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Saturday, June 30, 2018

She replies back with her side?

                                   Friday, ‎June ‎29, ‎2018

  Oh as if I want to see everything that you write. The words that come from your mouth towards me is good enough. rehoming? Silly, just say you didn't wish to take care of the animal after thinking about it again. Would think anyone that could never take care or even show attention to the first one would have shown that you just want what you want at that time, and when done with it, no longer want. Seen this daily with the trash of wastefulness. Don't like how I am able to express myself towards anyone. Well, I don't like a lot of things that you daily. But, I overlook it as can see your just a spoiled brat and maybe twenty, but act less mature than my grandkids as well as great-grandkids.  It's too bad that my grandson was so open as to my lifestyle and his whole family. He should have just let be gone be just that and lived his life with you if it is true love. I can see my grandson loves you more than anything in the world. I have not seen that from you but then as I said I do my best to stay out of your way. Was told that I am too be out by the end of the month (today) that is. Sorry, my grandson needs to reload and move me back from where he picked me up as agreed.  Would have been nice if you had said something the first day as your mind was already made up after asking questions as to my past. Your using your blackness just as the majority does to get what they want from the working class society.  I was on your side until my granddaughter sent a five-page letter explaining everything as to what you have been doing since your arrival here. I could care less after all at 72, I could care less as to your future, as I already see what it is going to be like. Just too bad that you have started to destroy a good man's life because of your wants and I mean wants right now, then throw away when done playing with it. Still a kid of ten maybe but surely not a twenty-year-old woman or even lady!

June 30, 2018
           Granddaughters wow really that pissed/upset are you. She's 20, a kid, a dumb kid, but a kid!
  Five-page explosive letter. No, that was a good one, as you knew I would have loved to paste it for others to read. But, since you probably had it disappear after a couple hours, I still had a chance to pass it on to many other families and friendly friends of mine as well. They all know you and never knew you could be so explosive. At 72 Misty, I am not a secret keeper and have never been except for when it involves my great-grandchildren and now one grandchild that is only five now, which I must add, never expected how well adjusted and outspoken he has become. Just like my Great grandkids, or your boys. The only good being with three boys, she really came out strong and really going to be just fine as she grows older. At least there all been taught well to say what is on their minds and bring the problems of a devil wanting to be a prison guard and depend on your girl to do as told as I am an adult. I never knew what or for that matter ever know what goes on in the house of Corey's as I do not get involved with no one as you well know.
  Your jealously as I did take it when Corey offered me a great life with less stress was something that I had to think about for a long time. He could have told you as well as your dad could have stated the same thing. I really did not want to let it happen, but then other things came up as to be a watchful eye over his expensive things while he was out of town. That alone made things go and take up Corey's offer. Around this time Billy was just cremated and things were getting to the point that I was taking in a whole family and supporting them as well on my thousand a month which after bills like car payment of $275.00, House insurance monthly $175.00, Car insurance full coverage plus being a sports car $145.00 a month, I also pay $50.00 Termix monthly of $50.00 on my house just in case I have to find a place to live. At the beginning your dad and brother almost had me convinced to sell and save all that extra money so I could eat much better, After all my bills did not end just there as I have co-pays every month to pay close to a hundred a month for all medical stuff I need, and that sometimes climbs to a bit more. Just what is mentioned, subtract the bills I pay and you'll see what I have left for gas and oil even tires when needed. I also have property taxes of close to three hundred a month with other self-taxes called improvement. Improvement with a leaking roof, electrical sockets blowing and two trash companies wanting to bill me for the same pick up so I started to take the trash myself and paying for it at the dump myself. Since then it has piled up in the back shed of the property which is in process of being cleaned up after close to two years come this October. $35.00 monthly for trash service finally started, but will be many months before two years worth is finally cleaned up there.
  I still even yesterday was gone taking care of doctor business, and came home and notice that the cable is off again. Left it that way as able to watch everything on the computer and besides that everyone complains that the tv is too loud, when there or your brothers wife is the biggest mouth here and I bring that to my grandsons attention, but like he said she can do what she wants as I married her because I love her. Be honest it looks like she is gold digging and especially when they had another kid on the way. You know how I am with animals especially dogs as I was raised as well as raised chow chows even. You made sure that they were going to a good home, and I even checked on them for the first months to see that the pups were being treated right.
   I do get angry with anyone that does not give protection to pups as they would or should as there the first baby. If someone can't care for a pup, then may the Almighty be inserted into this one's young life till she is older and able to say what is wrong and not just being spoiled and wanting her way in mom or dads arms all the time.
  The first pup you gave to your brother's wife was no way ever going to be trained locked up in the spare room with papers all over the carpet. Never getting out of that room ever unless you came over with great-grandkids and they were able to play with it. But, never shown any attention ever. I was told that you had paid the on security deposit, by your brother, as I questioned that myself. Then when they came home with this black puppy, I said I would help as much as possible as well house train him. I did sit outside for hours to watch him and correct him to never go pas certain boundaries of the yard so he would not have to be tired up. Then one day I was sitting out there and your brother's wife wanted to help him climb up a step to get on the porch where the bbq is. I told her no now I see what you have been doing and assisting him. You can't train him if you allow him which was named Bear to train you. She said he is too little to get up by himself. I said no he isn't as he was doing fine when I taught him. That I think may have started the problem as I would let him out of that cage that he was kept in most of the day and nights. I would let him run out and do his mother natural thing. He learned to paw at the back door when he wanted in or out. Then I seen him locked up so much I asked her why is he still locked up at noon and when she was doing nothing. After all, he was trained not to go into the house, so he should have been able to run around. A few days later, I have seen him on a long rope leash and sleeping out on the porch when it was really hot. I asked Corey why he did that when it's so hot. How would he like to be out there on the hottest day? Smart words, of course, came back. I was told to no longer let Bear out at any time of the nights or days I was in there to see him. I was also told that they would let him out when we get up so he knows to hold it till we get up. Thinking to myself, yea 24 hours a day. Cruel in my personal opinion and not showing any real love or even care for a puppy, but just another toy for them to play with if they wanted to. This toy would not be kept on a shelf or in a box until they locked him in the box.
