail to protect illegal immigrants from the law, so she had better start packing her bags because her will may come true.

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Trump bemoaned a decision not to investigate Hillary Clinton

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

This should break the libtards minds --- Just imagine!

If you can just imagine for one half of a minute the overall response if Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama had said anything even close to these words in public:

"President Donald Trump bemoaned a decision not to investigate Hillary Clinton after the 2016 presidential election, decrying a "rigged system" that still doesn't have the "right people" in place to fix it, during a freewheeling speech to Republican donors in Florida on Saturday.

In the closed-door remarks, a recording of which was obtained by CNN, Trump also praised China's President Xi Jinping for recently consolidating power and extending his potential tenure, musing he wouldn't mind making such a maneuver himself.

"He's now president for life. President for life. And he's great," Trump said. "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll give that a shot someday."

The remarks, delivered inside the ballroom at his Mar-a-Lago estate during a lunch and fundraiser, were upbeat, lengthy, and peppered with jokes and laughter. But Trump's words reflected his deeply felt resentment that his actions during the 2016 campaign remain under scrutiny while those of his former rival, Hillary Clinton, do not.

"I'm telling you, it's a rigged system folk," Trump said. "I've been saying that for a long time. It's a rigged system. And we don't have the right people in there yet. We have a lot of great people, but certain things, we don't have the right people."

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

You are definitely an idiot if you think Trump is going to take my guns

 ‎                                                    Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

There once was a liberal with a brain
He watched CNN and went insane
Then before you know it
more libs started to show it
And they got run over by the Trump train

(You are definitely an idiot if you think Trump is going to take my guns away, as I was never adjudicated. Not happening!) You also forget that Judge Kennedy is in the process of retiring, and they already have Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg's cell in Hell ready). It is called "stare decisis", two new conservative judges will make it 6-3, and gay marriage ruling will be vacated).

SOGI 2 is going nowhere and your little "emperor" had no money. So the city of Springdale is on the hook for the money for Hammons Field, and MSU is going to have to pay for the "Q". Nobody but me realized that he was just a "little banty rooster" strutting around "Springfield's barnyard."

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms.

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say?

What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

That kid in Florida who shot 17.

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

                                                                   Red Heifer.

You know and understand all too well why it was so important.
Cut them, drug them, throw them down a well.
We were never aligned by grief, anger or sins we never committed.
You pulled and we are the few that pushed.
While you tremble in fear. We are here.
Remember women come after black people.
My tears are for.
That kid in Florida who shot 17.
So Eric Garner can breathe one more day.
Lavoy can herd his cattle. For the horse riders who try to outrun the federal helos saving thousands.
A society that preys...
All the tiny things you ignore and put on children.
"You will put today's sins on your sons" ~every elected leader since 1961
Number One
Public Enemy
The Whore's Sacrifice.
Racists who decry racism.
Bigots who refuse to believe.
Naturalists who drug.
Peaceniks who accuse.
The class society church.
The crowns you wear.
The blood you worship.

Your God is fake and his Son is your fantasy of saving grace, swaddled in righteous tenure a failing task making all men die.

Because of you, you, you. Not the rebellious children.

Are the whores.

"The blood has not yet begun to spill, the order has not yet had its fill!"
hidden vices. righteous prices.

They do not believe in my power.
Such will be the end.

Hail Satan.
Hail the South Wind.
King in the North. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

COP'S shot him from across the street ambush style

March 7, 2018

 ‎                                    Cop cars out there with their lights flashing.

The cops, in this case, murdered the 28-year old man. 
They shot him from across the street ambush style, just because he opened the door to see why there were cop cars out there with their lights flashing.

Don't believe me? Watch the video:

That young man's relatives are soon to be millionaires. 
Stupid is as stupid does! 
And the stupid little bastard that made the call has been arrested. That's a photo of him above.

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018 Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at: 

Most customers are just plain nasty pigs.

‎Wednesday, ‎March ‎7, ‎2018

                                                              Customers are nasty pigs 

Most customers are just plain nasty pigs. Customers of restaurants, rental cars, and hotel rooms are the nastiest. I'm just curious, does anyone else out there work someplace where customers are pigs?

In restaurants, they will leave a table with food smeared all over it and the chairs. The tips they leave are tiny compared to the work put into the cleaning. The tips are one thing, cleaning up behind another creature that dares to call itself human is another.

When a customer rents a car, they seem to think they are in a movie or something where they think it's cool to trash up a car. Besides all the fast food garbage they leave in there, they will fill the cup holders and other parts of the console with food and eat it directly from there. Hey, the cleaners are paid very low wages and will only wipe out these areas with a dirty rag and some window cleaner. Yeah, the cars are NOT sanitized for your convenience. LOL Nowadays, parents don't teach respect or manners to their children. So, when the parents give a box of cookies or crackers to their kids in the back seat, the kids feel free to spread crumbs all over the entire car. Again, the cleaners really wonder about these people who are wealthy enough to rent a car. Nasty bunch of pigs.

