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Monday, February 14, 2022

Drunken Bitch using her own kids.

 ‎Monday, ‎February ‎14, ‎2022

                                       Children paying mom's rent?



When a disabled person who was receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) dies, the money that they were receiving can go to his or her dependents, including a spouse, children, and even elderly dependent parents. (SSDI is a monthly disability payment that is provided to individuals who have sufficient work history; see our overview of SSDI. These benefits, known as survivors benefits, are not available to the dependent relatives of SSI recipients.)

  Hershel and James Kemp/Johnson ,paid their mother's rent. Hershel paid $150.00 and James paid $200.00. Find and good, no problem after all I could care less who pays for their rental room. I just get pissed when I am told stories from both kids.

  Story from Hershel is my mom no longer has any money to pay for her rent so whe has some place to live I Hershel and my brother James will be making the payments as described above. 

  I did not say a word, but this goes to show you what type of person this mother is, when I know she gets exactly the same checks every month that her husband gets. Making it hard on James her oldest boy in his thirty's working and also has to pay fines and shooling fee's as well as rent and his own food and bills monthly. Having to give $250.00 a month towards his mothers rent, and she gets to drink hers daily! 

  I could have corrected this lie right then and their that Hershel stated it's hard on us and he even had to pay $75.00 for his dad's ashes and even making payments on his dad's goodby to heaven price in thousands of dollars as he calls it. Ok, whatever. He does not work and has not held a job for six months let alone a year in his adult life. Lives off his married shack up women with benefits from his old lady and two kids. Sure his old lady takes care of her husbands Hershel's story and gives him money.

  Now, James does the same, but at least lives in FortSmith Wy from the leechers of his family. With a little investergation both kids can see his mother will continue her life drinking daily, nightly until her death as well. States she is seeking work and needs rides to another town thirty minutes away instead of getting job locally to cause hardships on her kids transportation. Mother won't do that of course.

  When she gets on her drunken bitch arugements with anyone and anything she is a freak if just not mentally unstable or even probably crazy bitch.

  Last night I heard her go off as normally she does that John (me) owes me pot ware and kitchen ware because he threw all my away. No idea whet the hell she is saying, but ever since I had this place cleaned up of eight years of junk now all her stuff just today came up messing, and this old man did it.

  Took thousands of dollars to clean up eight years of filth from  this person and now she is settled with income to continue living her stupid living if drinking is living. Ricky another renter feeds her stories that I (John) threw all her stuff in the trash. If she didn't clean up after herself then I cleaned up by placing everything in to the trash. Two drunks really together makes a crazy nest or is that one flew over the coocoo's nest? 

    Hopefully her kids will learn soon that she has a credit card or SSI card to drink daily from her dead husbands SSI checks. Not to mention everything paid by state as well as SSI. She really thinks I am stupid, wish she would find another place as soon she is going to pound and yell at my closed door one time to many and will be sent to jail to dry out before coming home to start he drunken bullshit. Just a warning and thousands of people read this blog as it is great storie so I am told.

Saturday, February 12, 2022


 ‎Saturday, ‎February ‎12, ‎2022

            BLACK HILLS ( 

    Places Near Rogers, AR with Black Hills Energy Inc

Lowell (9 miles)

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How do I find someone's blog?

If that doesn't work, you can find the blog with a search engine; just enter the company or person's name followed by the word blog. Some sites put their blog at the end of the domain name, such as A simple web search for Google's official blog shows that you can find it at blog.


Cave Springs (13 miles)

Pea Ridge (14 miles)

Bella Vista (15 miles)

Arkansas Western Gas Company, also known as AWG, serves more than 150,000 residential, commercial and industrial clients. It is a natural gas local distribution company that provides services to customers in northwestern, north-central and northeastern Arkansas. The company operates over 10 offices in Arkansas. Incorporated in 1929, Arkansas Western Gas Company offers a variety of gas products, such as fireplaces, grills, water heaters and dryers. Its service area includes Baxter, Benton, Boone, Crawford, Marion, Madison, Poinsett and Stone counties in Arkansas. The company also provides online billing and payment options. Arkansas Western Gas Company administers weatherization and low-income home energy assistance programs. It works in collaboration with several natural gas equipment suppliers. In addition, the company offers online energy saving tips. Arkansas Western Gas Company is a part of SourceGas.Extra Phones

Fax: (479) 524-2951

Black Hills Gas Company is more of a credit approval checking for getting into long contracts. Never think for a minute that they take care of those of us, that have lived in their homes as well as paid them off and that their failing to be as new or at least good credit standards. They only want to finance people that  can continue to pay on long contracts over time. Much like majority of companies with company run names and business license for over payments to get you into debt if not future bankrupcy or forcing to sell to those able to afford to get improvements made on demand. I have tried twice now asnd again found that I have to make costly repairs before so called free sealing of air in windows or walls or vents can be inspected and repaired with a long contract of charges payable over time. Of course after a thousand bucks on repairing a closed off room was the first denial of a free inspection, because the air would circulate threw the house with my Central Ir/heat until and possible effect health conditions and not knowing the mole souce could be a hazasr to the workers runnng the sealing inspection. Until I get a safe clearance inspection done on type of water mold then they Black Hills Engency could not start the inspection.

Now, as I stated my property is old, after all I paid it off years ago before retiring on limited income called Social Security and  luck to even get a pension of less than Two hundred a month on top of my Social Security that my past employer and I both paid into. Now in the theats to be done away with in the future. I am sure that this small mold spot found in a closet that I have never been into for months even as too hard for me to get around. Last time in there was to turn down the water heater to prevent rentals of rooms from wastering gas and electric on running hot water longer than needed for their showers. Gas and electric Heating systems are costly in owning them. But, way too expensive to replace if having no problems. Upon checking waterheater which by the way was replaced by Sears when they were in business. But, a mold spot probably from a leaking water tap next to the kitchen sink. Will be repaired over time, just not enough funds to get a $150.00 hour plumber at this time. Cheapest one so far that I found. I have to save and cut in order to get a lot of items up to par or working condition month after month. Then if have a disaster,  then really have to figure out what is next. At seventy-five years old I am tkane advantage of even by my own family wanting something or they can't do it. Reason I write on things here since 2010, and especially use blogs more than diarys or story telling so those fmilies can remember the lie's and bullshit they have pulled on me. Which by the way is still in here and always will be. Not like web pages that are able to be closed from going broke or out of business.