  When my granddaughters (great) were here, I still remained in my room and never came out except when I had to. I did say ah it's girls night so I will bid you, women, a good night. Never knew what was happening as each time I came out I seen nothing but all of them talking but stopped when I came out then started the conversation again when they knew I was back in my room. Didn't care as you know I can stand kids for a few minutes and then take them to whatever as I can wait till next visit. Not being mean, just that kids now days are wild as I say. Like Michael, a smart kid and bright for his age, but so are your kid's very grown for their age. But, they are great with one another when I see them except for Michael that is. As for how tour boys can take his punches are really great as I know they did hurt.
  As for the driving that may have been my fault after all you took her for the tests so if you took your brothers wife for a driving test when I felt she had to know how to drive. In fact, I even told her myself she probably won't get a license here in Missouri as this state still doesn't like blacks. I told her to tell them that they know she can drive and they're not letting her have a license because she is black. Then read where you stated she really doesn't know how to drive. Well, I know of all the dents in her man's car from shopping carts and one from hitting the wall in the garage.  Your first statement, she doesn't know how to drive was a surprise to me. Now, here I even said to Corey if he felt she did ok, and you're allowing her to use the care then I just took it she knew how to drive. Remember when I taught your brother and him failer the written more times than ever. But, passed the driving skill on the first attempt. I even walked to the car when he pulled into the lot and asked the examiner how did he do. The guy said he passed. Great and that was the end of it. But, no I will not take her anyplace with me no matter where it is. I offered to let her drive my car and she called Corey and he said hell no, she doesn't have a license yet. Lng story short, he finally let her use his car instead because I would not ride with her. Doesn't mean I will be seen in public with her as I was raised a bit different and still have feelings back when my house was broken into or my parents when I was little by niggers. Would say blacks but these were niggers as my parents lost a lot because those black coons were bitten by the Chow and had very big hospital bills. Now I was only ten or eleven then. I have or had blacks I had to work with all my life. We tolerate one another and some even were friends but just at work never at each other's homes. It was a surprise when I heard your brother ran into his love and could not believe it. But, it's his life the same as anyone welcome to live there lives as sees fit. Doesn't mean I need to conform to that lifestyle. I do my very best not to use nigger, but at times especially when sending letters like this very hard not to when I read all that you said here.
  As for she has been wanting me out of her house since day one, then that was not just a surprise but I wondered why and said ah it's because I write my remarks to the world as well as strangers. Words for some reason really have an impact when I use them as I do at times. But, at my age, I have no other way to fight for how I feel and believe except with word, as it not only makes me feel better as thousands of people like reading about my life. But, also lowers my blood pressure, but when I have seen the dog cage go out the door and then the puppy on the rope being taken to a car, I said what the hell. All because I let the poor thing out when I got up at night.
  I then started to think like the first time was because the baby was hard enough and she could not handle all the dog and baby also. Said nothing except what I said already wanted to train as best as I could so they had a great animal for the kid or kids in the future. I was asked to help even then told not to interfere we will do it ourselves. I said fine and back to my room and doing as I always do. Causing problems by telling the truth as to how I see it. I am really concerned for the second kid as it was hard enough for one. In fact, since I wrote that letter of her baby should not be crying like it does, and others also said the same thing. Ask a doctor what seems to be the problem. You know since My ex-Pat also wrote something she even got in and defended me as well as many others to tell the damn doctor. Well, I guess she did, as the baby seems to have calmed really way down to being normal like most babies. What really is normal anyways. Having raised so many kids as well as changing poop shitty diapers, I even at my age still remember. None of mine ever cried like that.
  I have heard nothing as of this letter in reply to yours as to be out by the end of the month. Which is not a problem what so ever. But, having to smile daily and give good morning good afternoon or good night and she felt this way since day one? I never speak or even go into the house or kitchen until there in bed asleep and normally once a day for ice if need it. But, I don't eat till 1-5 am even then go out and get something if I really need something to eat. But, I don't use nothing that so ever of there's and if I do like a pan for boiling water for macaroni. Best I ever used of there's and washed the same day as used and put back away even before they're out of bed.
  I don't complain except to your brother for her setting the fire smoke alarm off because she's burning all her food all the time. All she needs to do is turn in the ceiling fan o remove the smoke, but by that time she has both dogs open wanting to stop the smoke alarms. She cooks full meals as does your brother, Majority I never eat unless it's Corey's tacos. Then I even think about how they were cooked. But, they eat out a lot and never do I go as just won't as told your brother I am not interested and know people too well. I know your brother does love her as she can get him to do anything. I mean anything too! But, if she is going to go for the big dollars and doesn't have that same love as your brother then your brother best be brave enough not to ever give her a divorce no matter what. He will never make it, but he can still keep that love as he wishes and just needs to be a little stronger and not blame family all the time. As I said I have never said a cross or bad word and always gave her the benefit that she was being mistreated because she is a nigger or black African or whatever they're called today.
  Hopefully, this will not cause your brother to forsake is a job no matter what. He needs to do what he feels is best and grow up and also take control and teach a twenty-year-old kid that she can't waste like that especially with another kid on the way. I pay your brother $30.00 a  month as that is what he wanted for the phone he got me for my birthday. Didn't want it, but he wanted to and finally, I asked what he pays. I never paid more than $30..0 every three months for my last phone even. But, this one does have a lot more than my last one. I also pay him $40.00 a month for the internet service since we're all on the Y-5. Well, was until I arrived home and just going to leave the tv go until your brother gets home. She had to shut it down for what reason no idea, and don't care as able to watch same on the computer anyways.
  I am ready to move any time of the day that your brother is ready to load up all my stuff and take me back to my home. He made a call last night then stopped and think he was going to talk but seems he is going to also just wait and see what the hell is happening.  He can't keep taking stress like this when he is working as he will ruin his life is allows whatever is happening to keep going on. You saying she is going to get that old man out of here one way or another and not a single word from her as to that being her feeling. I know she is like any kid and wants all that is hers as any woman would.
  But, just so you know I am glad you let me know as I had no idea till I came home and see the tv went out again. My computer was still up and running so the reason I know it was done on purpose. The rest of your letter as to visitor T resa and your daughter was strange as your daughter did act a bit strange for the first time when I said hi and did he brother come and she acted like she wasn't supposed to talk to me. Felt bad, but what the hell maybe it's just old age. Never think for a minute I don't love you granddaughter or your kids my great grandkids. You know better than that. You already know how I live after all you lived with me even up here.
   If I missed something that you wish for me to clear up then say so, as I will. But, no my letters are not set to self-destruct. When I say something I normally think it out before saying anything. Besides only the truth is best no matter what.