Then, you have the same trend at hotels. Make-up is smeared all over bed sheets and all over the bathrooms. Nasty slime has to be cleaned out of the shower and bathtub between customers. And again, the cleaners only do the minimum just to make it look good enough to rent. Nothing is sanitized.

So, the next time you decide to frequent any of these fine places, please keep in mind that the cleaning personnel make very low wages. You could decide to make things a little easier on others by cleaning up after yourself like your parents should have taught you.

What other places have customers that act like pigs? Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

U.S. Slaps Sanctions on North Korea Over Use of Nerve Agent in Assassination - The New York Times

U.S. Slaps Sanctions on North Korea Over Use of Nerve Agent in Assassination - The New York Times

Facebook is under Government control!

‎Tuesday, ‎March ‎6, ‎2018

Freedoms? Don't you just love all these freedoms of expression, freedom of speech? America nothing but freedoms. 

Well, when I decided to open Facebook again as many times I do daily throughout the years. I am hit with this bullshit again. Never a month goes by. But, this same thing is posted on many other sites in this wonderful free country. But, all those other so-called standings well above Facebook freaks whoever dislikes postings as well as all those meme's I love to post with comments. Now, of course, the social joiners are able to send anything they view or dislike as a spam hit you. Making it even quicker to be sent off to Facebook jail or government control speech and thinking.

Well, I am still a free person and free to say and do what I wish anytime that I wish. I don't need anyone's permission to speak what I feel is true or even listen to anyone that feels their above me and can control what I say as well as do. Oh, this is posted on other Facebook sites, after all as I stated I go to Facebook jails so much that I have to have other Facebook social sites in which to prove I can say and do what I like. Enjoy, and this is happening not with Facebook, but also Youtube as well as Google and so many others. Don't you love the control of the UN United Nations wanting to control all Americans to do as they say? 
What will I do for this? Oh, the many things I have done before, after all, I have my way of fighting against these so-called powers to be and I use them daily and always have and always will fight for the freedoms of others that are scared or afraid to fight back. Meanwhile here is Facebooks bullshit this morning. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Monday, March 5, 2018

One out of ten people have extra body parts.

‎Sunday, ‎March ‎4, ‎2018

                       One out of 10 people have extra body parts?

One of the best-known examples is thalidomide, a drug prescribed to pregnant women in the 1950s and 1960s to treat morning sickness but caused some 10,000 children worldwide to be born with significant birth defects.

  A simultaneous (or synchronous) hermaphrodite (or homogamous) is an adult organism that has both male and female sexual organs at the same time. Self-fertilization often occurs.

  Cyclops baby Born with no nose or mouth and both male and female genitals.

  Due to a naturally occurring intersex variation, Cody was born with both male and female.

Although absent or short limbs were among the most common birth defects reported, some babies had extra toes.

The drug was commonly taken in the first trimester of pregnancy when morning sickness is more common and when, coincidentally, the embryo develops most rapidly. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at: 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Spread this information to everyone.

Sunday, ‎March ‎4, ‎2018

The average Joe on the street doesn't give two shitz about the Twin Towers or the Oklahoma bombings.

The rabbit hole is deeper and darker than the world could ever believe. The Blackhawk carrying a whole EOD team?

Blown out of the sky killing 16 US troops about 1 hour AFTER THE Alfred P Murrah building was blown?
Our own Governments connected to the Deep State will bring us down. What the Man on the Street can do is spread this information to everyone. I try, some think I'm a flake, some get scared and don't want to know. Some know things aren't right in this World and I can see the information slowly being absorbed. The worrying thing is we haven't got a lot of time to get this out. I guess we keep on trucking and do the best we can.…/109109811875934246402 Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Facebook jail for hundreds. Don't you love it?

‎Saturday, ‎March ‎3, ‎2018

Facebook, Google, and Twitter: Stop censoring our posts!