  As mI have been up since 0100 this morning and thinking how Black Hills Engency is a money grubing business and nothing more, all I can say check them out for yourselfs and stop telling untruths how good they were to a few of you. Which will be only messages seen in their reviews, no matter where they are loacated in the states. Check them out and learn how and exactly what type of fraud they really are. Meanwhile I need to get some bleach and start scrubbing this closet wall in my bedroom for the safty of air circulation around the house. Which has been doing so for over twenty plus years or more. Meabwhile need to safe for a plumber and hopefully one that will charge for the job and not by the hour. After all some people like Black Hills gas company can take hopurs setting up just the tools they will be using.

Payment methodAmex, Discover, Master Card, VisaOther Link

  List of every that I have written (over 3000 so far). Want to be sure that your messages are seen no matter how many years pass? Then Start free today

Even better, just use any search engine and enter my user names that I may use for certain items. johnlewis1946 or lewis1946 or thesmoke1946 or the smoke and if wish to check in certain search engines enter or or lewis at or and so on. Have fun.

  Everything you want to know about me. blogger johnlewis1946 on any search engine.

                                    BLACK HILLS PROGRAM




Friday, February 11, 2022

Can you help us?

 Can you help us? That is the question when I reply to anyone. It may be a friendship it may be my family you hungry. We have no place to live and no money and the shelters are full.

 That is the question when I reply to anyone. It may be a friendship it may be my family you hungry. We have no place to live and no money and the shelters are full.

And today after spending hundreds of dollars on getting a room repaired because of the trashy people I had in there. Supposedly this company black something black electric or whoever came over at 10:30 this morning. They were going to help me seal all the cold spots in the house. After checking out the water heater in my bedroom which is located in the closet. I was told I have mold here and did I know it? No I did not know that but I’ve sold him ever go into that closet as it’s hard for me to get around. Well he went on says until that mold is cleaned and the other spots around the house repaired we cannot see any way of helping you out. I didn’t think you could after all I don’t have no money I’m 75 years old living on Social Security  and saw that I can do it to pay the bill should I do to inherit because of filthy cockroaches people that live here and never took care of anything and my trusting that they would. Of course he gave me that sad story until you did something more repair work there’s nothing we can do.  I told him I didn’t think so and have a good day. I still have a lot of things I have to get taken care of but I’m getting to the point to throwing my hands up in the air and saying fuck this world and all the money grubbing freeloader Russian scammers  and start living off my Social Security and small pension and just traveling traveling travel. Won’t be much travel since I get sick so much and had a bad spell last night to where I almost didn’t make it to bed before I was getting ready to fall on my face again . Think I may have had a small stroke because I could not even read my fat ass up high enough to get in the middle of the bed. Furring that I would slip off the side of the bed it would’ve been hell trying to get me up off the floor . I could not feel my toes both of my legs seem to give out finally after 1530 minutes I was able to move my legs and stood up and sat back down so I guess my circulation was starting to get enough oxygen or blood or whatever. I have no idea what it is  but have not checked my blood pressure in a few days and I never do that until the nurse or the doctor tells me to take them again for a week and then send them in. Even then I don’t feel like doing that half the time. In fact I have to take my pills since I’m just thinking about it of course I’m a few hours behind . Then I get all the emails from people saying don’t you care my family starving I need help please please and all that other crap. Oh finally I just sent them a notice no I’m 75 years old I no longer work for a living it’s all that I can do to be living even . The money I get from the government and my small pension from my last job does not last long when you have property to take care of that has not been taken care of for years by people that you trusted and needed a place to stay not to mention paying them 700+ dollars a month . Finally have it in decent enough shape. But can’t do too much more till I get paid again March 3, 2022. Tasmania you know I write these blogs to blow off a lot of steam so that I won’t go out and hurt someone. Hurt someone?  Yeah right. I think I better go in and take my blood pressure medication because I’ve been sitting out here in my car for a few hours now just looking at the sky and wondering what the hell this country is coming to not to mention award be starting very soon  war I mean. Since this is voice activated it’s no telling the description so used in my speech of how I feel today. Oh this is enough for today. I think I will start going to old bloggers from now on getting tired feeling sorry for everyone including myself  when knowing there’s other people out there worse off than I ever have been. If you liked my blogs which I checked already I have over 7000 of them under different names different subjects and I’ve already explain how you can find them. They deep back to 2011 and they’re mostly crime and dishonest cops and sheriffs department government corruption  and people taking advantage of everybody else.

Money Scammer by old dude

 ‎Friday, ‎February ‎11, ‎2022

                           Biggest Money (free) Scam known!


  This Scammer, has all sorts of packages to send you. But, no such animal will arrive, plus only money is what you send him for any amount you want. Your asked to pay for the delivery in advance.

   This is not and never has been a government agency nor is Willy Stardom anything but a freaky old man wanting as much as he is able to scam from you. nHe also wants any proof from you like a drivers license or any type of government id. Social security number, bank names and accounts for direct deposit even when he will send . That is never sent in the first place.