Rumors run rampant here in Monett. Received exploring letter five pages, but the only pic. half left behind. when received I was an hour drive away or would have saved it. But, as shown in public as knew something like that would happen, but never use the phone for such things as those people will discover will get them into real problems with the changes in the laws. But, computers are a fair game still. Grandson just popped in, seen I was here and popped right back out? Hmm, wonder what that was all about. . Long letter for only people that really know me and what was stated earlier, will understand. By the way, Corey stated you Misty had already paid the dog deposit on the other dog has thrown away? That didn't make sense, as I asked him about that even. Take it you did not? No this is not posted, but here. See cable is shut off as well. No problem only pay forty for internet and thirty for the phone. I figured the gals were having fun and didn't hear a lot about this. Heck, the two girls stayed up all night even doing her hair with Anita. Guess I will find out Monday is the word now. Nope, still said nothing or even let on that I know what you told me Misty. But, was surprised. Oh well, not going to let that bother me as I said I stay always to myself, plus never will help in any way after seeing as well as reading and hearing of the knife aimed in my back and I do nothing but say what's what on this computer. John List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new facebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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Granddaughters feelings to brothers wife

                                                                                                                                      ‎Friday, ‎June ‎29, ‎2018
June 30, 2018   
           Granddaughters wow really that pissed/upset are you. She's 20, a kid, a dumb kid, but a kid!
  Five-page explosive letter. No, that was a good one, as you knew I would have loved to paste it for others to read. But, since you probably had it disappear after a couple hours, I still had a chance to pass it on to many other families and friendly friends of mine as well. They all know you and never knew you could be so explosive. At 72 Misty, I am not a secret keeper and have never been except for when it involves my great-grandchildren and now one grandchild that is only five now, which I must add, never expected how well adjusted and outspoken he has become. Just like my Great grandkids, or your boys. The only good being with three boys, she really came out strong and really going to be just fine as she grows older. At least there all been taught well to say what is on their minds and bring the problems of a devil wanting to be a prison guard and depend on your girl to do as told as I am an adult. I never knew what or for that matter ever know what goes on in the house of Corey's as I do not get involved with no one as you well know.
  Your jealously as I did take it when Corey offered me a great life with less stress was something that I had to think about for a long time. He could have told you as well as your dad could have stated the same thing. I really did not want to let it happen, but then other things came up as to be a watchful eye over his expensive things while he was out of town. That alone made things go and take up Corey's offer. Around this time Billy was just cremated and things were getting to the point that I was taking in a whole family and supporting them as well on my thousand a month which after bills like car payment of $275.00, House insurance monthly $175.00, Car insurance full coverage plus being a sports car $145.00 a month, I also pay $50.00 Termix monthly of $50.00 on my house just in case I have to find a place to live. At the beginning your dad and brother almost had me convinced to sell and save all that extra money so I could eat much better, After all my bills did not end just there as I have co-pays every month to pay close to a hundred a month for all medical stuff I need, and that sometimes climbs to a bit more. Just what is mentioned, subtract the bills I pay and you'll see what I have left for gas and oil even tires when needed. I also have property taxes of close to three hundred a month with other self-taxes called improvement. Improvement with a leaking roof, electrical sockets blowing and two trash companies wanting to bill me for the same pick up so I started to take the trash myself and paying for it at the dump myself. Since then it has piled up in the back shed of the property which is in process of being cleaned up after close to two years come this October. $35.00 monthly for trash service finally started, but will be many months before two years worth is finally cleaned up there.
  I still even yesterday was gone taking care of doctor business, and came home and notice that the cable is off again. Left it that way as able to watch everything on the computer and besides that everyone complains that the tv is too loud, when there or your brothers wife is the biggest mouth here and I bring that to my grandsons attention, but like he said she can do what she wants as I married her because I love her. Be honest it looks like she is gold digging and especially when they had another kid on the way. You know how I am with animals especially dogs as I was raised as well as raised chow chows even. You made sure that they were going to a good home, and I even checked on them for the first months to see that the pups were being treated right. 
   I do get angry with anyone that does not give protection to pups as they would or should as there the first baby. If someone can't care for a pup, then may the Almighty be inserted into this one's young life till she is older and able to say what is wrong and not just being spoiled and wanting her way in mom or dads arms all the time.
  The first pup you gave to your brother's wife was no way ever going to be trained locked up in the spare room with papers all over the carpet. Never getting out of that room ever unless you came over with great-grandkids and they were able to play with it. But, never shown any attention ever. I was told that you had paid the dog security deposit, by your brother, as I questioned that myself. Then when they came home with this black puppy, I said I would help as much as possible as well house train him. I did sit outside for hours to watch him and correct him to never go pass certain boundaries of the yard so he would not have to be tired up. Then one day I was sitting out there and your brother's wife wanted to help him climb up a step to get on the porch where the bbq is. I told her no now I see what you have been doing and assisting him. You can't train him if you allow him which was named Bear to train you. She said he is too little to get up by himself. I said no he isn't as he was doing fine when I taught him. That I think may have started the problem as I would let him out of that cage that he was kept in most of the day and nights. I would let him run out and do his mother natural thing. He learned to paw at the back door when he wanted in or out. Then I seen him locked up so much I asked her why is he still locked up at noon and when she was doing nothing. After all, he was trained not to go into the house, so he should have been able to run around. A few days later, I have seen him on a long rope leash and sleeping out on the porch when it was really hot. I asked Corey why he did that when it's so hot. How would he like to be out there on the hottest day? Smart words, of course, came back. I was told to no longer let Bear out at any time of the nights or days I was in there to see him. I was also told that they would let him out when we get up so he knows to hold it till we get up. Thinking to myself, yea 24 hours a day. Cruel in my personal opinion and not showing any real love or even care for a puppy, but just another toy for them to play with if they wanted to. This toy would not be kept on a shelf or in a box until they locked him in the box.
  When my granddaughters (great) were here, I still remained in my room and never came out except when I had to. I did say ah it's girls night so I will bid you, women, a good night. Never knew what was happening as each time I came out I seen nothing but all of them talking but stopped when I came out then started the conversation again when they knew I was back in my room. Didn't care as you know I can stand kids for a few minutes and then take them to whatever as I can wait till next visit. Not being mean, just that kids now days are wild as I say. Like Michael, a smart kid and bright for his age, but so are your kids very grown for their age. But, they are great with one another when I see them except for Michael that is. As for how your boys can take his punches are really great as I know they did hurt. 
  As for the driving that may have been my fault after all you took her for the tests so if you took your brothers wife for a driving test when I felt she had to know how to drive. In fact, I even told her myself she probably won't get a license here in Missouri as this state still doesn't like blacks. I told her to tell them that they know she can drive and they're not letting her have a license because she is black. Then read where you stated she really doesn't know how to drive. Well, I know of all the dents in her man's car from shopping carts and one from hitting the wall in the garage.  Your first statement, she doesn't know how to drive was a surprise to me. Now, here I even said to Corey if he felt she did ok, and you're allowing her to use the car then I just took it she knew how to drive. Remember when I taught your brother and failed the written more times than ever. But, passed the driving skill on first attempt. I even walked to the car when he pulled into the lot and asked the examiner how did he do. The guy said he passed. Great and that was the end of it. But, no I will not take her anyplace with me no matter where it is. I offered to let her drive my car and she called Corey and he said hell no, she doesn't have a license yet. Lng story short, he finally let her use his car instead because I would not ride with her. Doesn't mean I will be seen in public with her as I was raised a bit different and still have feelings back when my house was broken into or my parents when I was little by niggers. Would say blacks but these were niggers as my parents lost a lot because those black coons were bitten by the Chow and had very big hospital bills. Now I was only ten or eleven then. I have or had blacks I had to work with all my life. We tolerate one another and some even were friends but just at work never at each other's homes. It was a surprise when I heard your brother ran into his love and could not believe it. But, it's his life the same as anyone welcome to live there lives as sees fit. Doesn't mean I need to conform to that lifestyle. I do my very best not to use nigger, but at times especially when sending letters like this very hard not to when I read all that you said here.
  As for she has been wanting me out of her house since day one, then that was not just a surprise but I wondered why and said ah it's because I write my remarks to the world as well as strangers. Words for some reason really have an impact when I use them as I do at times. But, at my age, I have no other way to fight for how I feel and believe except with word, as it not only makes me feel better as thousands of people like reading about my life. But, also lowers my blood pressure, but when I have seen the dog cage go out the door and then the puppy on the rope being taken to a car, I said what the hell. All because I let the poor thing out when I got up at night. 
  I then started to think like the first time was because the baby was hard enough and she could not handle all the dog and baby also. Said nothing except what I said already wanted to train as best as I could so they had a great animal for the kid or kids in the future. I was asked to help even then told not to interfere we will do it ourselves. I said fine and back to my room and doing as I always do. Causing problems by telling the truth as to how I see it. I am really concerned for the second kid as it was hard enough for one. In fact, since I wrote that letter of her baby should not be crying like it does, and others also said the same thing. Ask a doctor what seems to be the problem. You know since My ex-Pat also wrote something she even got in and defended me as well as many others to tell the damn doctor. Well, I guess she did, as the baby seems to have calmed really way down to being normal like most babies. What really is normal anyways. Having raised so many kids as well as changing poop shitty diapers, I even at my age still remember. None of mine ever cried like that. 
  I have heard nothing as of this letter in reply to yours as to be out by the end of the month. Which is not a problem what so ever. But, having to smile daily and give good morning good afternoon or good night and she felt this way since day one? I never speak or even go into the house or kitchen until there in bed asleep and normally once a day for ice if need it. But, I don't eat till 1-5 am even then go out and get something if I really need something to eat. But, I don't use nothing that so ever of there's and if I do like a pan for boiling water for macaroni. Best I ever used of there's and washed the same day as used and put back away even before they're out of bed.
  I don't complain except to your brother for her setting the fire smoke alarm off because she's burning all her food all the time. All she needs to do is turn in the ceiling fan o remove the smoke, but by that time she has both doors open wanting to stop the smoke alarms. She cooks full meals as does your brother, Majority I never eat unless it's Corey's tacos. Then I even think about how they were cooked. But, they eat out a lot and never do I go as just won't as told your brother I am not interested and know people too well. I know your brother does love her as she can get him to do anything. I mean anything too! But, if she is going to go for the big dollars and doesn't have that same love as your brother then your brother best be brave enough not to ever give her a divorce no matter what. He willnever make it, but he can still keep that love as he wishes and just needs to be a little stronger and not blame family all the time. As I said I have never said a cross or bad word and always  gave her the benfit that she was being mistreated because she is a nigger or black African or whatever there called today.
  Hopefully this will npt cause your brother to forsake is job no matter what. He needs to do what he feels is best nd grow up and also take control and teach a twenty year old kid that she can't waste like that especially with another kid on the way.I pay your brother $30.00 a  onth as that is what he wanted for the phone he got me for my birthday. Didn't want it, but he wanted to and fianlly I asked what he pays. I never paid more than $30..0 every three months for my last phone even. But, this one does have a lot more than my last one. I also pay him $40.00 a month for the internet service since were all on the y-5. Well, was until I arrived home and just going to leave the tv go until your brother gets home. She had to shut it down for what reason no idea, and don't care as able to watch same on computer anyways.
  I am ready to move anytime of the day that your brother is ready to load up all my tuff and take me back to my home. He made a call last night then stopped and think he was going to talk, but seems he is going to also just wait and see what the hell is happening.  He can't keep taking stress like this when he is working as he will ruin his life is allows whatever is happening to keep going on. You saying she is going to get that old man out of here one way or another and not a single word from her as to that being her feeling. I know she is like any kid and wants all that is hers as any woman would.
  But, just so you know I am glad you let me know as I had no idea till I came home and see the tv went out again. My computer was still up and running so the reason I know it was done on purpose. The rest of your letter as to visitor T resa and your daughter was strange as your daughter did act a bit strange for the first time when I said hi and did he brother come and she acted like she wasn't supposed to talk to me. Felt bad, but what the hell maybe it's just old age. Never think for a minute I don't love you granddaughter or your kids my great grandkids. You know better than that. You already know how I live after all you lived with me even up here.
   If I missed something that you wish for me to clear up then say so, as I will. But, no my letters are not set to self-destruct. When I say something I normally think it out before saying anything. Besides only the truth is best no matter what.