Conservative views will be squeezed out of online spaces if tech companies are not challenged, The Internet will be Berkeley if they're allowed by judges to continue what they're doing.
Germany will begin enforcing its new, harsher rules regarding hate speech and fake news posted online. Social media sites will have 24 hours to determine whether or not the reported material merits being taken down. In the United States, the controversy over fake news online takes a different dimension, as many are concerned over President Donald Trump's liberal use of the term to discredit unflattering media reports regarding his administration. Media organizations have, however, been guilty of pushing unconfirmed reports in recent months, particularly in relation to alleged collusion between the Trump administration and the Russian government.
If a gov't can restrict your speech based upon subjective standards such as 'hate speech', you don't have freedom of speech. If you don't have freedom of speech, you are not free.
If U.S.-based social networks expand this policy of shutting down individuals simply because Washington considers them toxic, journalists will have few reasons to applaud.
It will be nearly impossible to fully silence someone in the age of social media. But the platforms themselves lose their meaning in such a world. They make far more sense when literally anyone can say whatever they want. If there's going to be author and message selection, why not just use traditional media, where the writing is better and professional journalists have already combed the different raw information channels? We're definitely allowed to quote the AfD messages that Twitter and Facebook feel they must remove, and even U.S. media can publish untruths.
As a media industry worker, I resent the unfairness of competing with social media. They seized the advertising market by making questionable promises about their audience size and by reusing and recycling our content without paying for it. I welcome any development that levels the playing field. But while censorship makes life harder for them and thus helps professional media, there are far better kinds of regulation.
There's a growing body of research that shows the internet platforms' business models are conducive to the spread of fake news, as well as hate speech. Regulators should resist the urge to waste time on individual cases. strike at the fundamentals of the problem: anonymity. Without it, the Facebooks of the world would have a far more difficult time inflating user numbers, avoiding legal responsibility for the published content, and continuing to make money off content they don't help create. The limitations of selective censorship and the ability of paid trolls and dedicated activists to bypass it will become obvious this year -- and so will the need for better ways to make sure the social media companies join the ranks of responsible media.
I didn't start making hundreds of pages, after being kicked off, or placed in Facebook jail as we call it. Now, if wish to keep from being fined for dishonest news or fake news or nasty cartoons then best be sure each and everyone has one account and not hundreds as I do. I felt my information was the truth, and even check it. Bt, because it offends someone else for being honest, I am jailed. Now, Facebook and youtube and google are really busy sorting out what will offend and costs will be in the billions before it's all done. Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Friday, March 2, 2018

North Korea v America=World judgement coming soon

 ‎Friday, ‎March ‎2, ‎2018

     My views on North Korea, As many Viet Nam vets hold.
 I recently acquired a very real North Korea propaganda book, authored by three state-sanctioned North Korean academics. Titled The US Imperialists Started the Korean War, the book is a sweeping indictment of American aggression, arguing that the US provoked the Korean War in the 1950s as part of a much broader strategy of post-WWII global domination.
  That war pitted communist North Korea, backed by the Soviet Union and later China, against South Korea, backed by the United States. It started when the North invaded the South on June 25, 1950. It was a bloody war that ultimately killed some five million soldiers and civilians. At the war’s end in 1953, the two countries became separated by a demilitarized zone, or DMZ, and remain so to this day.
  Much of it is false, some of it is true, and deciding which is which is not as easy as you might expect.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
The US imperialists were absorbed in searching for a way to occupy Korea without shedding blood, and intended to seize by any means even part of the Korean peninsula, if not all, and to use it as a springboard for their future continental aggression. From this crafty design of the US ruling circles sprang the plan for the “bloodless occupation” of Korea.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
They considered that in order to occupy one part of Korea without the least bloodshed they should check the communists’ advance into Korea at a definite point and provide a guarantee for this by a certain international agreement.
On this calculation, they adopted a criminal plan, that is, to divide Korea into north and south and prevent her people from liberating their country through their own efforts.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
From the first day of their occupation of South Korea, the US imperialists followed colonial enslavement and military base policies. In fact, all the policies adopted by US imperialism were, without exception, related to its aggressive design to convert South Korea into a colonial military base and use it as a stepping-stone for the conquest of the whole of Korea.
  North Korea Propaganda Book
In pursuing the policy of aggression on Korea under their postwar “strategy of mass reprisal” based on the “policy of strength,” the US imperialists laid stress on their permanent occupation of South Korea while hampering Korea’s reunification, fortified South Korea as their military strategic base by extensively reinforcing the puppet armed forces, and at the same time lined up the South Korean puppets with the Japanese militarists and sped up preparations for a new war for the occupation of the whole of Korea.
  If the US imperialists, oblivious of the lessons of history, are tenacious enough to provoke a new war of aggression in Korea, turning a deaf ear to the just demand of the Korean people and going against the current of the times, they will eventually perish in the flames of war once and for all, suffering a still greater, miserable defeat than they suffered in the past Korean war. What Putin’s scary-sounding nuclear weapons announcement really means.

  The eye's of March is on all of us at this moment. Will it be the beginning of the end? Will the US allow North Korea to become a nuclear power, if it isn't already? Will North Korea stop developing any further nuclear weapons? The USA, states no talks unless North Korea agrees beforehand that they are willing to stop development of nuclear missiles. North Korea, refuses to stop development of nuclear weapons because of self-protection against the United States. Now how will these talks start? Well, as of now over a half million soldiers have been lined along border waiting to see what takes place. Does this mean China is going to take control of North Korea? Does it mean China is there to protect North Korea?
  We have American ships surrounding Russia at this minute with thousands of troops and equipment waiting for further orders. What will these orders be from Washington? They can't stay in those ships forever and do nothing. Russia has already feared the worst and stated that there prepared to protect Russia at all costs. What is your opinion? Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

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