Saturday, July 7, 2018

PBS attack

‎Thursday, ‎July ‎5, ‎2018
Happy Fourth of July to Family & Friends
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This video contains the material at issue, but the material is in the public domain or is not eligible for copyright protection.
This was a news broadcast to the public. Criminal scaling the statue of Liberty on the 4th of July 2018 is public broadcasting for all. PBS doesn't own this as it appeared yesterday on Fox and CNN news even
I have a good faith belief that the claim(s) described above have been made in error, and that I have the right(s) necessary to use the contents of my video for the reasons I have stated. I have not knowingly made any false statements, nor am I intentionally abusing this dispute process in order to interfere with the rights of others. I understand that filing fraudulent disputes may result in termination of my YouTube account. I understand that my video will be viewable by the claimant(s) so that they can review my dispute.
John Lewis
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2:24:20 - 2:29:35  play match
Dispute in progress. Claimant response by Aug 4, 2018 List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
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Thursday, July 5, 2018

You tube dispute over news?

‎Thursday, ‎July ‎5, ‎2018
Happy Fourth of July to Family & Friends
Please verify the following information:
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This video contains the material at issue, but the material is in the public domain or is not eligible for copyright protection.
This was a news broadcast to the public. Criminal scaling the statue of Liberty on the 4th of July 2018 is public broadcasting for all. PBS doesn't own this as it appeared yesterday on Fox and CNN news even
I have a good faith belief that the claim(s) described above have been made in error, and that I have the right(s) necessary to use the contents of my video for the reasons I have stated. I have not knowingly made any false statements, nor am I intentionally abusing this dispute process in order to interfere with the rights of others. I understand that filing fraudulent disputes may result in termination of my YouTube account. I understand that my video will be viewable by the claimant(s) so that they can review my dispute.
John Lewis
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2:24:20 - 2:29:35  play match
The dispute in progress. Claimant response by Aug 4, 2018 List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at: 

Coverage at Military Base, This Female Reporter Nearly Hit by Helicopter

Coverage at Military Base, This Female Reporter Nearly Hit by Helicopter

Flash-bang grenades were thrown by Antifa

Civil Unrest Is Here: Violence Erupts In American Streets As Progressive Leaders Urge Their Followers To “Rise Up” And Prepare For A “Summer Of Rage”

On Friday, Michael Moore went on Bill Maher’s HBO show and suggested that the U.S. military would side with progressives in a civil war against Donald Trump.  You can watch Moore make these comments on YouTube right here.  The very next day, Antifa thugs violently clashed with pro-Trump conservatives that had gathered for a prayer rally on the streets of Portland, Oregon.  Flash-bang grenades were thrown by Antifa activists, the police confiscated “mace, clubs, gloves with reinforced knuckles, batons, knives and handgun clips”, and many were injured and had to be taken to the hospital.  The violence was so dramatic that some are actually calling this the first skirmish in America’s next civil war.  Last week, a shocking poll found that 31 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a civil war in America within the next five years and that 59 percent of Americans believe that Donald Trump’s opponents will resort to violence.  But after the events of this past weekend, we no longer have to wonder if civil unrest is coming to America.  Civil unrest is already here, and it is going to get much worse in the months ahead.
The next several months are being billed as a “summer of rage”.  Progressive leaders continue to insist that they are “the majority” and that it is time for them to “start acting like the majority”.
Of course they aren’t talking about mobilizing voters and taking the country back at the polls in November.
Instead, they are talking about more direct action.
For example, Michael Moore told Bill Maher that if they don’t act now, Americans are going to deeply regret not rising up against “fascism” while there was still time to do so
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore was fired up on Friday night’s “Real Time,” telling host Bill Maher that now is the time to stand together to stop the “madness” in the Trump administration, even comparing it to the dystopian world seen in “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
“We are living ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’” Moore said. “This is a serious point. The best part of the show is the flashbacks, where she tries to figure out where was the point where it was too late. Where was the point that if we all just had risen up, just done something? But because it happens in little increments. That’s how fascism works.”
And Michael Moore certainly intends to be at the tip of the spear.
In fact, he also told Bill Maher that he plans “to join a million other Americans to surround the United States Capitol” to protest Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court.
Of course we don’t even know who the nominee will be yet.  There are rumblings that it could be Amy Coney Barrett, and if that is the case the left is really going to freak out then.
Chris Matthews of MSNBC is speaking in apocalyptic terms as well.  He says that this is a time “to fight”, and he is convinced that “it’s gonna be almost like Spanish Civil War stuff”
“So I would say I think this is gonna be the fight of the century,” he told MSNBC. “I think the Democrats have to say no way. No one passes this line. I think it’s gonna be almost like Spanish Civil War stuff – you watch!”
“It’s time for Democrats to play Hardball,” he added. “I’m Chris Matthews and I’m urging them to do just that. There are times to fight and this is one of them.”
I don’t think that most conservatives really understand what is happening.
These radical leftists are ready to put their lives on the line.  They are entirely convinced that Donald Trump is another version of Hitler and that Trump supporters are all a bunch of fascists, and they truly believe that they need to do whatever is possible to fight “the rising tide of fascism” in this country.
The following excerpt from an opinion piece by Charles M. Blow in the New York Times is a glimpse into how these crazed progressives currently view Donald Trump…
He is a racist who disparages black and brown people, whether they be immigrants, Muslims, people from Haiti and Africa, Barack Obama, the mayor of San Juan or Maxine Waters. People equivocate about it and excuse it.
He is attacking the press in the most aggressive of terms so that what they reveal about him will be viewed with skepticism.
He is attempting to weaken our institutions, our protocols and conventions, our faith in the truth, our sense of honor and our respect for the rule of law.
To these progressives, there is no greater cause then resisting Donald Trump and trying to take America back.
During his conversation with Bill Maher, Michael Moore insisted that the “moment is now” and that this movement is something worth giving your life for
“What are people willing to commit to? What would you give your life for?” Moore said. “What would you be willing to actually put yourself on the line for? That moment is now. We are going to lose our democracy if we haven’t already. We have no choice, my friends. We all have to rise up.”
When people are ready to die for a cause, suddenly they will do things that they would not normally do.
Normally, Americans do not throw flash-bang grenades at one another, but that is precisely what happened in Portland over the weekend.  Trump supporters that had gathered to pray were caught unprepared for the violence that erupted, and one woman was entirely convinced that Antifa had come down there to “try to murder us”
‘They were throwing rocks, they were throwing bottles, you need to tell the truth,’ one middle-aged woman in a Make America Great Again hat said after the clashes, addressing media in remarks caught on camera.
‘No one on our side did anything violent, everything was self defense,’ she claimed. ‘You guys have to stop it because you’re encouraging these people to come down here and try to murder us.’
You can watch five minutes of footage from the Portland riot here.  Even though I have been warning that this is coming for a very long time, even I was greatly shocked by the ferocity of the violence.
The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted is rapidly disappearing, and it is going to be exceedingly hard to stop civil unrest from erupting in major cities all over the nation.
As I end this article today, let me leave you with an ominous warning from a progressive that was just published by the Washington Post
The backlash is coming. It is the deserved consequence of minority-rule government protecting the rich over everybody else, corporations over workers, whites over nonwhites and despots over democracies. It will explode, God willing, at the ballot box and not in the streets.
You can only ignore the will of the people for so long and get away with it.