Rumors run rampant here in Monett. Received exploring letter five pages, but the only pic. half left behind. when received I was an hour drive away or would have saved it. But, as shown in public as knew something like that would happen, but never use the phone for such things as those people will discover will get them into real problems with the changes in the laws. But, computers are a fair game still. Grandson just popped in, seen I was here and popped right back out? Hmm, wonder what that was all about. . Long letter for only people that really know me and what was stated earlier, will understand. By the way, Corey stated you Misty had already paid the dog deposit on the other dog has thrown away? That didn't make sense, as I asked him about that even. Take it you did not? No this is not posted, but here. See cable is shut off as well. No problem only pay forty for internet and thirty for the phone. I figured the gals were having fun and didn't hear a lot about this. Heck, the two girls stayed up all night even doing her hair with Anita. Guess I will find out Monday is the word now. Nope, still said nothing or even let on that I know what you told me Misty. But, was surprised. Oh well, not going to let that bother me as I said I stay always to myself, plus never will help in any way after seeing as well as reading and hearing of the knife aimed in my back and I do nothing but say what's what on this computer. John List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new facebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at: 

Friday, June 29, 2018

You working for $17 hr. Your an idiot

June 29, 2018- Friday
                   Old Man going to piss many off.
              Poopy Poverty-Wage Jobs - $17hr and below

Attention Dear Reader: Flag all the poverty wage posters on the job section! A "great starting wage" is not $12hr. Come on, folks. Wake up. Don't tolerate poopy poverty wages anymore. If you make a poopy poverty wage, wear a badge with your name and wage on it so the people can see. Rise up. Be strong. Don't be sissies. Enough!!

Attention employers: Post your poverty wage upfront and stop wasting people's time. Don't be ashamed. And what is your meaning of stating a "competitive" wage? Competing with the other poverty wage payers? Secondly, stop with your ridiculous 3 pages of on and on duties only to pay your poverty wage without even offering a free toaster, and stop trying to create some fancy job title to con the poor workers into thinking they're special and all that, or telling them they're professionals and experts and pushing all this psychological ownership/teamwork nonsense so they can make more profits for the Masters.

Here's some sound advice, if you operate your business EFFICIENTLY then you will have plenty of money to pay your employees a livable wage. And be nice too! Absolutely no reason for the common rudeness going on nowadays. If you need help with your manners and how to not run a Mickey Mouse operation, then do contact me. You also need to explain all the negative comments on Glassdoor and Indeed about your behaviors and your Mickey Mouse operation.

Furthermore, employers who pay below poverty wages and expect workers to be compensated with "tips" need to stop that cruel practice immediately. It's not everyone else's responsibility to pay your employees. It is your responsibility and you need to pay them appropriately with a living wage.

The following are not only poverty wage payers, but they are constantly hiring:
Quest Diagnostic
Taxi drivers
Bus drivers(school, labor, city)
All Fast Food McDonalds
Kentucky Chic
Jack n Box
Burge King
Pizza Hut
Family Restaurants
Yard maintenance
SRC (all divisions)
Mid Am Metal in Rogersville
American Products in Strafford
Lowe/Bass Pro boats in Lebanon (and all other Lebanon companies)
EFCO in Monett and now Springfield
Kraft via Kelley Temp.
John Deere Reman
CNH Reman
Redneck Trailer
Red Monkey Foods
FedEx (their own employees and Independent Contractors)
1st Choice Courier (also endangering the public by encouraging drivers to go faster)
ABC Legal (also doers of violence by delivering hostile paperwork, which makes them partakers of the violence and threatened violence. No, the messenger is not innocent. Without the messenger, the violence cannot be carried out. )
Northstar Battery (This company has made commercials to try and get people to work for their poverty wage.)
Loram, some non-union railroad maintenance says this: "COMPENSATION: THIS POSITION STARTS AT $14.00 PER HOUR FOR NEW HIRES Time and a half is paid after 40 hours per week. Typical work hours are 12-14 hours per day and 70-75 hours per week." Appears Loram is using one worker to do two $7hr jobs. This is how companies get away with paying below minimum poverty wages - just add more work to the employee. Btw, Loram is responsible for all auto accidents caused by overworked Loram employees.
Nationwide settlement solutions/Nationwide Transfer

DFA and Hiland pay a little better at about $20hr, but their overtime requirements are a safety threat to not only their employees but to the entire general public, as workers are driving around with little if any sleep. Management is personally responsible for all auto injuries and deaths associated with lack of sleep.

This list will be updated. Of course, the majority of businesses in the area could be listed as they are poverty wage payers.


And you employees who work for poverty wages need to stand up and do something rather than acting like sissies and defending your oppressors with your pathetic excuses. All you have to do is stand together, walk out, and demand a living wage. If EVERY poverty wage employee would do this, then the employers would be forced to pay a living wage or simply go out of business. It's not that difficult people. List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new facebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Old Man's Blood pressure falling Poor Pup!

‎Wednesday, ‎June ‎27, ‎2018

The response added Thursday, June 28, 2018

                     Last, of month Old Man's story-Blood Pressure out or off the chart!

                              Another pet is given up on Again;

  It's so sad people want a pet and when it comes to taking care of them is a problem. I look at animals as kids, if not able to handle a kid, then wait before having one or more. Hell, I was in my late twenties before having kids. Now of course at 72, it was no easy task, but my wife and I had a pleasure fighting over whose turn it was to get up at all sorts of weird hours. Of course, we both did, after all, we both brought the kid into the world. Yes, we even had pets. Not just one dog but a couple and chickens as well as rabbits and mice and rats even snakes. Now that is what you call keeping busy. Today kids are so strange wanting this and that and yes I can do it and take care of it, no problem. I started out training that puppy by housebreaking it, the was told please don't let the dog out of it's sleeping cage. Which I would be up, so I would let the poor puppy go outside and finally had it trained to want to go outside and never went into the house with me at all. If it did with the married couple then I have no idea. After all being 72 years old you try not to get underfoot or make it look like your taking control. When you're a grandparent it is no easy walk when you see things that you don't agree with. So, after so much of it, you say something and of course get people pissed off. But, as I said I let it go for a very long time before doing or saying anything. I wanted to continue training that cute puppy and once you're told not to let him out when you get up. We want him to learn to go outside when we get up. What difference does it make how many times you let a dog out of its cage. Hell. when they get up they just tired it to a rope and left it outside until bedtime and right back in the cage. Yes, I had to say something about tieing that poor puppy up on a rope as well and was told we want to do it differently and it is easier when we have a baby to take care of. What the hell was I even offered for in the first time they brought it home from someone wanting to find a home for it. Sad, very sad is all I can say, and know I am sure they're not going to get another animal until the kids are at least able to dress themselves. Then just maybe the kids will get a live pet. I felt after seeing how they did the first puppy that was freely given to them that there was no way that it was going to work. They had it locked up in a room by itself and papers covered the whole floor in case it went to the bathroom. Nope, not training that what at all. Had nothing to do or even seen it except when they left the door open. But, house training if they were not even trying. Never seen it even ever go outside one time. Maybe they were going to toilet train it but didn't even attempt to do that even.

  I use to sit outside with this new one for hours just watching it run around free. Correcting it if it went too far to try and let it know not to go past a certain line. Then mom would come out and sit with it and say I can go inside. I said ok, fine. Not wanting to, but hey there dog. But, tried to start and even said I would help and seems that if I did they got upset because it was not the times they wanted. Weird and stupid as I did tell my grandson. When he said not to let the dog outside as it won't get used to our time. Our time? What time? They have no time. Last week they have stayed up till 2am. Hell, mom was doing her hair and this is no joke for a day in a half. Stayed up all night placing her hair in some sort of bangs or knows or something. Women never know what they're up to when it comes to their hair. Just say nice and move on I learned over the years. Then we have another girl of twelve come up to visit and a smart one at that. Complains my tv is too loud after there up yelling all night in the kitchen playing cards and go to bed two am and then mon stayed up till 1-2 am next few days. No idea why, as I get up any time from midnight to two for my pills and heck most nights I don't even sleep always doing something on the computer or talking to others also confined as I am in there house. Always check within others as to refresh my brain when they raised kids if they cried for hours and of course never as I was told by medical people I worked with and an ex also that even said she had to pinch her two to see if they could cry one time even. Between us, we raised nine kids. Things made so simple nowadays that it would have been a breeze for us if we had to throw away diapers bottles food and so on. Damn throw away diapers? We had to clean ours out by hand washing before placing in the washer even. Yup, we had lots of cloth diapers and they worked out great. She has another one due in a few weeks, yea just had one and not even a year old another on its way. I asked grandson how why so stupid. The protection didn't work. Yea, I am really dumb after all the protection just fell out or whatever the story was starting to go. Said I don't want to hear it. Told you when she is still bleeding than when will become PG again. Going to be fun watching this. Now wondering how she is going to drag two kids when she wants to go shopping to buy things. Hard enough for taking one baby but two. Going to be fun as know it will give me some great stories for sure. Can't wait till this little girl can talk. Then I have a five-year-old grandson and his brother is my older grandsons brother and never knew my own kid was just as a dump and had another kid in his forties. Yea, he is a pistol and glad I see him for a few minutes a day then lock myself in my room and when leaving I am right there waving hurry back. lol, Other great grandkids I don't see as much as Corey's sister also has a life and doing something all the time as well having to take care of dogs and some other strange animal that I think is a weasel. Those take a lot of care and attention or they get really wild if not careful. Yea, my kids had one of those even an owl and so many wild animals that we save from who knows what.

  Well, I sure feel bad for that puppy but whoever gets it this next time hopefully has someone that really wants to have a pet animal and able to show attention and raise it correctly. Like to hear what you think on this as well. After all being 72, you're always wrong as you know from the thousands of letters posted here.

                               FIRST RESPONSE TO HOMELESS PUP

I must think about this one awhile. Above all, I hope the pup gets a good forever home.  Someone who will appreciate who and what he is. It doesn't take much to learn to give and take on both sides of the fence. A dog doesn't ask but for a little food, water, and a place to call their own.  We can provide this with little trouble if they provide us what we need. Some who is glad when we come home, if we take them for a ride, to lay at our feet,to absorb our rantings and ravings without talking back, to act as a sponge to our tears and our hurts.  But most of all for our egos when all is well.  They know. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, pay attention.  Bev's dog was a rescue dog 12-5 teen years ago/  Bev cared but didn't care.  This little lady, I mean that, a little lady.  BUT she did with what she had, Jeff brought her over here, to nice of a dog to put down.  Sharri and Rissa trimmed 10 years of matted hair, long hair with burrs and People say "sores from her.  She was cold the first couple of nights, had to learn how to get along with Howard, Sharris big red dog, and now she listens to everything!  Even gets a bounce and excited if she is going somewhere. Next time, suggest they get a little older dog from the shelters or the SPCA.  Pups and little children don't mix. Respect goes both ways,  they both need to know enough to understand. people think " oh Ill get the kids a pup" That's wrong thinking in my book.  An older dog would be good for you- to talk to and care about. Hell I was like a pup, let out of my cage, tried to do my best in showing everyone I could work hard, cared about people, just wanted food, a bed, someone to pat me on the head, but no one wanted a bitch with a litter of pups. Not sure just what went wrong or how I caused it, sure wanted to be wanted, up till a couple of years ago. Its strange how I thought those last couple of sentences out.... No one I know had throw away diapers, wash them, sometimes in the tub, stomping like grapes, kept my feet clean!I even took pride in hanging my wash correctly. Thank goodness yours were pretty good kids, like mine , till they got older.  We should have put them all together when we brought yours home. But then again....there were reasons. And my John, your ex.?  I have a paper that says......
signed by you.  Whats one of my good songs?  Life is just a bowl of cherries, sure had some good ones this year!  Tonight a friend gave some nectarines, small but delicious.  Jeff Harmon brought over a homemade cake for Rissas birthday. Went down to S.S.and over to the welfare office to get a medical card.  When I got home I came in an sat.  Couldn't hardly see the comp and I sure as hell could not read my book. I thought my eyes had not adjusted from bright to dark, closed my eyes for a few but they were the same when I opened them,  Thought. man I am having a problem... took my glasses off, crap, they were my dark glasses. Stupid.  The big box on top of the pole across the street just blew, sounded like a cannon, scared me a lot, dogs ran out back, our big protectors!  Someone just said a bird did it, feathers all over. Well my John, I have probably talked your eyes sore and your rear sore from sitting, Always with cares and thoughts   Me List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.

The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.

Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Family member given away again!

‎Wednesday, ‎June ‎27, ‎2018

                     Last, of month Old Man's story-Blood Pressure out or off the chart!
                              Another pet is given up on Again;