Facebook friends I can not add you!

‎Thursday, ‎July ‎5, ‎2018

                            My friends wanted to join My Facebook page?

  All facebook user's please be advised that I am seldom on Facebook, as soon as I get out of their Facebook jail, I post one thing and back to jail I go. All of you asking to join as my friend on Facebook, I can not reply to you and I can not add you as I am stopped from posting to anyone at all for another 27 days now. As I said even then I will be right back as soon as I am allowed to be free. Join my world page at
If OUR Founding Fathers could see what the United States has turned out to be, I would guess they would add a lot more provisions restricting Government in the US Constitution. Our Government is not for the people but hijacked by parasites and warmongers who violate every article of the constitution. Congress declares war, not AIPAC nor the MIC Mafia / CIA / or MSM. Those turds need to be defanged then hanged for TREASON. Dept of Justice is the Dept of Fraud.
Leftists still control the mainstream narrative. They would love nothing more than to declare the entire Constitution to be null and void, a dead letter, written by dead White men.

And, they are working towards that end. They now promote a Mexican socialist, as the “future of the democratic party”.

White people who think President Trump will save America are fools. The Marxists see Trump as a temporary obstacle and the fact that White people want to remain asleep, as something useful.
 It’s up to armed patriots to save this land. No one else will.
The problem is that once these cockroaches are elected to office they become impervious to anything. Look at HRC! Members of the political class can lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, subvert, rape and pillage with impunity.

If you or I did HALF of what HRC did, we would have had our home broken into at three in the morning, our family dog would have been shot and killed, we would have been handcuffed and perp-walked out of our home in our pajamas, arrested, booked and thrown in jail! In short order, we would then be tried and convicted and tossed in jail for about 20 years!

That’s EXACTLY what was done to U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier. He was lucky President Trump pardoned him. He figured if HRC was apparently innocent this guy should be treated the same way.

In actuality, HRC committed numerous felonies; the kind of felonies that used to get you the death penalty. No more. You see, the “Swamp” is so bastardized and intermingled with the left and the right…republicans and democrats that if we were to actually prosecute someone like HRC, she would no doubt take down several others as well. So it’s the old saying…”Everybody else is doing it too!” As a result, they all cover for one another.

Meanwhile, a poor bastard like Kristian Saucier, who has actually made a difference and served his country and actually sacrificed is thrown to the wolves and quite simply told, “The law is the law!” They just left out the last part that says: unless you’re a politician!

There is no doubt that OUR system is the best in the world. Unfortunately, it was created to rely on what the Founders called an “Enlightened and virtuous citizenry who worship God and God’s Law.” That simply no longer exists. Such politicians are few and far between. The norm has become a representative who is elected and previously earns an average living. Maybe a decade later that same politician leave Congress a multi-millionaire on a salary that can not possibly make him one. How does that happen? We all know.

It’s time to have a revolution and start from scratch. Get rid of every politician and civil servant. Update the Constitution with term limits, no lifetime appointments for anyone, no civil service jobs forever that have created the Deep State. Further in no way shape or form should government workers be unionized. The government should be drastically smaller with numerous agencies and departments chopped. This would be a damned good start! Just sayin’.
There’s no doubt the U.S. has a two-lane system of justice, one for “the elite”; quite another for “the plebes”. This must stop.
If we could just get our elected representatives to work half as hard as President Trump it would be a start.
And we absolutely MUST get to the bottom of the crimes of Clinton and associates. They must be indicted and tried in a court of law.
The just-announced DOJ decision that cleared Awan needs to be set aside. This dude probably knows too much but that’s not a reason to let him go scot-free.
I have read through the grandkid’s history books. What passes as history for grade school children is unrecognizable as history to older people. Thank heavens that my son fills in the gaps which are major.

For example, in the R3volutionary W@r, there were numerous non-white, non-male (and every other kind of -ism) people touted as playing major roles. I’d never heard of any of them. It was the same for other pivotal events in the shaping of this country.

If they played the Daniel Boone TV show on a children’s channel, they’d wonder who it was.
Well, Mark Zuckerberg is a piece of shit so what does anyone expect?
Yep we hated King George and his Redcoat thugs. They have hated so much They where ambushed and the patriots killed the heck out of them. And they did much the same. The Declaration of Independence. It was a Declaration of War. Nothing less Nothing more. And the Patriots eventually won. Thanks to the Backwoods Rabble who won the Battle at Kings Mountian. So how did General Washington reward them? He unfairly taxed their Whiskey. And that was called the Whiskey Rebellion. And the Federal Government has usurped its authority by leaps and bounds ever since.
It The Declaration Of Independence is “Hate Speech” Then I’m a hater. and I hate all that call it to hate speech. They can all go straight to HELL!
It is very important to pay attention to this.
Our younger generation is using the computer to learn. Almost all college courses rely on computers. Paper is being eliminated. Though we still have access to paper books, they are becoming more expensive. Some older copies of books are sold for hard to believe prices. This outpricing of an item is a hidden form of censorship.