  It's so sad people want a pet and when it comes to taking care of them is a problem. I look at animals as kids, if not able to handle a kid, then wait before having one or more. Hell, I was in my late twenties before having kids. Now of course at 72, it was no easy task, but my wife and I had a pleasure fighting over whose turn it was to get up at all sorts of weird hours. Of course, we both did, after all, we both brought the kid into the world. Yes, we even had pets. Not just one dog but a couple and chickens as well as rabbits and mice and rats even snakes. Now that is what you call keeping busy. Today kids are so strange wanting this and that and yes I can do it and take care of it, no problem. I started out training that puppy by housebreaking it, the was told please don't let the dog out of it's sleeping cage. Which I would be up, so I would let the poor puppy go outside and finally had it trained to want to go outside and never went into the house with me at all. If it did with the married couple then I have no idea. After all being 72 years old you try not to get underfoot or make it look like your taking control. When you're a grandparent it is no easy walk when you see things that you don't agree with. So, after so much of it, you say something and of course get people pissed off. But, as I said I let it go for a very long time before doing or saying anything. I wanted to continue training that cute puppy and once you're told not to let him out when you get up. We want him to learn to go outside when we get up. What difference does it make how many times you let a dog out of its cage. Hell. when they get up they just tired it to a rope and left it outside until bedtime and right back in the cage. Yes, I had to say something about tieing that poor puppy up on a rope as well and was told we want to do it differently and it is easier when we have a baby to take care of. What the hell was I even offered for in the first time they brought it home from someone wanting to find a home for it. Sad, very sad is all I can say, and know I am sure they're not going to get another animal until the kids are at least able to dress themselves. Then just maybe the kids will get a live pet. I felt after seeing how they did the first puppy that was freely given to them that there was no way that it was going to work. They had it locked up in a room by itself and papers covered the whole floor in case it went to the bathroom. Nope, not training that what at all. Had nothing to do or even seen it except when they left the door open. But, house training if they were not even trying. Never seen it even ever go outside one time. Maybe they were going to toilet train it but didn't even attempt to do that even.
  I use to sit outside with this new one for hours just watching it run around free. Correcting it if it went too far to try and let it know not to go past a certain line. Then mom would come out and sit with it and say I can go inside. I said ok, fine. Not wanting to, but hey there dog. But, tried to start and even said I would help and seems that if I did they got upset because it was not the times they wanted. Weird and stupid as I did tell my grandson. When he said not to let the dog outside as it won't get used to our time. Our time? What time? They have no time. Last week they have stayed up till 2am. Hell, mom was doing her hair and this is no joke for a day in a half. Stayed up all night placing her hair in some sort of bangs or knows or something. Women never know what they're up to when it comes to their hair. Just say nice and move on I learned over the years. Then we have another girl of twelve come up to visit and a smart one at that. Complains my tv is too loud after there up yelling all night in the kitchen playing cards and go to bed two am and then mon stayed up till 1-2 am next few days. No idea why, as I get up any time from midnight to two for my pills and heck most nights I don't even sleep always doing something on the computer or talking to others also confined as I am in there house. Always check within others as to refresh my brain when they raised kids if they cried for hours and of course never as I was told by medical people I worked with and an ex also that even said she had to pinch her two to see if they could cry one time even. Between us, we raised nine kids. Things made so simple nowadays that it would have been a breeze for us if we had to throw away diapers bottles food and so on. Damn throw away diapers? We had to clean ours out by hand washing before placing in the washer even. Yup, we had lots of cloth diapers and they worked out great. She has another one due in a few weeks, yea just had one and not even a year old another on its way. I asked grandson how why so stupid. The protection didn't work. Yea, I am really dumb after all the protection just fell out or whatever the story was starting to go. Said I don't want to hear it. Told you when she is still bleeding than when will become PG again. Going to be fun watching this. Now wondering how she is going to drag two kids when she wants to go shopping to buy things. Hard enough for taking one baby but two. Going to be fun as know it will give me some great stories for sure. Can't wait till this little girl can talk. Then I have a five-year-old grandson and his brother is my older grandsons brother and never knew my own kid was just as a dump and had another kid in his forties. Yea, he is a pistol and glad I see him for a few minutes a day then lock myself in my room and when leaving I am right there waving hurry back. lol, Other great grandkids I don't see as much as Corey's sister also has a life and doing something all the time as well having to take care of dogs and some other strange animal that I think is a weasel. Those take a lot of care and attention or they get really wild if not careful. Yea, my kids had one of those even an owl and so many wild animals that we save from who knows what.
  Well, I sure feel bad for that puppy but whoever gets it this next time hopefully has someone that really wants to have a pet animal and able to show attention and raise it correctly. Like to hear what you think on this as well. After all being 72, you're always wrong as you know from the thousands of letters posted here. List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:



Tuesday, June 19, 2018

CPS taking more children even border crossing

Is This Audio of Detained Children Crying for Their Parents? ProPublica published a surreptitious recording of distressed immigrant children inside an unnamed detention facility. CLAIM An audio clip captured distressed immigrant children crying for their parents in a detention facility. RATING CORRECT ATTRIBUTION ORIGIN On 19 June 2018, readers began asking about an audio recording of distressed children in immigration detention centers, crying what sounded like “mommy” and “papa” in the custody of border authorities: In regards to the audio of the crying children being detained at the border. I find it odd that the media now posting only “mommy” cries. Humm, a Spanish child I would think would cry in their own language “mama'” and daddy “Papi” A fake audio? It sure seems as though. This is all over the news right now. Is the “leaked audio shows terrified kids ripped from parents at the border screaming in agony for their parents” true? What is the provenance of the 7-minute audio clip that is circulating on Facebook titled “Leaked audio from a detention center housing immigrant children separated from their parents?” When and where was it recorded? Can anyone translate Spanish? Associated with it is a petition at Thank you for your work to verify fact versus fiction! A version of the recording was published to Facebook by the page Occupy Democrats on 18 June 2018. In that post, the mostly-Spanish dialogue was captioned in English and cries of “Mami” and “Papa” were captioned as “mommy” and “daddy” (many Spanish speakers call their mothers mami as well as mamá, just as many English speakers may refer to their mothers as mommy or mama or mom): At the bottom, the text read: “TRUMP SUPPORTERS: ARE YOU PROUD OF THIS?” The post included the following caption: EVERY American needs to hear this. 😢 From ProPublica: “The desperate sobbing of 10 Central American children, separated from their parents one-day last week by immigration authorities at the border, makes for excruciating listening. Many of them sound like they’re crying so hard, they can barely breathe. They scream ‘Mami’ and ‘Papá’ over and over again as if those are the only words they know.” Occupy Democrats provided the name of the source (investigative journalism outfit ProPublica), but no link or any additional information. On 18 June 2018, ProPublica published an article (titled “Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border”) reporting that the outlet had obtained audio from inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility. An audio-only clip of crying immigrant children and border authorities uploaded with the original article was more than seven minutes long: ProPublica’s reporting detailed some dialogue captured in the recording: … The baritone voice of a Border Patrol agent booms above the crying. “Well, we have an orchestra here,” he jokes. “What’s missing is a conductor.” Then a distraught but determined 6-year-old Salvadoran girl pleads repeatedly for someone to call her aunt. Just one call, she begs anyone who will listen. She says she’s memorized the phone number, and at one point, rattles it off to a consular representative. “My mommy says that I’ll go with my aunt,” she whimpers, “and that she’ll come to pick me up there as quickly as possible.” The outlet reported that the audio recording was captured at some point during the previous week inside an unidentified Customs and Border Protection detention facility by someone who wished to remain anonymous: The audio obtained by ProPublica…. was recorded last week inside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection detention facility. The person who made the recording asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation. That person gave the audio to Jennifer Harbury, a well-known civil rights attorney who has lived and worked for four decades in the Rio Grande Valley along the Texas border with Mexico. Harbury provided it to ProPublica. She said the person who recorded it was a client who “heard the children’s weeping and crying and was devastated by it.” The person estimated that the children on the recording are between 4 and 10 years old. It appeared that they had been at the detention center for less than 24 hours, so their distress at having been separated from their parents was still raw. Consulate officials tried to comfort them with snacks and toys. But the children were inconsolable. We contacted ProPublica to determine if any additional information was available regarding the audio recording, but have not yet received a response

Monday, June 18, 2018

More like a terrorist organization

‎Monday, ‎June ‎18, ‎2018


Orange Park, FL — The Clay County Sheriff’s Department is receiving heavy backlash on social media this week after making a video of a SWAT raid in which hundreds of thousands of dollars of police resources were used to bust a handful of kids who had some marijuana.

In the ominous video that looks more like a terrorist organization threatening its enemies than public servants solving crimes,  Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels taunts his massive militarized police army and how it was just used to kidnap a bunch of young people for having marijuana.