“Indian ‘Savages’” might have tripped the sensor algorithm.

Almost anything with the word “Jew” can set off the censorship algorithm.
Criticism of Jews is hate speech.

Pointing out that Jews are over-represented in Academia is hate speech. Pointing out that virtually all the people running the Federal Reserve are Jews is hate speech. Pointing out that the Slave Trade was a Jew enterprise is hate speech. Pointing out that the “Melting Pot” was a Jew play, and that “diversity” is a Jew agenda is hate speech. Reminding people that Jews have “opened borders” throughout history is hate speech. Identifying Jews as the primary force behind pornography is hate speech. Pointing out the part played by Jews in the degeneracy of art is hate speech.

Jews own virtually all the forms of communication: Publishing is almost completely in the hands of Jews, and this is hate speech.
Facebook I now rename as HATEBook because it HATES liberty, it HATES autonomy, it HATES free speech, it HATES the Constitution and all Constitutionally protected rights, it HATES dissent, it HATES dialogue, it HATES autonomy, it HATES allowing FREE people to think for THEMSELVES!

Matter of fact, it HATES all of YOU reading this because NONE of your posts would SURVIVE on HATEbook!

Make no mistake, people, its algorithms are HUMAN-inserted, HUMAN-created.

Censorship is Censorship.

The GOOD news is that more and more young people are seeing HATEbook for what it is: a bastion of control, a threat to genuine liberty, and the Public Censor that Orwell warned about.

So HATEbook needs an EXORCISM!

Outside of the real thing, though, the second-best exorcism I can think of is more and more Americans DELETING Hatebook from their lives. I never had it, and never will.

Newsflash: I don’t need Mark Zuckerberg or his HATEbook to tell me WHAT to think, HOW to think, nor to CENSOR what I think!

This is called DEMOCRACY, Mr. Zuckerberg. Take a Civics class, better yet, study your American History. You don’t care about it ANY of that, though, for if you did, your Winklevoss-stolen Facebook idea would be Democracy Book.

You, sir, know nothing about democracy. Your answer to your masters daily.

The good news? All the darkness your HATEbook promulgates cannot overwhelm the light of one small candle, and that candle, sir, is the TRUTH!


Your HATEbook is so DE-evolutionary. It’s actually repulsive.

So we will continue, to TELL the truth, Mr. Zuckerberg, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

SECOND Newsflash: When throughout history arrogant people attempt to MUZZLE the human spirit, human liberty, and human freedom, God’s children FIGHT BACK with both spoken and written words, and when their lives literally become threatened, with bullets.

Patriots understand well the Commandment, “Thou shalt not kill”, meaning they will not lay down and cooperate with their lives being extinguished by evildoers because that would mean they would be permitting their own deaths and cooperate with that evil, thus violating that Commandment.

This is why the evil people (among other things) exploit the tragedies of school shootings in an attempt to make us believe that a gunless nation is a safe nation. Anyone who has studied Adolph Hitler will know that is bull manure.

Yet the evil people care nothing at all about the fact that 450,000 people a year die from another type of bullet: the cigarette bullet!

Conclusion: they don’t REALLY care about our youth, our students. They ONLY care about them insofar as they will USE them to accomplish their AGENDA: to rid the United States of America of its Constitution and its Bill of Rights, two incredible documents that encapsulate all of our God-given rights. List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Are you a resistor or a coward sheep?

Remember the pain hurts still, but if you're right you're feeling great!

  July 5, 2018

I hope everyone had a great 4th and everything went well for all families and friends. This old man made it and as you can see still on this internet after a couple days gone.
Gone meaning because I didn't like my grandson's overweight black nigger lying fat ass that broke the chair I loved to sit in and even looks like some type of hacksaw was used really. No joke will take a photo of that since I just looked at it on the 4th and was going to sit in it even to watch the fireworks even. Ended up sitting in the comfort of the car. Watching our home fireworks as well able to look in rear view mirror to see others doing the same. Sounded like a war zone out here. Of course, Bentonville County sheriff gangsters had to drive by this year. Normally just us they would like to harass but after seeing just about every other neighbor doing as we were. They spot lighter the tattle tail old hags property to see if anything fireworks were burning. Then continued on after all was big enough gang of cars here that night and people not too happy with the crookedness going on in America as well as Rogers/Bentonville. Hell, the whole country really. Some black ass woman nigger even climbed the stature of Liberty and sat there for over two hours while the gangs from police departments were attempting to bring her down off there. Risking the life of these clowns in their gang gear naming their gang affiliation on the uniforms.
Most interesting of all the riots or marchers as they're called in other cities across America. Looked like a few places even had coast guard and even army units patrolling some of these areas.
Better all prepare, after all, you don't really believe this government is spending all this money to create prisons out of the closed Walmart's just for looks. There are even applications in which you can sign up to become a guard even. They're not calling them as such but red the material your able to see a lot of this was taken from Hitler's day even. Of course, this country is even becoming, hell not becoming is worst than Hitler's day. America has more people locked up there all the other countries combined.
Remember New Orleans and they used police thugs and even Military to force people to hand over their firearms and even said if they didn't depart they will force them out and any threats what so ever on any one of them they even said we will kill you. Were only wanting to save your life as well as others and threatening our duties s sworn officers of the law we don't want to shoot you but we will.
I wonder still if I was in that situation what I would have done. Since my attitude is one from Viet Nam I already know I can't take on these thugs one on one. Besides they come in packs like all other coward gangs do. But, even one on one, I will shoot before I turn over my gun. Hell if I am threatened as my son was over ten years ago when I was at work on sheriff election night here in Bentonville. They busted my door down when I was home then they would have been shot. But, since I have stated this when they come here. It won't be one on one when they start to round up the resistors. It is going to happen, people, I really hope that you're preparing yourself. Don't feel there really is any real Americans left. Over 75% of America on some type of government handout. That is all the government needs to control people. A monthly welfare snap food stamp and housing vouchers for those under government care. You're able to see it at all the riots across America. Those thugs wearing badges even were forcing the beat on the citizens marching with their baseball bats and pepper mace spray even. Hundred were arrested. so shows you that resistors were outnumbered and people are going to need to be war planned out as we really are at war, my friends.
If you can't see that your blind as all hell. I am 72 years old and saying why in the hell didn't they start this kind of crap over fifty years ago? Just so sad to see how no one in America cares about all the lives were destroyed across the world by bombing all these countries into nothing. Power corrupts power.
Many Iraq soldiers are seeing it and leaving as soon as their oat of promise is up after serving as agreed and getting prepared to form there own little armies to fight our own armies. It is just too bad that those having that so-called power to take on their own kind because they are under orders. They don't think that there ruining someone's family life.
Just sickening to see how just a handful of thugs with guns can control hundreds at once. Takes at least one man to start to take over these thug gangs. Trouble is no one wants to be the first. After all if the first, will others join in or just watch? I have seen it and many of my commandos also seen it. They stand there and watch one of their own be beaten or killed.
How sad and America is free!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4, 2018: Happy Birthday to a Divided United States of America - Native News Online

July 4, 2018: Happy Birthday to a Divided United States of America - Native News Online

Giant American flag tribute covers man's front lawn for July 4th

Giant American flag tribute covers man's front lawn for July 4th

Monday, July 2, 2018

Grandson has to work grand can wait


‎July ‎2,




  When your ready just let me know! Since you have to work and can't get the u-haul or however you wish to move my belongings. I will pack as much as possible, which I did a lot of the bedroom and bathroom little things. But, way too much for me to lift any of it and you know damn good and well that I can't lift a damn thing for years now. Maybe if you live to 72, you'll learn this, and I know you will.
  Meanwhile, I will go pick up James or Ricky or even Hershel depending on which one is not high or drunk and have them pack the car and unpack my car. As that is all I can do is drive them back and forth. Of course, maybe one trip a day as that is all I can handle, so bed and big stuff can't go till your ready. But, I will start as soon as someone calls from my house.
  No, I am not moving to your dad's either, as not going to put up with this crap that you just want to screw with the lives of people especially your own grandfather. I do remember when your dad moved all your sisters in and your dad and I never got along and you know why. But, I sure as hell never had to make up a story or even wanted to ever kick your kids or your dad out of any of my houses. But, just thinking if I would have sold as you wanted me to so bad, you would have really fucked me over good. But, I have been fucked over so much by niggers all my life, so I already knew what would happen. Again stop using the reason is that I call your wife a nigger. Never have I called it to her face or even wrote it until I was told that she was going to make you make up your mind either her or grandpa. Shit, that stuff is pink inside anyways, so it was straight I would have done the same. No, wait no I would not have as never did with any of your dad's kids or even your uncle's kids, they all had a safe place when little.
  Besides that, I was tired of having to tippy toe around this place because the baby is sleeping or kitchen cupboard dirty. Then if even help was told not to because I know she told you to tell me on many things and you know that as well. Your grandpa is 72, nigger lover kid, and I didn't even say that until now but never think I never thought it all the time especially after her mother heard. They both not only sound like yelling cows, they also look like fucking cows. But, guess something did get you hooked and if pussy and making kids for future life as that is where you're headed. Best get used to living that way as you did while growing up. You're going to head back into that direction for treating your sister and dad as such. Misty may be mad just like you get as well. But, your sister has never lied to me and I would have been living in a lie ever since your cow moved in. Not being man enough or even cow enough to tell me herself that she didn't like me. Hell, I knew that as soon as we met. Hell, her mother and I were even the same and two cows at once, let me tell you it sure as hell was hard for me to smile and say yes or bowing down to these cows. I was sick after seeing both of them that it was nice to have room to hide in those days even.
  But, feels so great that I can say exactly how I feel now about the cows or niggers that I am sure you're going to disown me as well. Really could care less after all a white man with a nigger. No way is what all my friends and you already know how other members of the family feel. After all, you have let everyone know they accept your nigger over the other members of the family or I am gone. Well, you say that now a grandson, but I still love you. But, that is only because your so fucken dumb as most Democrats and liberals are. You're going to collect from your government and probably even make a couple more 1/2 & 1/2 kids for that extra income. After all, there is no way that you're going to be able to make it with three niggers as I am sure nigger mom is calling for her daughter to come back and you also and live there. Then, of course, you will be screwed for life when you do that. But, New York does pay more than any state.
  But, always remember your dad has an extra room, so if things get bad which they will, he is your dad and he will always welcome you home no matter how dumb you get. hell, even your grandpa has space still in his house and you know that. Maybe let you have one of the outside rooms assure your nigger wife will wish to stay far away from me. Which should be easy after all how far have I really gone in the year in a half here at your apartment? Not far at all.
  Just hate the idea of having to rebuy a small refrigerator and microwave for my room. As never leave that room as everything is already there. Sure have done that here then never had to see your pets even.
  At least won't have to hear that damn fire alarm or suffer from the burned fish now. Really a lot of good things coming around to think about it. Just your bullshit I have to work. You also worked when you moved me last time if you think about it, and did it all in a day and had your sister wipe off my stuff before taking it into the house. Noticed that dust as well on the computer table, but going to take the dusk back after all need dusk to feel at home when I finally get there.
  When ready to move my bed then just let me know no matter what day or night as I am up most of the time thinking of what to do next. Maybe start on closet tonight. Medical will have to be done when the bed is ready. Part of my medical is that bed. lol
  Damn running out of words so will think of more as I hear from people. No more lie's your not as good at it as niggers, they are trained from chimps to lie and steal and blame society on their failing to learn to work hard like white people. Even Mexicans work better than white people and were wanting to throw out the hard workers and keep the lazy black bunch. Now, many see how America was destroyed by that nigger Obumma, and he wants to still be in charge to finish off America even. White and honest people just don't have a change. Hell, look at you with another kid already and the first one not even a year old. Yup, I see it all and the future looks really bad. You were doing so damn good and blow because of being taught to become stupid from a monkey.
  Never fear even when I am dead all this crap will always be here to look back on. Just enter my handles and words like nigger or Corey or idiots scum and all those stories will show up. a lot I have not written as am thinking how to make you understand. Hell facebook took just one nigger before placing me back in their jail for thirty days. But, with threats of banned is really scary, but at 72, very little can scare this old asshole. You already know that. Just really feel bad to see how you decided to treat your dad telling him to side with you or your sister. That is nigger talk, and boy you sure are being trained well as most liberals and Democrats are. That is why we can never let Democrats ever take control again. Obumma close and if that Hillary hick got in this country would not be here now. Hell, you would not be in the mess that you're even in. wow, how close we came to destroying America. You already destroying the family. White ball in the table with all those colored balls. Yea, you're going to find it is not going to be easy with your cow and two calves. Love grandpa List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new facebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Don't use that word NIGGER around me!