Masked men carrying AR-15s, multiple Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles equipped with battering rams, and what looked like an entire platoon of tactical soldiers were all dispatched Friday morning to the home to serve a narcotics search warrant.

In the video, Daniels claims his raid netted him 15 arrests. However, according to arrest records, only five young adults were charged.

As the ‘copaganda’ video begins, the person filming is at the other end of the street and filming the entire scene. There are more than a dozen kids sitting on the sidewalk in disbelief at the massive army that was just deployed to bust them for having marijuana.

“Are you kidding me?” one of the detainees says as the cop walks by filming them.

As the person filming walks down the street, it looks like a scene out of Fallujah, Iraq. However, these ‘soldiers’ weren’t going after dangerous foreign terrorists or even domestic child traffickers, or murders, or anything of the sort—they were going after kids selling a plant.

Standing between two MRAPs and in front of a small army of masked men is the Sheriff who is waiting patiently for the cameraman to arrive so he can gloat to the world about using hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of taxpayer money to arrest some kids with pot.

“I say it time and time again,” Daniels said in the video. “And folks don’t seem to believe what I’m saying. As the sheriff of Clay County, I’m telling you that if you want to commit crimes in the county, you’ve got options: You can stop what you’re doing. You can leave Clay County. Or, you can be on the receiving end of this.”

The sheriff then walks into the home—with baby pictures on the wall behind him—to issue his ominous warning and flex his almighty drug war army.

“One day,” says Daniels, “You’ll be sleeping at night, or early one morning and you’ll hear a bang and a lot of noise. And, the end result and outcome will be me, standing in your living room like I said, drinking my morning cup of coffee.”

Daniels then takes a big swig out of his coffee mug and responds once more by gloating to the camera. “Fifteen going to jail—three big gulps.”

After the raid, the sheriff’s department posted the video to their Facebook page where the internet proceeded to tear them apart. In the description under the video, the department claimed to have “seized heroin/fentanyl, marijuana, drug paraphernalia and other evidence related to narcotics distribution.”

Although they claimed to have seized heroin/fentanyl, TFTP pulled the arrest records from the raid and not a single person was charged with possession of heroin or fentanyl.

–Devontae Joseph Robert Gibson, 21, Middleburg: Charged with possession of less than 20 grams of cannabis
–Joseph Abraham Hand, 21, Orange Park: Charged with possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana and narcotic paraphernalia
–Haley Autumn Thompson, 21, Orange Park: Charged with possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana and narcotic paraphernalia
–Avrion William Lippus, 18, Middleburg: Charged with possession of more than 20 grams of marijuana and narcotic paraphernalia
–William Edward Endres, 30, Orange Park: Charged with ownership, lease or possession in or manufacturing a controlled substance

William Endres was the homeowner which is why he is facing the serious chared listed above.

After the video was posted to Facebook, the department received far more backlash than praise.

“This was hillarious. Thanks for the morning comedy. Great to see all you big bad swat members busting out windows of some little kids. GREAT SHOW OF FORCE. Yall must have been excited to find something to do. Brought every truck availble. Good job managing resources. And if this was a big bust wouldnt you be proud to show it off? Where is it?” one Facebook user asked.

“I’d like to say good job, but Militarization of police, and how they use their military toys and training against citizens, is becoming a major problem in this country,” wrote another.

“The stupid belief that the war on drugs can ever be won …your bleeding the American people on both sides…those raids cost hundreds of thousands of dollars only to put them in prison where they get 3 hits and a cot on the tax payer dime also …” wrote another.

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Deadly heat wave to hit USA July-August 2018

Are we ready for the deadly heat waves of the future?

When days and nights get too hot, city dwellers are the first to run into trouble

June 18, 2018
hot city
HEAT ISLANDS  Heat claims more lives than floods, hurricanes and other weather-related disasters. How will cities cope as temperatures rise?
Some victims were found at home. An 84-year-old woman who’d spent over half her life in the same Sacramento, Calif., apartment died near her front door, gripping her keys. A World War II veteran succumbed in his bedroom. Many died outside, including a hiker who perished on the Pacific Crest Trail, his water bottles empty.
The killer? Heat. Hundreds of others lost their lives when a stifling air mass settled on California in July 2006. And this repeat offender’s rap sheet stretches on. In Chicago, a multiday scorcher in July 1995 killed nearly 700. Elderly, black residents and people in homes without air conditioning were hardest hit. Europe’s 2003 heat wave left more than 70,000 dead, almost 20,000 of them in France. Many elderly Parisians baked to death in upper-floor apartments while younger residents who might have checked in on their neighbors were on August vacation. In 2010, Russia lost at least 10,000 residents to heat. India, in 2015, reported more than 2,500 heat-related deaths.
Year in and year out, heat claims lives. Since 1986, the first year the National Weather Service reported data on heat-related deaths, more people in the United States have died from heat (3,979) than from any other weather-related disaster — more than floods (2,599), tornadoes (2,116) or hurricanes (1,391). Heat’s victim counts would be even higher, but unless the deceased are found with a fatal body temperature or in a hot room, the fact that heat might have been the cause is often left off of the death certificate, says Jonathan Patz, director of the Global Health Institute at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
As greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, heat’s toll is expected to rise. Temperatures will probably keep smashing records as carbon dioxide, methane and other gases continue warming the planet. Heat waves (unusually hot weather lasting two or more days) will probably be longer, hotter and more frequent in the future.
Beyond deaths, researchers are beginning to document other losses: Heat appears to rob us of sleep, of smarts and of healthy births. “Heat has the ability to affect so many people,” says Rupa Basu, an epidemiologist with the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment in Oakland. “Everybody’s vulnerable.”
Many people see heat as more of an annoyance than a threat, but climate change, extreme heat and human health are entwined. “There might not be a huge burden of disease from heat-related illness right now in your community,” says Jeremy Hess, an emergency medicine physician and public health researcher at the University of Washington in Seattle. “But give it another 20 years, and it might be a more significant issue.”

Nowhere but up

The number of days each year above 95° Fahrenheit (35° Celsius) is expected to rise across the United States, and average summer temperatures will reach new heights if greenhouse gas emissions remain high. The maps below compare late 20th century temperatures to projections for the mid–21st century.

Adaptation has limits

The human body can’t tolerate excessive heat. The biological and chemical processes that keep us alive are best carried out at a core temperature of 36° to 37° Celsius (96.8° to 98.6° Fahrenheit), with slight variation from person to person. Beyond that, “the body’s primary response to heat is to try and get rid of it,” says Jonathan Samet, dean of the Colorado School of Public Health in Aurora. Blood vessels in the skin dilate and heart rate goes up to push blood flow to the skin, where the blood can release heat to cool down. Meanwhile, sweating kicks in to cool the skin.
With repeated exposure to high temperatures, the body can become more efficient at shedding excess heat. That’s why a person can move from cold Minneapolis to steamy Miami and get used to the higher heat and humidity. But there is a limit to how much a person can adjust, which depends on the person’s underlying health and the ambient temperature and humidity. If the outside is hotter than the body, blood at the skin surface won’t release heat. If humidity is high, sweating won’t cool the skin. Two scientists proposed in 2008 that humans cannot effectively dissipate heat with extended exposure to a wet-bulb temperature, which combines heat and humidity, that is greater than 35° C.

In New Delhi during a May 2015 heat wave, a man wipes his brow. That year, heat claimed more than 2,500 lives in the South Asian country.
Forced to regulate heat without a break, the body gets worn out. Heat exhaustion leads to weakness, dizziness and nausea. If a person doesn’t cool off, heat stroke is likely — and likely fatal. The ability to regulate heat breaks down and core body temperature reaches or exceeds 40° C. A person suffering heat stroke may have seizures, convulsions or go into a coma.
No one is immune to heat, but it hits some groups harder than others. The elderly, considered the most vulnerable, have fewer sweat glands and their bodies respond more slowly to rising temperatures. Children haven’t fully developed the ability to regulate heat, and pregnant women can struggle due to the demands of the fetus. People with chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity can have trouble dissipating heat. And, of course, people living in poverty often lack air conditioning and other resources to withstand sweltering conditions.

Collateral damage

Weather dangers

Although tornadoes, floods and hurricanes tend to get more attention, U.S. heat fatalities top the list of weather-related deaths in the 30 years since heat-related data were first reported.

Source: National Weather Service 
Researchers are discovering more ways that heat can hurt. Take sleep: The onset and duration of sleep is sensitive to temperature. The body cools down as it prepares to sleep; this decrease in core temperature is a signal to bring on the z’s. Body temperature stays low throughout the night, then rises just before awakening. A good night’s rest is a cornerstone of health.
Hot nights make for bad sleep, according to a study combining responses to a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sleep survey of 765,000 U.S. residents from 2002 to 2011 with data on nighttime temperatures during that period. The higher the nighttime temperatures, the more nights respondents reported getting too little shut-eye. The effect hit low-income respondents and the elderly hardest, the researchers reported in May 2017 in Science Advances.
The ability to think and calculate may take a beating in the heat, according to a small study presented in January in Austin, Texas, at the American Meteorological Society’s annual meeting. Researchers from Harvard University tested undergraduate students for 12 days — the time before, during and after a heat wave. Twenty-four lived in buildings with air conditioning and 20 in buildings without. The researchers assessed how quickly and accurately students performed an addition and subtraction test and a test that asked for the color of a written word, rather than the word itself. During the heat wave, the students without air conditioning got about 6 percent fewer correct answers on the math problems and 10 percent fewer on the color problems than the students with air conditioning.
Heat may even increase the risk of stillbirth. Researchers with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Md., analyzed weather data and more than 223,000 U.S. births from 2002 to 2008. During the warm months of the year, a 1 degree C increase in temperature during the week before birth was associated with about four additional stillbirths per 10,000 births, the researchers reported in June 2017 in Environmental Health Perspectives.

In July 2014, a worker in Las Vegas cools off with a wet cloth during a break from her outdoor advertising job. Hot days are expected to become more common.
As heat gets vicious, it threatens to disrupt the fabric of society. Extreme heat — beyond a wet-bulb temperature of 35° C — could become more regular in South Asia and the Persian Gulf, rendering parts of those areas uninhabitable, according to studies in the August 2017 Science Advances (SN: 9/2/17, p. 10) and the February 2016 Nature Climate Change. It’s not hard to imagine that there will be profound societal and political instability “in a world where tens of millions of people have to move and are looking for cooler places to live,” says Howard Frumkin, a physician epidemiologist specializing in environmental health at the University of Washington.

Emerald cities

Fifty-four percent of the world’s population — and around 80 percent of U.S. residents — live in urban areas. Cities are where some action to combat heat can be taken now, says Brian Stone Jr., an environmental planner and member of the Urban Climate Lab at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. “If we’re waiting for the national government to signal it’s time to do this, we’re going to wait too long,” he says. “We are well into a world that’s been altered by climate change.”
Heat thrives in cities. All of the nonreflective roofs, walls, roads and other surfaces absorb and retain heat during the day. Waste heat, emitted from air conditioners and vehicles, concentrates in cities too. Together, these factors contribute to what’s called an urban heat island, an amplification of heat that occurs within cities. On average, a city with at least a million residents can be 1 to 3 degrees C hotter than surrounding areas. At night, the temperature differences widen. Cities may be as much as 12 degrees C hotter than surrounding areas in the evening hours, because cities release built-up heat back out among buildings and avenues.


These Landsat satellite images show urban Atlanta on September 28, 2000. The core urban area is at the center of the images. The left side shows areas of vegetation (green), bare ground (brown) and roads and dense development (gray). The heat map on the right shows the areas of densest development also have the hottest land surface temperatures (red), near 30 degrees Celsius. The areas of heaviest vegetation are the coolest (yellow) due to evaporation of water and shade.


City planners can rid their locales of some of this heat with several strategies. One is to plant more trees to create shade for residents and structures. Trees also lower the air temperature by transferring water from the soil through the tree to the air. The surrounding air is cooled as the water changes from a liquid to a vapor. The process is “much like the way sweating works for our bodies,” says George Ban-Weiss, an environmental engineer at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Another strategy is to reduce the amount of sunlight that city surfaces absorb by using “cool” materials on exposed surfaces. The best known are cool roofs, which “reflect more sunlight than usual,” says Ronnen Levinson of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, Calif., who studies cool surfaces and urban heat islands. In general, to make a surface cool, you make it lighter, with coatings or other light-colored materials. For example, a white roof that reflects 80 percent of the sun’s light on a typical summer afternoon will stay about 31 degrees C cooler than a gray roof that reflects only 20 percent.

Cool top

A light roof (top) reflects more sunlight and can thus be dozens of degrees cooler than a dark roof.

Giving buildings cool-surface makeovers counters the urban heat island effect and reduces the temperature inside a building. “In disadvantaged communities, people simply may not have air conditioning to help them ride out hot summers,” Levinson says. Cooling off the insides of buildings is “where I think the greatest potential benefits are for improving human comfort and health,” he says.
Stone has estimated how many heat-related deaths could be avoided by reducing urban heat island effects. In 2016, he and colleagues produced a report for the city of Louisville, Ky., that analyzed the impact of adding 450,000 trees, converting 168 square kilometers of surfaces to cool materials and more. The researchers estimated that areas of the city could reduce average summertime temperatures by as much as 1.7 degrees C or more. And based on the 53 deaths Stone attributed to the city’s unusually warm summer of 2012, there could be 11 fewer deaths from heat, a reduction of 21 percent. “When we get a big heat wave,” Stone says, “that could really translate into hundreds of lives.”
Many cities in the United States and abroad are working on tempering their urban heat islands with a variety of strategies, including programs to install cool roofs or plant more trees. The city of Los Angeles now requires that new or replaced roofs for homes and other residential buildings meet a solar reflectance index value — a measure of a materials’ ability to stay cool in the sun between zero (black surface) and 100 (white) — of at least 75 for flatter roofs and 16 for steeper ones. Through a provision in California’s building energy efficiency code, cities throughout the state have been converting flat, commercial roofs, like those on big-box stores, to light-colored cool roofs when a new topper is needed.

Sun-day in the park

The cooler hues of Central Park jump out of this otherwise red-hot map of New York City heat on a summer day. The built areas of the city are around 10 degrees Fahrenheit higher than tree-filled parts of the park.

New York City has planted a million new trees since 2007 and committed additional funds to adding even more to streets and parks. The city also has coated 0.62 square kilometers of roof surfaces white since 2009. The city of Ahmedabad, India, where about 25 percent of the residents live in slum communities, announced a heat action plan in 2017 that includes a cool roofs initiative to paint or otherwise convert at least 500 slum household roofs and to improve the reflectivity of roofs on government buildings and schools.
Measures that tackle the urban heat island effect also make cities more energy efficient (by reducing the cooling needs inside buildings) and more comfortable (by shading city residents). Individual cities need to implement strategies that make sense for their landscapes, their water resources, their usual climate and their populations, Ban-Weiss says.
But ameliorating urban heat can only do so much. There will still need to be a worldwide push to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Ban-Weiss and colleagues estimated how much cool roofs could counter warming from climate change in Southern California. Assuming that greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase, the widespread adoption of cool roofs in the Los Angeles metropolitan area would offset some of the warming expected by midcentury, the team reported in 2016 in Environmental Research Letters. But by the end of the century, Ban-Weiss says, the cool roof benefits “become mostly dwarfed by climate change.”

Saturday, June 16, 2018