‎Monday, ‎July ‎2, ‎2018

                                        First time I ever used the word
   Well, if it is a nigger then I am going to call it a nigger and sometimes even worst if it's a nasty mouth taking one like a monkey throwing there shit around because they are black and know white people have to take their nigger shit.
  Well, first I don't use the word as much as when a nigger makes me use that word nigger. I have been thrown off so many times on Facebook because of not respecting a nigger, that it is plain silly.
  Now have a grandson being taught how to lie just like a nigger as he stated that he didn't want to see me post anything about a nigger on the internet. Oh, this was said today by the way. He is a liar just like the nigger he is with even. Here's proof as anyone can look up all my posts by going to any search engine and entering johnlewis1946 nigger. I have been using that word back so many years it is not funny.
  But, to prove it is true that even my grandson is a liar like a nigger for you society brain dead democrats or dumb ass liberal shits here is the first one that I found under the above heading.  then enter johnlewis1946 nigger, notice the space between search subject and the word nigger

Some of you brainless people like my grandson normally can't link such long I used Googles shorter for you brain dead liberals as he is one as well as Democrats as he is one of them as well. then johnlewis1946 nigger. these will be nothing but stories with the word nigger in them from many years ago. After all, my grandson said he told me not to say that nigger word on the internet. No idea what happened to his brain but he sure never did say that as your ability to see years and years of niggers have been used. I should know I have been kicked off facebook so many times I lost count, even left until I heard that niggers were reading my page and the head nigger complained to my grandson. Of course, now he is turning into a good black liar as well. But, even with proof, you know these niggers will never admit they're wrong because there either after something or usually money, but in this case is really disturbing as the whole family is tired up in knots at this time over one head nigger!

  Now this wife he married has been causing a lot of problems in the family and it started the day she got here, but I never said anything and ignored her for my grandson's sake. Never said a word to her or even entered any place at all in her house until she went to bed or left for whatever she does during the day. I locked myself up in my room daily with no company after all can't have anyone here as this democrat is like the rest wants to tell everyone what to do or else. Well, to read this whole story go to  As it is posted there as well as thousands of other places. This is my first post on facebook and probably last for awhile. so copy new location. After all, these niggers will be wanting me off here as most liberals and Democrats get really pissed if their skin is black and a white person still has the courage to call a real true nigger a NIGGER! List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new fakebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at:

Mexican voters going to the polls in historic elections that have been marred by vote-buying and violence

Mexican voters going to the polls in historic elections that have been marred by vote-buying and violence

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Grandfather moving out of grandsons?

Given away like trash. 
Poor puppy, hope he finds a good home,

‎Saturday, ‎June ‎30, ‎2018

                 Grandfather living with grandson/wife

  Before I start, let me first say that I lived with my grandson for over a year before he surprised me and said his girlfriend was moving in. Later, I was told that she is also black as if that was a concern to me. It wasn't as whoever my grandkids live with is their business and not mine. After all t the age of 72, you have learned a lot and know much more. Except grandfather living with grandson and how or why even.
  It was a surprise as well as a shock for everyone involved which was my son, my grandsons dad came to my house and invited me to live with my grandson because he had very expensive stuff that he didn't want to lose after working so long to get them. Took some time for me to decide and had every excuse not to do so. I have my own house, maybe falling apart, but still livable and it's away from people. People humans even family I can take just so much of. 
  Being a veteran and fighting in Viet Nam did change me, but not as much until I was retired and had nothing else to think about. Friends milled and even school friends and personal friends all dying off and many were younger by a couple years even, You start thinking as to things like that when your closest and best friends pass on and you're left alone.
  Not really alone as your kids, children were getting older and becoming your grandkids. They all lived with me off and on in houses that I would buy and rent out for extra income. being a landlord, I don't advise it today as people today have no respect for others property and even default on owed rents.
  I decided heck why not after all a six bedroom three bath place was just too much to keep up even if I did rent rooms out. Finally had a family that our family met when we first moved up here, and they have been family friends ever since. I knew the parents were having problems as most people can't afford rent and bills then be able to eat also. I had two rooms already rented out at $300.00 a month. That helped cover the electric sometimes but still had many other bills that came with owning a home. 
  I decided that it would be nice and maybe even get my blood pressure lower if I was not around so many people daily. I finally accepted my grandson's offer and he moved all the stuff that I needed to his Apt. I was given a from side bedroom in which I could see people coming and going daily if I wanted to watch people.
  Then he marries and quickly to catch up, this black woman which was just 19 when she came and was due for a kid soon. A little girl was born and they also did marry. Why? No idea as they were doing just great without that state piece of paper of ownership of one another.
  My granddaughter, another of my son's kids and also brother/sister of grandson I am staying with. She was upset or in a way a little jealous is how I looked at when her brother said why did you have grandpa move in. What was said was what I figure was the reason to not have so much stress as I did with my own house.
  I was sent a five-page letter that exploded after reading and disappears. Why set that way is because I publish every word of what is going on in my life. Also gives me something to do. No one even knows my address of where I write unless they seek me out for whatever reason. The granddaughter said I was given the notice to be moved out by the end of the month. What why a surprise. Should not have been, but grandsons wife doesn't like me and never did since the first day. Which know also was true as I could see she was like all the other blacks I have ever known. Lazy, useless and wanting what is there's. In this case my grandson and everything in the apartment. Understandable and he was happy so I could care less. But, now wants me out of here, and grandson will be home Monday so I will be here until then. After all, he moved me in and he agreed to move everything at his cost back if even had to. After all on social security and that is main income and all I live on.
  The set up is that I have two spaces in refrigerator one shelf and a frozen section as well. Plus half cupboard space for bottles of soda.
  For live-in grandparents, relearning how to share a kitchen often brings the most fun and the most stress. "When you live on your own, you control meals, including what you eat and when you eat it,". But grandparents also need time to go off and live their own lives. Which I am not allowed as people are not allowed except their friends. Mine never. I'll go visit friends for a weekend, or spend time with my boyfriend. Which when having my own place means I can have who I want over. I must say it is prison like especially with his girlfriend or wife now.  Why she told others and not say something to me is surprising for sure. Of course, since I do write stories of my life situation here, she has been pissed since day one. when if anyone else would just never read what I say and go on with their lives. Of course now since she finally replied for the first time, she comes up with her lie's as she can't ever be truthful about anything I discovered. Telling those in the family I am getting rid of that bastard and he is leaving by end of the month. Not happening until my stuff is ready to leave with me and I am told that will be Monday, July 2, 2018.  Not even grandson has said anything since his sister warned me how his wife has been talking behind my back ever since she came here.
  But, of course, we don't speak and I never have spoken to her except to say good morning or good night as never around her. Felt better than I stayed where I was told as to my space by a grandson. Now am told my son wants me to move in at his spare bedroom with also I have a five-year-old grandson. Said no way, not going through this anymore and plus he has way more rules than my grandson and not going to live by them. In fact now be able to see who I want when I want when I go back home. The only thing missing was someone that Liked me as I liked them and they can't even visit here. 72 years old and told no we don't like the kind of people you like as if I should like the people he has around which I don't for sure now as being a backstabber, she will always be as young as she is I feel sorry for y grandson for real now! List of videos  My videos security tapes Myworld new facebook page Police shootings daily in America My social area, replacing FaceFuck.
The daily news on all murders the persons with badges wear while killing citizens across all fifty states. Listed daily as they happen.
Donations also help if you're able to see yourself clear to donate a few dollars or thousands even then send to Paypal at: 

Freedom? Not all states believe in freedom


New Jersey, not exactly known for giving the people living within its borders freedom, has just passed a law that declares all guns which hold more than ten rounds of ammunition “illegal.”  The state is ordering people to surrender their guns or become criminals.
The Garden State has now tightened the gun already strict gun control laws.  The new legislation gives citizens 180 days to surrender all firearms and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.  If a person should dare to keep their own property, now declared “illegal contraband,” they will be treated as criminals.
The new law comes courtesy of Assembly Bill 2761, which was recently passed by the state and signed into law by New Jersy’s governor Phil Murphy. The bill’s purpose is to reduce “maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds,” and the text states that citizens will have 180 days to comply.  It gives those who own any “contraband” options for “surrender” of their own property:
  • Transfer the semi-automatic rifle or magazine to any person or firm lawfully entitled to own or possess that firearm or magazine;
  • Render the semi-automatic rifle or magazine inoperable or permanently modify a large capacity ammunition magazine to accept 10 rounds or less;
  • Voluntarily surrender the semi-automatic rifle or magazine
Not exactly good choices for those newly declared criminals. The law also states that the “voluntary surrender” process is quite difficult. According to Free Though Project, citizens who choose to “voluntarily surrender” their newly illegal firearms and magazines to police must jump through hoops to avoid being declared a criminal at the time of surrender.  The law states that in order to surrender the weapons without being convicted of a crime, the citizens must give written notice, which includes “the proposed date and time of surrender,” and the weapons must be given to the superintendent or the chief of police in the municipality in which the individual lives.
This law will go into effect immediately with only 180 “grace period” days for citizens to decide what to do with their morally acquired property.  Current or retired law enforcement personnel are exempt from the law, as are those who legally own a firearm with an unmodifiable fixed-magazine capacity of up to 15 rounds as long as they register the firearm with their local police.
[This law] turns one million people into criminals with the stroke of a pen, limits self-defense, and takes away property lawfully acquired. Buy it yesterday, ban it today, go to prison tomorrow—it’s the Jersey way, and the goal of our lawsuit is to boot this law, which makes no one safer, into the trash heap of history where it belongs,” said Scott Bach, The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Club’s executive director, told the Washington Free Beacon. The group will fight back against the new law because they believe it will be “ignored by criminals and madmen,” and will only affect the law-abiding gun owners who are turned into criminals because of its existence.
“Our laws will continue to be able to reach only so far as our own borders,” New Jersey governor Phil Murphy said. “It is not enough … Let there be no doubt our work is far from done.”